Comet Ping Pong, Besta Pizza, Tony Pedosta's Art Collection, Laura Silsby, all this stuff is amazing/horrific...

Comet Ping Pong, Besta Pizza, Tony Pedosta's Art Collection, Laura Silsby, all this stuff is amazing/horrific. We're closing in. However, even if we find a smoking gun within these areas, it's all too complex to sway the public in time for the election in 2 days. Hillary will find a way to distance herself. Too many layers of removal from the Clintons themselves.

So last night I began looking through the years of Hillary's Secretary of State schedule that has been made public (2009, 2010, and part of 2011). Since I only have 2 full years to work from, it's difficult to claim a pattern - but I have found something strange.

>HRC's Secretary of State Schedule -

December 28th 2009 - December 30th 2009
December 28th 2010 - December 31st 2010

On these dates, both HRC's and WJC's location are listed as "Tbd" and "OTR", respectively. They are not classified (see their cellphones for an example of what this would look like), they are unknown or unlisted. This is the only portion of time that their locations are unknown. Even holidays and other days off, we always know where they are.

So where do the Clinton's go for New Years?

Other urls found in this thread:

New Years Eve has been a big holiday for the Clintons. Here is an article from 1992 describing a massive event full of influencial people.


>The casual name tags, required for justices, senators, governors, chief executive officers and presidents-elect alike, are one of the traditions of "Renaissance Weekend," the annual holiday retreat for the nation's best and brightest -- and their children -- that the Clintons will attend this week in Hilton Head, S.C., as they have done every New Year weekend for the past eight years.

It seems that the Clinton New Years Eve party is a long standing tradition in Washington and abroad.

Save for their very public and extravogent 1999 New Years Eve bash, here is the only other article I've found so far detailing Clintons on New Years Eve.


>A short article at colorfully reports that the famous couple was in the Dominican Republic to "hobnob with tycoons at Dominican resorts" around the turn of the year. And while the Clintons are responsible for their own expenses, the U.S. taxpayer picks up the tab for Secret Service protection, and the hotel bill alone for this trip totaled at least $104,093.

This got me thinking, "Maybe they've charged previous years to the American Public as well."

So here is where I ask your help. If you're beginning to see the possible narrative forming from this negative space, please help me find records of previous New Years Eve escapades here:


but hillary always has a sweet grin on her face no way could trump prosecute that because they're best friends

Where have the Clintons been partying for New Years Eve?

where is your god now stormcucks yes they're pedos yes they're evil rotten jews what'cha gonna do about it !? nothing. stormnazis btfo for the millionth time my regards for Jeffery Epstein such a poor prosecuted fellow


there is literally nothing wrong with spirit cooking-it's art. how can Sup Forums be this pathetic. take the money.

for the last time this is a republican smear campaign to smear hillary's name nothing more

>take the money.

white spiritual boy won't take all the money in the world.

> what are you going to do
Rake the leafs

it might be time for you to take a trip to an undisclosed island

>If you're beginning to see the possible narrative forming from this negative space, please help me find records of previous New Years Eve escapades here

Yea sorry I'm not schizo so I don't see any "narratives" in negative space.

rake me up
can't rake up

looks interesting

i know right? schizo disillusioned stormers at it again with their pepes

oh god

it feels like a lot of work to dig into all this government approved stuff anyhow so they're messing around on social medias like all young folk let them be they're only developing into productive members of society

>Large secret New Years Eve parties attended by politicians and tycoons on remote islands.


is that 1kb of rare cp am i vanned now??

ms clinton would like to have a word with you all at her victory acceptance speech

> The details are only now coming to light, but the scheme seems to work like this: huge corporations and wealthy individuals—and foreign governments—donated millions to the Clintons’ foundation, while also paying Bill huge speaking fees, and then turned around and lobbied the administration in which Hillary was a high-ranking official for various favorable decisions that will generate great profits. The projects we’re talking about range from transnational oil pipelines to uranium mines.
> Democratic Party professionals are understandably worried about the atmospherics.

By Carl M. Cannon, May 24, 2015
(cited in Podesta email 50952...)

Is Carl M. Cannon some renowned person?

the alt right at it again with their water filter jews and their re-emerging conspiracy theories whack! nutty.

your all jealous of how successful jews are and better at 4channing then you are

can i get a shirt that reads "i eat white kids what difference at this point does it make?"

Is Carl M. Cannon some renowned person?

No, just another leech white male making his name off the backs of hardworking civil servants.

leaf. chill.

what difference
at this point does it make?

Podesta email 50264 is CC: to jepstein32 at
> We know the Clintons are expected to attend his party ...
(whose party?)
(written by Margaret Talev of Bloomberg)

In Podesta email 49973
> Thinking not to speech but to introduce performers, add little pizzazz.
(if pizza was meant to be the food, what would be a connection of "pizza" and "performer" ?)

you should all end it there is no new jew world order

i'm not sure this approach works, but it sounds interesting

you know why you're in syria you are americans part of something larger doing the hard work of freedom for two centuries
what is at stake is more than one small country diverse nations having aspirations peace prosperity democratic ideas in eastern europe

b i g i d e a

Sup Forums is a threat to decency and humanity

I think it would work. They always bring Secret Service. And Secret Service means that food and lodging will be payed for by the US Gov and searchable on But that site is a behemoth and we only have a couple days left.


it's over no gunmen are going to storm (governmental) facilities

it's over prepare for zion to rape your children over and over

I do this sort of thing for a living.
If you promise to bump for the next 30 minutes or so, I promise to rip this data apart.

Also, for how much fucking time poltards spend on the computer, you'd think most of us would be able to handle data like this.
> computer program called R

These Plebbit users are onto something too but all the threads keep getting down voted into oblivion by ctr.

Keep digging autists.

Just a thought. Before it has believed that Milo Fagopolous is an infiltrator. Is it just a coincidence that his little fuckboy's twitter handle is @PizzaPartyBen?

Is Milo in on this shit, or was his fuckboy acquired through Pizza Organizations?

is milo in on this shit
how fucking stupid can you be? of course. they are less than 1% of the population but able to control the entire nation pretty based.

tfw no torah talmud bible reading sessions mandatory in childhood

give up give up give up these threads go nowhere

Will do.

you're no better than the faggot numale liberals you love to criticize get over yourslelves


shekel shekel

give up give in we have shekels and pizza come join us and stop digging into these affairs oh come on we have nothing to hide

Reminder to filter shills (leafs here by the looks famalams) and keep working.

(Did we meme this into reality too?)

wow good job have a shekel i can be more appealing to anyone who might be passing thru tho




this guy jerks to child porn

as you can see there is no hope now let it go

>2010 – Alex Jones, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist.

Why would Alex Jones go to a secretive Clinton Administration event?

no one will save these children people would rather take selfies at parties y'know?

Alex Jones is a Jew you dumb nigger. You probably bought a M.A.G.A. Hat.

i love feminism and meat

bump for data mining user

bye goys i have important business to attend to i made 0 shekels from these posts here to stop reddits faggotry

woo woo woo -hillary
the wall -trump
your a tough guy -jeb
keep contributing -bernie

Yes, leaf shill. Gb2 plebbit.

We must be touching a nerve. Ever educate yourself? Or you just going to be a good goy and earn your shekels?

You could have a fulfilling life you know. We'll work away here meanwhile.

I promise to bump in the name of American justice.

they don't have any record of USSS spending on that site?? link to data pls

Does anyone remember that strange Nancy Pelosi link to GOAT Hill Pizza?

Bump for American values

no i found the site i mean link to the data the site has on the secret service....

That's what I'm asking help doing. It's not an easy task.

This one?

make a difference. we only have two days. stop being lazy, make the tie, get it out there, we can help

Bumping with unedited Garrison

thanks for the bumps Sup Forumsros
(I'm from Sup Forums but this conspiracy is too epic to miss.)

I don't have any bombs to drop just yet but I'll outline what I've done so far, so that anyone who wants to chip in can do so. (Also, I might be misdirecting my efforts. Let me know if you think that's the case.)

I went to
and got the file for the Department of Homeland Security, since that's what the Secret Service is housed under.

The records go back to 2000. The year 2000 records (the last year Clinton was president) are nowhere near complete but later years (2016, etc.) look like they might be. The seventh column in the data files ("mod_agency") lists the agency within the DHS that gave out the contract, some of which say "7009: U.S. SECRET SERVICE".

I'm working on finding contracts that come from the Secret Service and have a "currentcompletiondate" around new year's, and a foreign "vendorcounrycode".

Any help/guidance/insight appreciated. I have some real world stuff to deal with right now but I will be back at this later tonight.

Do not forget, Sup Forumslocks, we are making history. Right now.

>i'm an expert i'll brb 30 mins with the goods

Surely will deliver

>its fucking nothing


Ain't Garrison. This is Garrison.

Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?