JUST WATCH tomorrow he will unleash 1000 emails that will bring hilldawwwgg down! TRUMP USA OF AMREICA

JUST WATCH tomorrow he will unleash 1000 emails that will bring hilldawwwgg down! TRUMP USA OF AMREICA

How about dropping something of Hillary's or something that easy for normies to understand?

if assange, kimdotcom, nypd, fbi or anyone else has anything that could end her chances of winning, it's close to being too late for it to matter.

do it now.

We've all been played

The penalty for LARPing in Hillary's America is death.

That's entirely too late. A good portion of Americans won't even watch the news between then and election day.

fug u

well, as they say, hope dies last

I've been defending Wikileaks to the hilt, and Ive believed a lot of the LARPers, but let's be honest, its over.

I don't think Pieczenik or Prince were lying. I think there was a counter coup, and i think they did give assange files, which was going to be phase 3, but it was all subdued.

Nobody is releasing anything. This close to the end, and we're all looking like tinfoil hat wearing fucktards. We deserve whatever we get, and it was so foolish to put any hope into the system at all.

So what

Even if he drops an email that clearly states that Hillary is killing kids and jerking off to them

So what

What do you think can possibly happen?
Will she get arrested?

By who?
The FBI who dropped this case a 2cnd time and only opened it a 2cnd time because of regular police officers

Do you think the media is going to cover it?

Do you think anyone that isn't already informed is going to somehow change their fucking opinon

Who the fuck gives a shit at this point

He failed.

Project Veritas has did more to hurt the Clinton campaign than this cunt.

the average idiot/ majority doesnt know or even give a fuck about hilldogs crimes. or the fact she is a satanist and witch. Trumpf is a racist white man thats all that matters in the end

He's Dead.

Yep, shows that media power is absolute. If CNN, Fox, NBC, and CBS don't cover a story non stop, it's just not legitimate in the eyes of the electorate.

Assange literally released an email in which citigroup decided all of Obama's cabinet. I'll say that again: CITIGROUP PICKED THE PRESIDENT'S CABINET FOR HIM. This should have been in the news cycle non stop for 14 day straight. NOBODY CARED.

Control of information is everything. Democracy of the Jacksonian variety is an absolute farce if you hold media hegemony.

The Clinton final hour false sexual harassment charges have mattered because they have the media ready and willing to aid them in spreading it. Assange and Project Veritas and others are limited to the internet and OAN with only a few instance of the MSM drawing attention to it. The left will always have that advantage unless its something super scathing and with concrete evidence like a video tape of Hillary and Bill molesting a 10 year old Malaysian girl and their faces and voices are in 6K HD.

He doesn't have it. He would have released if he did.
It's done. All thats left now is to let nov 8 happen and see what the result is. It's back down to the ballot box.

Excuse me.
Sexual harrassment claims.
The fact all you have to do is have some cunt say a guy did something in the public opinion is a conviction in its own right. Trump isn't being legally pursued. Not unless he wins.

Ain't happening. We have been betrayed.

Board Mixing:

A lot of good Sup Forumsacks were trying to wisdom all over the place but between "CTR" (which was just as much user shitposting) and leddit's infinite earnestness ("Do you think we have a shot, captain?") we did veer wide off the rails.

The election is literally in two days. If this fool had ANYTHING on Clinton she would be in jail by now or at least drop from the election. Face it, dude got shit on her, you been played into thinking he's wating for the right moment to drop the big bombs but the truth is, he already dropped the best he had and didnt even scratched her.

oh wow its another literal nothing

stick to posting pizza island conspiracies trump tards