Middle of election night

>middle of election night
>polls closed in the eastern part of the country
>more and more states are starting to get called, map looks like this
>post yfw

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>NH red
>FL red
>OH red
>PA too close to call
Thats a winning scenario

Unless Trump doesn't get Nevada
I'm not buying the Nevada blue meme, but if this is how the night starts its going to be a fucking nail-biter until Nevada is counted

Face it. It's over.

My dad will never let me live this down

At that point, it would pretty much be a matter of one of Pennsylvania, Nevada, or Colorado going red. I suppose a win would be very possible pending no more shenanigans or recounts in Florida.

The one thing it does guarantee though, is a close election and far from the blowout all the libs keep preaching about. Pretty much would guarantee a Republican House as well and maybe even a Republican Senate pending a couple places voting in line with the party, if not Trump.

That's very good for Trump

I'd be saying it's rigged because WI was getting called democrat before LA was being called

This is a conservative scenario.

NH is going red and one or both of WI and PA will go red as well.

Trump is going to win. Go out and vote.

>florida not the last state in
2016 babby

I'd be ecstatic. If Trump flips NH, wins Ohio and Florida, and takes Maine's second district, then at the very least he has a highly plausible path to 269.

He'd still need the usual red states as well as Nevada and Iowa... but that's doable.

He will not win NH.

Where are the proofs? Go fuck yourself, that's where are the proofs.

He has so many paths to victory.

All he needs CO/PA/WI to go red and it's over.

I feel really good about CO and PA.


Yes, I saw that. This hasn't changed since Friday. Things have changed since then. Call me tomorrow.

Some states in the East will be too close to call until after polls close in the plains and Rocky Mountain states.

North Carolina, Florida, Ohio and Michigan may take a long time to count.

The election may not be called until Wednesday.

Expect calls for recount and lawsuits out the wazoo based on fraud.

This could go on for awhile.

I'm trying to be as pessimistic as possible.

The bottom line is that if he matches Romney's performance from 2012 and flip Iowa, Ohio, Florida, and at least one other state or a few districts, he's got it.

>Things have changed since then.
Yeah he's now +6 in NH, prove me wrong

Anyone else planning to go asleep election night and then wake up when it's called?

I can't handle the suspense

Probably won't be able to sleep till it's over

And why would you want to miss the landslide

fuck I'm gonna be so tired

>tfw will be at work during 4pm - 1am EST


If MI goes red, so does PA and CO
He has a very good chance of that happening, but he doesn't even need them

Do not watch Media. Go Vote

How do you get the shades of pink and blue on 270towin?

I can only change them from red to blue to gray.

the minute I see Trump win, I think i'm going to cry. Godspeed fellow shitposters.

"Whoops, forgot to flip the reality switch on"

MI could go red because of local detroit weather
it's a pretty solid prediction desu

I guess I've taken the msm and /Madame President/ bluepill where I think Trump might lose. I mean, people thought the polls were wrong in 2012.

But I guess watching Anderson Cooper, Rachael Maddow, Megyn Kelly turn into blithering idiots while Alex Jones does massive victory screams and watching Trump's smug face at a victory party would make my life

I think I'd have to watch for that alone.

I don't. PA will stay blue I think.

Why the fuck would that happen? He was only beating her there because of the FBI thing, which has now been cancelled. You're deluded.

click map options

>The election may not be called until Wednesday.
>Expect calls for recount and lawsuits out the wazoo based on fraud.
>This could go on for awhile.

My god that would be awesome to watch

nice speculation there

they have a poll in new mexico with clinton only 3 points ahead here

isnt up for grabs? the poll is only 4 days old
i dont know if the source is trust worthy tho

nice speculation there

is every single person that 'switched' there vote from D to R because of that going to switch back in time? MSM does not have enough time to spin it in such a way that was done when the FBI reopened it.

I can't help but be curious why someone would have this image in their folders.

Only thing that can save Pennsylvania is the mass public transport strike on the election day.

It'll lower turnout in pro-Clinton Philadelphia. Trump will need the suburban, rural and Amish vote in masses.

Trump has a shot, but it's a long shot.

He was only ahead by a tiny margin. Could be erased very easily.

It is going to rain on Tuesday, inclement weather reduces D voter turnout by around 1%. The strike is important, but don't forget, Turmp is polling higher with blacks than any republican in decades.

Trump will win PA. It will be close, but he will win.

People won't go back to voting Clinton because it ended
The reason they left is because of her constant scandals and criminal activities
The damage has already been done, and she's going to loose.

Tfw only staying strong for Kek

Save us o master of digits

If he gets PA, Nevada means nothing

This is what it's looking like

I think PA, NV are red. I also think WI, MI, and NM go red this cycle as well.

If Trump gets 30% of the black vote like LA Times is predicting, IL even has a shot at flipping.




As a reaction face and nothing else I'm sure.

The demographics section of LA Times is absolute shit. They poll like four black people and have them rate their likelihood for voting Trump/Clinton on a 1-10 scale. That's why support bounces between Trump getting 20% and 2%

florida is notorious for having a slow count. colorado's result would show up first before florida.

Pray that she holds PA. Pray that she wins Colorado and Nevada.

Wisconsin has voter id this year, could finally go red



You genius Trump win predictors should start a blog and steal Nate Silver's job, since you're clearly better at it than him. Oh, not to mention all these other analysts with better track records than Silver's who have Clinton at 90%+ win probability.

IL and WI aren't eastern time

So how exactly do polls work? Do they just announce an estimate of what color the state should be or do they actually count all the votes? Because isn't the winner announced on Tuesday anyway?

The winner is "projected" on Tuesday. Florida can take days to actually call. And none of it actually matters because we don't elect the President.

The estimate is based on polling. So if you're willing to believe it on election night, you should just take a look and make piece with the Clinton win now.

That's what I do for my living. I find flaws in their predictions / methods and profit from it. Sorry to tell you, but Silver is wrong and Trump's going to take it. If Clinton was to win, I'd simply just say that.

>Not on shift the day the results get announced.

Feels good man.

It's time to cease this silliness OP - Clinton's numbers in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan,Wisconsin and Florida have collapsed. It's over. Trump will win.


Between trump polling better with blacks and black turnout being down 15%. PA looks pretty good for Trump. Add in redneck trump fever and I think he has it.