Nightwing & Speedy: The Cheshire Contract




wew lad


Later in Dixon's Nightwing Year One, it gets retconned so Dick DID get fired. I really hate that story. That was at the height of the "Batman is a fucking asshole" characterization.



Time for femdom







Now this is just unnecessary.




















This is a pretty good fight. For some reason the late 80's were the height of cool fights in comics that made good use of the panel flow.


More femdom!





Femdom seems to basically be her thing.
That, and nuking countries

And the finale

Coincidentally, one of the other stories in this anthology had Star Sapphire in it

Try not to think about what eventually happens to them





DickFire 4 life, motherfucker

Thanks for reading

When did her hair change color?

I forgot that even happened. Probably around the 2000's Titans series, I remember her hair being black in that.


I remember there being a scene of her telling him he doesn't use guns and something yada yada and he says I'm not Batman


i can barely remember this

Fuck that run was terrible.


And getting pregnant.