What is the right way to interpret this?
What is the right way to interpret this?
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That men who work in trades or own their own business aren't likely to support lefty politics.
The fact that any man ( or human being) would vote for hillary causes a great pang of discomfort within me.
I sometimes wonder if Democracy was simply a mistake. Maybe a constitutional monarchy would be better.
trump does well with dumbasses
>tfw no degree but I still have more money then 75% of graduates with no loans to pay
Feels good man
Fuck off gringo baboso
Trump is going to lose, racists have no place in our current politics
low IQs lead to populist beliefs
America's big IQ test is 2 days away
That there's clearly something wrong with US colleges?
>our politics
men that work hard for their money don't want to have it taken away
also that women shouldn't vote
That "educated" no longer means intelligent.
>What is the right way to interpret this?
Now that ((they)) made the white man the enemy, it is time to split up the white man into separated groups.
Trump will win.
Jewish brainwashing works.
>le college meme
Just because you went to college doesn't make you're any smarter. If you look at the numbers Trump voters make more money on average.
Don't send your daughters to college, Sup Forums.
Schools are extremely liberal to the point that they often won't even let conservatives speak. What's shocking about that?
White women in college need to be executed in order to preserve our race.
White morality is largely based on the liberal Marxist notion of Christianity. The white race is doomed and the Islamification of America is probably the best chance we have to fix the inherent problems that Christian ideology created.
It's a disgusting disgrace to our race, we've shamed ourselves.
Colleges indoctrinate people, and women specifically, most successfully.
That colleges are liberal-brainwashing cesspools that hand out tons of meaningless degrees, while those that spent the same years working in trades and actually interacting in the business world understand what policies will and won't work in their favor.
That the takeover of the education system by the far left succeeded, and they have refined their indoctrination methods.
People who take feminist dance therapy vote Clinton
Working class votes for the only person who doesn't want to fuck them in the ass with a barbed dildo
big fucking surprise
Democracy has a lot of shit baggage, but generally speaking it will allow for very slow improvement.
Absolutism can be amazing with good leaders, but shit ones set you back to the stone age.
Constitutional monarchy is shit, mostly. It just limits the effects of leaders while keeping the democratic model--so any truly great monarch would end up being largely suppressed.
Ever notice how they only do this separated testing on whites?
Care to show me their data on non-college black men? Oh wait - they never gave a shit enough to do that study.
That this election is dividing marriages where both the man and woman have college degrees.
No college degree means you're uneducated and stupid lol, and you should be mocked
Unless you're black or latino, then it's okay because you vote democrat
women are retarded?
Hot women who marry rich men don't want that money going to Shaniqua
Drumpf is going to fucking get destroyed.
>el colombiano
If they have such high IQs how come the majoirty of Hillary supporters are poor ?
Fucking this, permanently BTFO nerd virgins with gender studies degrees
to begin with economics are regional. Areas that have lots of labor and trade jobs tend to be more conservative than areas that only support college educated jobs.
Has more to do with the culture of the area people live in than the education they receive.
Trump wins among normal college grads
Trump loses hard with college grads that also havea low incomes
Those people are essentially the brainwashed liberals you see working in a starbucks or w/e
That women are literally children who do as they're told.
>it will allow for very slow improvement
Not with an ethnic time bomb waiting to explode. You don't have time to improve.
No, Our democracy has failed. We must vote with the only remaining instrument available.
The Tree of liberty cries out for replenishment.
Colleges are rife with libtard professors and weak minded LSD ridden kids
Pretty sure they ask the same questions to everyone in the poll. They probably don't report on it for blacks because there's not as big a difference.
Women are much more susceptible to indoctrination than males. Also that Trump has the white vote on lock, which is odd considering its the only time Hispanics aren't counted in the white category
>IQ means nothing
>Drumpf voters are all low-IQ lolololo topgarzoople! muh intellectual vote
kill yourself
>What is the right way to interpret this?
Cultural Marxism. Men go to school to be domesticated.
>gender studies
that women go to college to learn feminist dance theory and come out more retarded than they went in
American universities are brainwashing centers
Imagine being a man with a college degree and married to a woman with a college degree. His is in mechanical engineering, hers is in english or something.
He's the only one who makes money, but she's convinced her degree has her more in touch with the real world (she wrote papers about it). Imagine when she brings home a Hillary bumper sticker for your car
he only loses with white women with degrees and only by 9 points. These are really good numbers for Trump. Why dont the polls show a bigger lead for him?
Higher education is kindergarten for adults. The actual knowledge you gain comes in with a huge amount of political indoctrination. A lot of people wisen up when they graduate and start to earn an income, pay taxes and support a family with kids. Modern liberals tend to carry on living like teenagers, no kids, so they dont care about future generations or their own people. The silver lining is that we will outbreed them, just have kids, raise em right and do not divorce.
Repeal the 19th amendment
People who spend years exposed to propaganda tend to reflect that propaganda in their political views.
Reminder that Trump voters make more money as well.
Democrats are racist.
If Hillary wins you just blew yourself the fuck out.
Humanities was a mistake.
College turns you into a fucking Marxist retard, and that if you're a woman it gives you a massive victim complex and makes you sexist against men.
Your answer:
As a foreign graduate student in a top-20 university, I can say that undergraduate education here is a fucking joke. Half of the students I TAed are literally retarded.
Maybe places like MIT still have some standards, but these polls do not specify.
That the right is primarily comprised of uneducated idiots who vote based on conspiracy theories and propaganda.
>The white race is doomed and the Islamification of America is probably the best chance we have to fix the inherent problems that Christian ideology created.
>HAHA Christianity sucks, you worship a kike on a stick and Christian egalitarianism made us weak!
>Only the racially egalitarian religion of Islam can make us strong again!
Fucking moron.
> t. uneducated tard who thinks he beat the system because he's a plumber
>Trump voters make more money on average.
Not hard to beat a combination of
a. people of color
b. female liberal arts majors
Women are more susceptible to the liberal brainwashing they are put through in college
people indoctrinated into campus politics vote for hilary
The 19th was a mistake.
>t uneducated retard who thinks plumbing is easier than a desk job
Trump will win
I went to a trade school, became certified in my field after 2 years, and now make six figures despite having no degree. Meanwhile, a sizable number of kids I considered friends in highschool went on to spend 4 or 5 years in a university becoming cucked and are making half what I do. To top it off, they're all voting for a candidate that will make life even worse for them.
AKA Clinton does better with low IQ groups
You're right, it has no place in politics. It belongs instead in a separate sphere of influence - one you will become acquainted with when your shit-skin is being peeled off your writhing, screaming body.
>racists have no place in our current politics
Democrats are totally racists. Reverse Racism is becoming the new normal.
the sad effects of indoctrination.
It is buddy. 90% of the time they snake a clogged drain for 200$
>people indoctrinated into campus politics vote for hilary
i.e. *most* female graduates and *some* male graduates.
I suspect the split is highly correlated with STEMM vs liberal arts
>Calls Trump racist
>Has literally no proof
Troll harder. 1/10.
Hard working people are voting smart?
College cucks you (because of marxist teachers).
Is that why "blue" districts are all degenerate shitholes full of retarded nigger immigrants? Lower Texas, southern California, city districts with majority population of "minorities". Those must be the smartest districts in the world huh?
That graphic is misleading. Older voters tend to favor trump. So naturally those who are older and have a college degree will earn more than younger voters who have a college degree. However, there are more younger college educated voters that support Hillary, than there are older voters who support Trump, which is why the numbers are skewed.,
No wonder Michigan is so fucked up there are millions of people that think the same as you.
If Trump is racist for wanting to keep Sinaloa cartel members out and fundamentalist Muslims out, then I'll vote for a racist.
Women's studies were a mistake
ignorant people prefer trump
That's part of it, and stats do show trump/tea party supporters have above-average incomes despite not going to college, suggesting they are small business owners.
But there's also the aspect of thinking you know more than you do just because you have some money.
>The fact that any man ( or human being) would vote for hillary causes a great pang of discomfort within me.
This might suggest some things you think are true, aren't
It certainly doesn't. But it does mean you've sat through some classes where people explain the complexities of running a modern nation and how the growth of government bureaucracy is a consequence of that, rather than a plot to destroy your muh freedoms
"College" is a pretty fucking meaningless term, but the not-too-bright framers of that piece want you to think that supporting Clinton correlates to intellect and achievement.
If IQ matters, why do you want to import low IQ mestizos and dindus? The truth is the average IQ in higher education has plummeted as standards are lowered to accomodate inferior people. This also make intelligent white men GTFO, embracing neetdom or alternative careers.
College educated people have their personal opinions and introverted thought regularly beaten down by guilt. If I was pushed daily by an authority figure that a certain idea was right or wrong I'd be voting hillary too.
Of course this poll ignores the better candidate, Gary Johnson, but most people are fucking retarded so I guess we just have to deal with it.
Jesus was the lord embodied, could solve all of the worlds problems with a have of his hand and they nailed him to planks and stabbed him. If this doesn't convert you to Atheism, I don't know what will.
All people who make more money will favor Trump.
IQ is an arbitrary measure of intelligence. Sup Forums needs to shut the fuck up about IQ
It's more than just college. Many have gotten through it without becoming a fag.
>dude weed Gary Johnson
>better candidate
College is an Indoctrinating practice that teaches nothing of value
nope. live in rural florida and have done my own plumbing for 10 years
You are a fool. Do you think the rapefugees invading Europe are pillars of integrity? Christianity isn't what has failed the West but the new secular religion of progressivism and the sanctity of political correctness.
So who is the real retard, the one that gets paid $200 to do that or pays $200 for the job.