I hope the Alt-Reich does rise up with their hunting rifles, so the US Military can drone-strike them all and seriously raise America's IQ quickly and permanantly.
I hope the Alt-Reich does rise up with their hunting rifles...
First order of business will be to ensure more migrants arrive in Germany safely. We've got our eye on your nazi problem Kraut.
white middle class that pays all the taxes
yes please lets kill them all so America can sink into nothing
I just want to see this board chimpout all over the site so it gets deleted after Trump gets btfo.
>pol in meltdown mode
i love election season, this is the only time this board is ever worth visiting
Do you know how many rednecks and niggers serve in the US military? Do you realize they think they're serving the people and not the government? Can you imagine with what little resistance some given chairforce pocky jockey would gladly turn that drone around and aim it at congress?
Do you underestimate the impulsivity of the US Military?
I read that as
>selection season
Is that more accurate?
>american military
>prepared to fight and insurgency war
>pic related
>raise America's IQ quickly and permanantly
You what, Mehmet.
>t. someone who is retarded
why would any officer let their pilots fly drones over washington? what kind of redneck is a skilled enough to fly a drone? how would they know where every congressmember lives/ when congress is in session?
What if 'alt-righters' are the people flying the drones?
>hunting rifles
Ohhh Achmed, how sorely mistaken you are...
I met a German one time and was saying to him that I thought it was madness how they took in 1 million "refugees" and he told me that he as a German was happy that they came and I said to him but what if these people breed you Germans out with their higher birth rates and his reply to me was that the German people don't deserve to exist because of their conduct in Ww2. That face to face conversation told me how fucked up and brainwashed Germans are.
That woulod imply an IQ over 20, which none of them can muster.
Shut up, Hans.
And bring me moar white womyn or I will stone your infidel ass to death multiple times.
Remember, you german kafirs are only allowed here because allah in his endless wisedom, saw that we need some slaves to work for us.
I hope Germany keeps doing whatever they're doing
Reminder that drones can't bust down your doors for contraband searches.
The white middle class is not synonymous with the alt-reich. The alt-reich may draw members from it, but it's foolish to go on like the alt-reich speaks for the entire white middle class.
Do you really think those "niggers" in the military would have second thoughts about gunning down members of a racist hate group?
>high capacity baby-killing assault hunting rifles
That's only because they don't need to use doors. Nothing's to stop them from dropping in through the ceiling.
I didn't know the military was 100% niggers.