Really makes you think

Really makes you think..

Am I supposed to be proud of this woman?

And I assume she's single or the Dad is in jail

It's not down syndrome, they're just mulattoes.

Thank you for the lol, was feeling down.

About what

It makes me think the end is near.

Pretty sure 3 and 4 got potato faces

What I see is a parasitic modern female who sponged off the system and got where she is off of a massive support group provided to her by society...
Yet this vapid little whore is taking all the credit like its all her...
I fucking HATE American females...

A degree will not fix your poison womb, whore


>5 kids
>single mom
She and her spawn should be killed.
No, it's two and three.

"graduated college" has become a pretty worthless term. Doesn't imply a good uni or a decent career.

5 kids and 24 wow

You can clearly see her diploma says "State College." That means she passed a trade school.

>5 kids
>24 years old
>implying college is hard

Ugly spic is a glorified sex addict... I wonder who was watching the little retards when she was going to "class"? Probably one of her 60 cousins... they probably save a ton on rent too, seeing as how they all share one apartment. Fucking cockroaches.

Downies are smarter.

>And I assume she's single or the Dad is in jail

I don't see a ring.

You'll have to excuse me, I'm not American.
Does that mean she's a mechanic, nurse, welder, machinist etc?

"state college." Guaranteed her college was completely paid for and extra was given to her by grants for being single, have kids with disabilities, being a woman, and even more if her parents never went to college.

Nothing like pooing in the loo.
OK, I luv her

Make it all go back.

>single mom
>5 kids
>all mixed
>gets pussy pass to go to college (probably grants, too)
>no doubt in debt
>no doubt taxpayer funded everything

Please don't let this be my country's future. Roasties if you're reading this, please don't ruin the west by voting for HRC, and letting this be the norm. It will fucking destroy our potential.

Why didn't she graduate on time at 22 with a BS degree? I'm going to presume it was a 2yr degree anyway

A medical assistant diploma doesn't count cunt


Why should I care about a woman who caused all her own problems in life?

College degrees are easy to get. Even someone stupid enough to keep having kids after two downies can get a degree.

All 5 of those retards are paid for by the state.

>a single mom surrounded by brown retards proud of her useless university degree

modern western civilization in a nutshell


What's the degree in?

There are six retards in the photo


she might've had monogamous sex five times over the course of 7 years.

regardless, im sorry you can't lay anything better than a 3-4/10

>this is our future


Professional welfare leach

Remember goy
Race mixed people are stronger and smarter

The cover says "state college".
She's latino.
She has a littler of brats years maybe even months apart.
I guarantee it's some 9 month diploma in some low level health related job.
I'm a Florida-fag and I see it all the time. A bunch of loser females go to some shit school to be pushed through a program and come out getting paid peanuts and acting like they're big time.

What a fucking failure those kids are doomed to a life of misery unless she locks down some serious beta bucks but like who the fuck would touch all that baggage

Jesus fuck it's not a clown car you fake faced whore

Did you assume it because it was explicitly stated in the photo?


Flaunt that degree in cosmetology, gurl.


He stole some chromosomes and gave to his kids.

Underrated as fuck

Very rarely does Brazil bring the bantz but god damn it that was a good one.

Really? This is supposed to be somehow an inspiring or amazing feat of human achievement?
I hate them fucking additional Ullapool stops/periods that cunts add onto these bullshit statements as well.

Really makes me mad...

All of them should've been aborted

>lives with parents
>major in social studies

yep great acomplisghments


Mfw she probably got a degree in something useless like psychology and her Facebook posts are going to be about how bad the job market is and all the debt she's accumulated is suffocating her.


Sorry. I am tired. Fuck knows what I typed there instead of full

24 with 5 kids is nothing to brag about either.
You've literally forfeited your youth because you either loved dick too much or were a dumb bimbo who got gamed into laying on your back unprotected 5 times.

One of those but I doubt she's a mechanic, welder, machinest, maybe a nurse or a nurse's assistant

>one dad

user I don't even racist meme, but you think its dad singular plz

three of those kids look white though

mixing isn't all that bad, as long as we control the pure blooded black population

brazil practically got rid of all its black people with mixing

And people say welfare and affirmative action doesn't work.

Thanks to the current handout system, this woman who would've surely had to deal with a violent man (as you can see by her mixed-race children, it's obvious that a nigger/spic would've been beating her and abusing the kids) managed to make it herself (with state support obviously), thus sparing the kids of psychological trauma and giving them a bigger chance of making good for themselves AND bettering society as well.

And all of it paid for by the tax payer. :)

I'm inclined to believe all the Children have down syndrome.

having 5 children, two of which malfunctioning, without a degree - as in stable means of income not dependent on another person who could die or leave for a better place, quiter place, is probably the most irresponsible thing I can think of right now. Somebody should make sure that any reproduction of this image mentions that completing any education under such circumstances is the exception and people who act like this usually become black and move into the ghetto.

>three of those kids look white though

Are you fucking blind?

>brazil practically got rid of all its black people with mixing

You're fucking stupid.

Mexico I'm not sure if this post is satiric or serious.
I hope the former.

they did though, brazil was like 40% black at one point, now it is down to 7%

and if you look, the two babies and the girl on the right have really light skin and european features, hair is just a bit curly

that girl on the left though does look mixed

I'm only trying to think like a woman. I want to get in touch with my feminine side. My thought process was derived from how an illogical being with BPD symptoms without actually having BPD (aka women) might think about this.

It is not satire, it is just my perspective if I was as irrational as women are.

>i made horrible decisions that make it almost impossible for me to succeed
>after 6 years i have finally begun meeting the standards for usefulness in society
>praise me

>colleges are nothing but degree mills
really activated my almonds

>buy ice cream
>eat entire ice cream including the wrapper
>get violently ill
>do this four more times

This is what I think when I see single moms with multiple kids

You're one of those people who doesn't know what black (of African descent) means. And you think dark brown is the only requirement to be considered black.
Most Brazilians are in denial of their populous that are of African descent butt everyone on the outside can see clear as day they're full of niggers, mutts, and everything in between.

>5 kids
>24 years old

What the actual fuck? Is this the 1800s? Bitch needs to slow the fuck down.

>being literate
kek every1 look at dis fukkin dumas!

Really makes me want to stay away, especially when they are that ugly and i don't mean kids.

yeah but you can get rid of the african phenotype over time

those kids in OPs pic do not look anything like pure blooded africans. if those kids grow up and have kids with a white man they'll probably look german.

Amazing, you can even see his eyes get watery.
Paternity tests should not exist.
If men want to use paternity tests to acertain there fatherhood of the child, then it should be mandatory for every man to give up his genetic material to store in a database and regularly be checked in so as to have knowledge of his location. In this way, deadbeat dads would not be allowed to exist.

It seems like all of the above to me.

She should kill herself desu

>It's not down syndrome, they're just mulattoes.


All mixed race people look "off" to me.

Shut up, feminazi.

they all look like they have down syndrome desu

Has to be cosmetology.

With a fucking communication degree

>have 2 downies
>decide to have another baby
That kind of shit should be illegal.

Society shouldn't be encouraging people like this.

So much this. It should be mandatory to about any fetus with a genetic disorder, as well as basically any and every disability/disfigurement/anything abnormal. Additionally, anyone who has given birth to one in the past may only have future children as test-tube babies with advanced genetic testing measures to ensure that none of their broken genes get passed on.

All microcephaly "babies" should be euthanized for their own good and the good of humanity. They are literally nothing but negatives and burdens.

Racemixing is always wrong, always shit genes.

thats a good one burger :) heheh

>one drop of white blood makes you white

lol it makes dirty light caramel mulatto people with fucked up faces

see: Brazil, OPs photo

>really makes you think
>makes you think
intellectual mexican... lmao

Instant scholarships

Does make me think, makes me wonder why she has 5 black kids at 22.

Alright which two have the Down's damn it, I cannot figure this one out. I am fairly certain second from left is trisomy 21.

You're missing my point. Blacks don't have to look "Pure African" they come in all shades of brown and even fair skin tones.
Besides those kids are Latino. Some form of Island spic or South American who also have African blood and descendants among them.
The idea of if they have children with a white person is moot because genes do resurface,

I met a 31 black woman with 11 kids. I immediately went home to learn how to evade taxes.

>2 with down

She shouldnt be reproducing

i'm not saying that, but i'm saying that over time you can wash out black genes

a lot of the pardos in brazil look more similar to mexicans than they do actual blacks

some of them even look white, like adrianna lima

about what?

Welfare here we come

One may wonder she's not sterilised after the first downie


>implying you can go back after going black

i know what you are saying

but if you keep mixing with whites, eventually it becomes extremely rare that the kid will express those african genes

even slavs have some asian admixture and southern italians have north african admixture, but you would never know based on looking at them