Who else here predicts a Trump landslide?

I made a thread about this earlier today. I adjusted my map after thinking it over some more, adding NJ and Illinois to Trump.

I'm an NYU student, and the vast majority of people I know are anti-Trump but don't plan on voting because Hillary is too disappointing. I'm pretty social (with an easy bullshit major because my parents easily pay out of pocket anyway).

My theory is that Trump is going to win in a landslide because voter turnout for him will be extremely high, but voter turnout for Hillary will be surprisingly low.

I was really stoned the other day while thinking about this and made a bet with my friends where I risked over $1000 (can wipe my ass with it so no worries) that Trump will win in a landslide.

What do you guys think of my map?

Other urls found in this thread:


I hate how no matter what cali always blue, fuck this liberal shithole.

My prediction


There are large red swaths of California, but it's practically never enough.

Too generous. Keep in mind that a Clinton victory would only happen if the polls were severely skewed for her (20+ advantage).

My prediction.

> Illinois
> New York

are you unironically being retarded for fun?

Minnesota goes red. Rally today pulled 30k people to an airport hanger with only about a day notice. Even trump was blown away by the turn out

Arizona has been red since 2000 cucklord

I predict a solid loss for Trump. That isn't going to stop me from voting for him but my expectations are set. I live in a rural area and everyone I know is voting for Hiliary

Downstate Illinois and Upstate New York is pretty red. Turnout for Hillary in those states (and everywhere else) will be lower than most people expect.


Not this year it won't.

I wouldn't be surprised if it goes red.

prove it buttboy

>I hate how no matter what cali always blue, fuck this liberal shithole.
You DO know America is the most politically conservative civilized nation on Earth, right?
That even our liberals look absurdly conservative by modern standards?
Face it, you might as well move to Iran if you thing Cali (or Hillary) is "liberal" by modern standards.

Our liberals are pretty bad tbqh

here's the outcome I'm predicting. mine is about as well-thought-out as yours.

>Our liberals are pretty bad tbqh
Not half as bad as our conservatives (as long as we're being honest).
Unless you seriously want to keep drag queens from using the ladies room, "for teh lulz" its the only genuine reason for voting Trump.
Unless you have a man-crush on some 70 year old dude,

Well... Texas DOES already have a wall...


You must have been on more drugs than I was

Blame Reagan's amnesty

I'm sorry, there is 100% now way New York will go red. You even marked Massachusetts as blue, so New York HAS to go blue

Believe the opposite of what the polls say, they can't be trusted.

We're waking up to this wednesday.

Illinois will be won.


t. Chicagoan

That's reasonable. But if you're predicting Colorado to flip, then I'd be safe to say that some of the following states would flip along with it: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Mexico, and Minnesota (they're in order of who's more likely to turn red).

the liberal double think drives me through the fukkin roof.
>muh no wars
>Drumpf is a piece of shit for dodging the draft

thank you user, I saved this.

I was driving through WA state, and there were Trump signs anywhere. The only Clinton signs were in Seattle itself. Yeah, it's typically blue, but I wouldn't be surprised if it went to Trump


the majority of the population lives in cities, not rural areas

those flashbacks though

Dude, so disappointing. They are already ripping up Trump ballots here, its all over Reddit. Fuck this state.

>CA, OR & WA
>the deep South
I want some of what you're on.

buttboy? really? are we 12 years old?

WA is one of the few states where whites actually vote for democrats. I'm sorry, but it's just too cucked.

Yep, Sweden is the most progressive. Germany not far behind.

They'll steal Nevada but will leave Michigan alone thinking it's safe when Trump takes it by storm, and wins Philly by 52%


Screencap this shit

>only been blue twice
>going blue for least favorable Democratic nominee ever

Oh ok

>California red

>anything but red

he just set it up so he could get a tie, stop taking it seriously

Trump flips three of the eight states that are true battlegrounds this election: Minnesota, Michigan, and New Hampshire. Him and Pence are campaigning hard there in the final 48 hours, so I think they know they've got a strong chance to flip them.

He probably has a chance to flip Colorado and New Mexico, but you're gonna go for big electoral states in the Midwest. That's probably their strategy too. Flipping Michigan or Minnesota seals the deal.

I'd laugh my ass off if that happened.

>VA blue
Not this time. BIBLE BELT!

Can I get a link to one the generator for this? I want to make one.

Forgot my pic

i want to believe

Not happening.


>downstate illinois
ALL of illinois except chicago is red

why do you all think NH is going red

this would just be funny


PA is going red. They are trying to shut down the strike.


>That one washington elector votes Trump instead.
>Throws Trump to 270
The assburn from liberals would be insane.

I'll forgive Chicago for stealing the World Series from us if you guys go red

I hope so.

>red NY
Kek sure

this is the best I can do for him

I'm 100% standing behind this map to the point that I have money on some of the states
>Virginia WILL go red senpai.

trump is going all in there ans he's made progress. Plus he's got a rally there tomorrow night

>Virginia going red
I'm afraid I've got some bad news...

I'm scared. Not because Clinton has a legitimate chance of winning, because there is no way. I'm scared of literally any other outcome.

>she cheats and normies remain dormant
worst case scenario

>she cheats and gets caught
civil war at best, nuclear war at worst

>Trump wins, no apparent cheating from anyone
Calm before the storm. It's gotta be some sort of trick. But everyone is memed out by now, and gets complacent.

KY going blue is not gonna happen

(((polls))) are looking bretty good there

PA and CO are toss ups right now, and VA only has clinton at +2. Michigan also might have a massive amount of shy trump support

uh oh

trips tho

Early voting disproves a landslide. Trump is even losing badly in NV.

fuckin this

top fucking kek, I thought your education system was better than that leaf.

needs to be at least 10 feet higher, also gold.

Current Styxprojection (TM) The final projection will be made tomorrow following the final slew of polls.

Why do Buffalo and NYC have to shit up my beautiful state, Sup Forums?

Minnesota goes red
as Minnesotan, I certainly hope so.

Trump wins and we will see the stocks crash and several Ferguson and Baltimore scenarios over the course of this winter, but I don't think anything else is in store for the short term.

I really don't think the globalists are smart enough to spin his election to the presidency in their favor. They're resourceful and connected, but not omnipotent. Their course from that point will simply be to obstruct him.

Won't go too deep into your map, but I have come to the same conclusion as all the polls (ACTUALLY go look at them and their demography mistakes) and other indicators -which i pride myself digging into- support it. Also have made bets worth half a years expenses. Gonna be good times my fellow rationalist.

Pretty good although I predict it being about 50 points higher on the Clinton side than what you have up there.
Not quite a landslide but still a trouncing by our boy big don

I just turned on fox news. Reporter said that Latino voters were up 100% over 2012.

Someone fact check this for me, I'm on my phone.

Is the dream dead lads?

You would be lucky for him to win at all, let alone by a landslide. Stop mixing up your wishes with your expectations.

If you let fame go to your head I'm gonna shave it in your sleep.

Reminder that people thought that Carter and Reagan were "close" too.

Who says they're supporting Clinton. I think its naive to assume hispanics would just vote for Clinton because they don't want their kind out od the country even though those people were illegals. Hispanics who are in the country legally and therefore also vote probably mostly hate the illegals who take their jobs and tarnish their reputation. If u came to the country illegally and were part of this election, would you really even risk to vote in what looks like is going to go easily for Clinton? I truly think these "additional" hispanic votes are going to Trump.

LOL when has any historian EVER said that the Carter-Reagan election was "close?" Please source me on that because that's a fucking laugh.


Sup bro I'm in nyc too let's hang out and do coke

this is the only 270 map that i've legitimately laughed at

well done user

this is what white america looked like

Remember that we can still indict her under the RICO Act. We aren't finished just yet

45% of hispanics are going to vote trump based on the LA times poll



How fucking delusional are you? They're fucking shit skin spics you mong.

Go back to r/ the donald

We'll need Rudy to prosecute her

NY and NJ going red are complete pipe dreams.

Glad to see that $40,000 a year education is being put to quality use.

"according to analysis"

... shit someone made up...

Just stop, euro-fags.

I really wanted Trump to win, but face it guys. It is already over. I can't believe how strong she is pulling ahead and there is no stopping it. 8 years of a Clinton in the White House again. Sigh.

Adios, America.

Its not over senpai, Trump will win

dude a lot of hispanics in america are white, like half of them are