I am a libertarian. Debate me if you dare.
I am a libertarian. Debate me if you dare
I don't want to catch autism
Not an argument.
What's an aleppo?
>on Sup Forums
Why you retards love to infest this place? don't you have reddit or #ILoveMises?
Abortions should be legal because it's the woman's body so it's her choice.
Not an argument.
who will fix the roads?
Not an argument.
What's your opinion on boat people trying to reach your country?
Not an argument.
A leppo is something explicit that can be learned.
A broken moral compass is tacit and damning
Bad troll
Does spanking violate the non aggression principle?
What about circumcision?
>t. Vladmir Lenin disguised as Molyneaux
Not an argument.
Still waiting for arguments.
Do you support gov regulation of industries and do you support public transport education healthcare in any way?
how did he persuade those women to get in the hot tub with him?
her childs body is not her body
Who pays for welfare?
libertarians do believe in borders
we are not an cap
Not an argument.
in the future we will have a jetpack
How would a libertarian society work if the majority of the population has no economic value due to automation?
He paid for them with bitcoins recent price spike.
Is an argument.
How would you make sure there is a market for roads? Huh, how will you defend your self from invading nations?? Roads are important.
>when you realize this is just a cancer thread
Not an argument.
welfare is a violation of property rights
Then pull that sucka out and see if he can survive on his own yo see how that works out
Not an argument.
Such an ironic post coming from a newfag that probably hopped on the Trump train this year.
fuck neo-Sup Forums
Not an argument.
You know that before Romania even got hooked up to the www Sup Forums was actually a place where libertardians actually hung out?
my point proven
if you reply to this thread you are sliding real threads
Not an argument.
The govt shouldn't be able to force a woman to have a baby, she has the right to abort it.
How is taxation theft? How can we only have a judicial branch of government?
Libertarians can't Aleppo due to the NAP.
yeah haha epic super edgy
but thats not how we treat any other dependant
guardians are responsible for the lives of their dependants in every other instance
Not an argument.
A city in Syria.
Not an argument.
How does libertarianism work when the population is all niggers and spics
no she doesnt
she has no sovereignty over her dependant's right to life
not an argument
>implying they can't simply give them out for adoption
You drunk friendo?
Anarcho-capitalism turns justice into a commodity; private defense and court firms would favour those who pay more for their services.
There you go faggot, an argument.
no thanks, faggot
A pile of rubble in Syria that's Ben bombed to fuck and back twice
Best city in Australia?
immigrant capital of the world
How do you regulate the ingress of fiat currency?
Dude just answer the fucking questions. Your answers will spark the debate you asked for
Not an argument
Finally an argument in this thread. You raise some good and valid points.
hahah OP btfo by a flag they named shaved vaginas after
you could say the same for a two year old (not being able to sustain itself) but you can't kill 2 year olds
Not an argument.
What if i just wanna hang out and play some Smash Bros or Mario Kart?
Not an argument.
Alice Springs is better
>tfw had a leppo Australian pen pal and this is exactly how he "argues"
Glad that cuck blocked me, got BTFO too much i guess
my sides
fucking adelaide
ancap != libertarian
I argue that no one will pay for roads in a libertarian society.
Not an argument.
I can't refute your argument so I win.
>how much did you get for your soul and was it worth it?
. .
Thats not an argument it was a legit question.
Excessive use of force and stealing property is only ok when the government does it
>hurr durr debate me
>doesnt set a topic
not an argument
Not a single argument in sight.
why does your comic suck?
Not an argument.
Excellent argument.
If you are one of those that think a license is not necessary to drive a car then I already won.
Why are you a Hillshill?
you guys act like the government and big business aren't the same entity right now
>I can't refute your argument so I win.
Not an argument. I win.
Replying to this comment is not an argument either, it violates the NAP and thus is not an argument. No further non arguments are needed from you.
>literally MUH ROADS
every fucking time
The NAP is a spook.
Why not be an anarchist if ethics is why you want to be a libertarian
Not an argument.
You violated the NAP with your argument.
They're removing them from their bodies. Fact is they simply can't survive without the mother but that's on them if we really are to treat them like individuals.
>Johnson gets 5% national
>Libertarians get federal funding and debate time
>Party runs a cohesive ticket
>Backed by an army of crazy ass motherfuckers
That’s Aleppo, nigga.