Everything Is Fine


A series of perfectly normal images, of perfectly normal activity will be posted in this thread. There is no powerful Child Sex Cult or Satanic Mass lurking in the shadows of D.C. you guys just need to socialize more and realize what normal behavior looks like.

Other urls found in this thread:



Guys, this is just a kids play area, like you would find at any Chuckie Cheeses. Obviously people don't want creepers taking pictures of their little children, so thats why there is a NO PHONE policy.

See, easily explained.

Pizza is just another Artistic Medium.

Kids love music.

Can't wake up.

... I've seen too much ...

Kids love pizza, so having ART of 2 slices of Pizza that look like children with freckles touching each other.... perfectly normal.



Here is one of the fine musical talents that perform at Comet. They're music is pretty good, give it a listen!


Fine Art.

Prince Rama is a psychedelic pseudo-Buddhist tranny act.

Even President Obama likes Pizza.

proof a liberal arts education is the way to go! this is some amazing free expression!

More Podesta Fine Art.

Weeee I'm a jump rope!

So what, its just weird messages and people kidding around at, of course, a pizza place, where people DO play and kid around, you paranoid, problematic creep. Nice innuendos you have there.

Hi Rez

WTF. It'd be one thing if it was kink art with adults. This is in another level entirely.

Also what's with the kids looking like Grey hybrids?

Nailed it! Its perfectly normal fun!

Who doesn't enjoy Lolis?


looks like something abused kids draw to their shrink

>Help they will kill us


All aboard this All Ages Kid Show!

> It's from a MK ultra victim, another separate case.



>oh my god. Stop it.

On other photos of children they use hashtags like #chickenlovers

>just a joke bro

> you paranoid, problematic creep

fucking roastie demon bitch. Are you scared? You should be. You should be really, really fucking scared

when the MK ultra hits hard

>Moloch (Masoretic מֹלֶךְ mōlek, Greek Μολόχ) is the Biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice.
>child sacrifice


What does hot dog stand for?

>It's all just a (((coincidence)))

Would you let your kids go hangout there?

>kids play area
Anyone have some of the other weird crap people wrote on the walls in there. I know there is one about fucking and jizz right next to the ping pong tables.


True Detective season 3

please can we find the people who do this and bring them to justice. please for the love of everything

It's sad, they're so close to getting it.

But then they go off on this crazy tangent and completely miss the point of life itself.

help me Sup Forums. i was there for Vietnam and iraq war. those wars didn't terrify me at all. but, this... this is legit has me shaking up like a leaf. what the hell is going on with this??

Probably the fact they do it for reasons you can't even understand.

Wars are easier to rationalize than the depths of some depravity that lurks (as callous as that sounds)

gotta link?

ignorance is bliss,get me off this fucking ride

bumping so this shit is brought to light.

I had to leave earlier. Too much for these old eyes. Sup Forums drags me back. Thanks for the warning.

Yeah, thats the thing. Most people I imagine go through life not really believing in Evil. They rationalize it away... and then one day they are forced to look it in the eye and it unnerves them.

Not just the fact that it exists, but that it has existed more or less openly right next to them in their society.

im getting intense anger for jews and their minions


Hopefully the normies get woken up and there is an actual day of the rope. It only takes one big leak and the internet would be on fire.

we know why they do it.

all these connections piling up.. it's honestly quite undeniable at this point. a few weeks ago all of Sup Forums would've probably have given this subject any legitimate credence. but now, i'm pretty sure most of Sup Forums is redpilled on this. Pic related.
>google "14 osiris fish"

you're telling me someone just randomly has 14 and fish drawn onto their hands?

solomon magick is that of babylon my dude,btw they brought the arch of baal to the u.s.a in ny when it was destroyed by isis in syria

What if it's dry office humour. Like you know, they got 100$ of pizza and then used airforce one to fly over, and then some office joker was like "Hey fellas, this is 50000$ pizza we're a' eating here when you count all the secret service it took to go over to Mario's of Chicago" and then everyone has a small chuckle and returns to their workstation where they resume unearthing moloch and breaking up the Sup Forums.

I don't see the pedo logo and this looks like a concert poster

This also looks like a concert poster, with some edgy twenty something poking fun at the fact that their band can only get a gig at some lame pizza parlour.

No joke, my parents did the same thing with me one time, and they didn't rape me. Also, we did it at my high school as part of spirit day.

LA Boum Boum Room is clearly a ritual palace where filthy redditors summon satan for updoots.

Yes, it's art, are you edgelords going to start coming after my favourite thing now? Fuck you, it might not be what you like, but it should be allowed to exist. Most of his paintings don't involve children, and he's clearly talented at what he does. Are we now going to try to police everything a person is aware of? Because, if that's the case you aren't really a Christian board at all.

Finally, well done everyone. What a truly dangerous way to promote your bands. You could have just posted a flyer.

Maybe one day the hidden will emerge and tell their stories.

But who would believe them?

Who could?

What else is wikileaks sitting on? Why haven't they released it yet?

found this creepyweird photo on the website of the restaurant next door to comet, also owned by big cheese llc

im so fucking angry

I mean its hard to imagine why people would want to go out into the woods, and at the very least, engage in simulated, ritualistic cannibalism, for fun.

But then you consider these are some of the wealthiest, most influential and powerful people in Western Society... and you can't help but wonder how far they really take their obsessions.

these sick fucks are throwing secret words around and laughing about,GOD THIS MAKES ME FUCKING MAD

>this is legit has me shaking up like a leaf.

You called?


all of you BTFO by a leaf

former /x/enophile here
First, it's spelled "Solomon"
and second, the demons of the Goetia, if they exist, would be exactly the sort of demons politicians and businessmen would commune with
Some are said to grant power over men's minds while others allow speaking in foreign tongues or the accumulation of wealth.
Also worth noting that the Lesser Key of Solomon's best-known translation was done by Aleister Crowley. This shit keeps coming back to him.

>And against our will
If they realized what we all have done forever, we could end the madness of forever in a single moment.

thread theme

>What if it's dry office humour.
Not too likely considering you wouldn't fly pizzas over, it'd be cold by the time it gets there. You could buy the equipment to make pizzas and hire a good chef for that amount.

That photo was editied, the supposed band-aid looked nothing like that




> assume we're using the same channels
"The same channels" for ... food?

That's fishy.

Just talked to my pops, he is skeptical, I asked him what proof would convince him.


Could you pricks go back to /x/? This conspiracy bullshit is so fucking ridiculous. Some of you are even mentioning aliens ffs.

Im sorry you were abused as a kid but get the fuck out of Sup Forums you weird zealots


We can't allow this boys

Comet pizza reminds me of pizza planet in Toy Story. Interesting that there's a guy with a mr potato head doll.

Nothing better than blazin the kush and raping some kids.

I mean Jesus wtf.



Is your dad stupid?




ok buddy
>office humor
pizzas would be cold and awful by the time they landed, makes no sense.
>i don't see it
look at the center of the owl's face, the X shape over it's brows and beak.
>also looks like a concert poster
yeah dipshit they are concert posters.
but don't you think it's sliightly suspicious that EVERY concert poster at this place involves some weird kiddie shit?

Ask him if the dead or people locked in the basement can come out and share their stories.

The wiggles represent daggers user. The rising form is the soul leaving the body.

They're having kids kill other kids. Get me off this ride.

obama rapes kids


For All Ages

>pizza exorcism

Ok even assuming that this isn't a pedoring. . .what the fuck.

>I don't see the pedo logo and this looks like a concert poster


I am actually genuinely confused by this, I don't see the link between a pizza restaurant and some government pedo ring.

I thought Cheese Pizza was just a Sup Forums inuendo, didn't think it stretched to the highest reaches of government.

Plus, not all government staff are pedos - so how do they sort the pedos from the non-pedo? And is being a pedo a pre-requisite of higher office?

Can you link the part of the speech Trump gave where the guy does this?

Just a coincidence, bro



That logo's made of 4 hearts though.

>And is being a pedo a pre-requisite of higher office?

I suspect you have the "outer" circles of government and the "inner" circles. The inner circles use pedophilia as an initiation ritual so they'll have something to blackmail you with. I doubt it stops there tho...


These are better



No love for cheesy pizza Aussie friend?

That Hilary insignia with the aarow pointing down on his shirt. Anybody have just a high quality image of that?
