God dammit Sup Forums

God dammit Sup Forums
You can't go showing your powerlevel like that


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This is our guy

lmao i was just watching this

he looks like a melungeon. he needs to go back, back to jalisco

he was winning the argument tbqh

haha yep that's why old boy behind the camera cut it off right there

by the way its the most obvious staged shit ive ever seen in my life. only thing missing was the trump shirt

>There are really people out here
>There is really people out here
>It is really people out here

Devolution of language.

wtf I'm voting for Trump now!

is he some sort of mexican halfbreed?

Lmao, he was a complete dumbass but he still managed to shred the faggot in the argument anyway


both people are jackasses in the vid

O'keefe has opened my eyes to all this bullshit. You won't trick me. This is one of Foval's minions. I just don't know why Trump's people never played dirty like this...
Her super PAC doesn't play dirty, they roll in the dirt.

>that makes you a nigger
god damn it

is that the dude from american pie

If you're afraid to say "nigger," you need to tear off your balls right this very instant.

I found his page : twitter.com/knobdoorman

you could lose your job and prolong unemployment is for niggers, you nigger

This is just a normal conversation in the south. Get over it.

His power level is really not that high desu senpai


I was just about to post this. Seems sketchy as fuck. First time I watched it seemed like a legit redneck road rager, but after watching it a few more times the behavior seems off.

Why did he suddenly start spewing about Trump right when the recording starts? Why is this road rage incident somehow being made about the election..

I'm not usually a paranoid/conspiracy kind of guy, but this just seems like some scripted shit too get people to generalize all Trump supporters

>objectively racist rant albeit due to road rage
>ends on him getting BTFO
This is American History X compressed into one road rage video.


>I just don't know why Trump's people never played dirty like this

This is the cuckservative problem. Rightists believe in order and honor. They want to win the game by being the best, not by being the best cheat. Cuckservatives found that they could make a nice living by pretending to be the most honorable while losing.

Really, you have to have a (((special))) kind of mind to scheme and lie and bend the rules. Rightists don't have it. When they try, they're bad at it. The honorable response to muh dirty trix, of course, is a quick and direct show of force.

yes lmao

>this was me

he called a nigger a nigger omg!!!!


why didn't that guy chimp out on him

that's kind of cringeworthy tb.h need to know more of the story

This. This is such a fucking false flag.

false flag

That's very edgy of you, but you can't just say stupid shit like
>wow, political corruption and lying and stuff is really bad. I think to fix this we need to defeat these liars by running a campaign on lies.
The whole point is that we're tired of politicians' bullshit, you're just side picking without thinking.

because it's staged

white trump supporter = evil

black person = good

Clearly Hispanic the way he talks.

This is why Trump is going to lose. Trump is immediately associated with racism and white supremacy.

You are fighting a culture war and refuse to adopt successful tactics, then wonder why the fuck you are getting left behind.

Your honor means nothing if you no longer have a people or nation.

Can't help but cringe.
