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Not happening.
wtf I hate Illinois! Fucking bigots!
>Video literally opens with a hammer and sickle
chicago too hung over from cubs victory to go vote.
Black white and red. Disgusting pigs.
Illinois suburb here doing my part.
Disregard any retard saying they saw a ton of Trump signs, that's not true. I haven't seen a lot of Clinton or Trump signs, plenty of Bernie ones though.
Do me a favor champ?
Could you stop posting?
Thank you.
No arguments?
Chifag here, I'm fucking ready.
Doesn't mean shit. Drumpf will LOSE
Mail voted Trump last week. Doing my part for Chicago
JEB will win
Help get this out to Latino's!
>This fucking neckbeard has a 3,000+ views
I'm gonna start a fucking channel to kill these fucking shitheads.
>mail voted
According to my records, you voted for Clinton
>tfw your ass will never have its own zip code
>understanding economics
pick one
Is Huffington Post starting to understand which way the wind is blowing?
>C O M M I E
8th district here. I've seen a few more Trump signs than Hillary, but it's a small amount for both. There are way more down-ballot signs. I think the main difference I see is where I see the signs. I'll see Trump signs in shitty apartment windows and worn-down unincorporated homes - places you'd never see a Romney or McCain sign.
Surprise attack from above!
podunker from central IL here. I haven't seen to many political signs around but i have seen more Trump than hillary signs. Not surprising because i live in a red county, but today Trump signs were everywhere! For some reason people waited till the last minute to display them.
A fellow AnCap? So I am not alone.... =)
Destruction rains from the heavens!
Sangamon county lifelong democrat with family connections in the machine going back four generations here.
Voting Trump. Half the family is too.
I live in the city, and work in the hood, South side. Drive around a lot for work. Haven't seen a single Hilary sign yet. Not one.. Last couple elections, you couldn't go 10 feet without Tripping over Obama signs, stickers and fuckin t shirts even. It's weird
Show me a country that follows communism properly and is successful. Spoilers, China is communist in name only.
Read the fucking article. Writer even says Trump will lose IL. The only difference is that there will be a surge in popular support for Trump- he won't get the electoral votes.
NY will go red before IL does.
Doesn''t quite compute. Popular vote means he wins the state.
Trump should turn the republican party into the Trump party
This image was manipulated using Adobe® Photoshop® software.
We may have had a significant part in shitposting a man into the world's most powerful office.
It's a comfy feel.
He's not going to win the popular vote, it'll just be a tighter race.
Article talked about how innercity blacks may end up leaning towards Trump, decreasing the amount of votes Hillary gets from Chicago.
Thing is though, the north-side white liberals are still going to vote Clinton, as they won't actually ever feel the effect of a trade deal.
In my opinion, Clinton will still probably clinch the black vote in IL, but the margins will be closer than they were with Obama.
Literally singing this song to myself as I read this post. So damn catchy
My mother hasn't voted since 2000. If Trump can get her fat ass off the couch to vote in Illinois then shit is going to be crazy.
I'm conflicted, trips means kek wills it but your logic is way off by using a non presidential election year
>believes anons shitposting at each other within a circlejerk will sway the election
wew lad are you delusional or what?
>symbols of Rome are fascist
>Jason Unruhe
For anyone who doesn't know, this guy is an unashamed Maoist (what he calls himself) who unironically makes pro-NK propaganda videos claiming that North Korean blackouts happen all the time and are normal and only a CAPITALIST PROPAGANDIST would ever claim that these PERFECTLY ORDINARY blackouts are a sign that there is anything wrong with the government of glorious Best Korea.
>literally perched on a battle axe wrapped in a fasces
This faggots only good videos are on Syria, and that's because he's most likely an Ardent Pan-Arabist/Arab Socialist. He also has some good Anti-Hillary ones but meh.
let him have this.
Admit it. You just want his tears.
i wonder if john cena is on the trump train
Fuck Trump and fuck white people
you're forgetting RI, ME, and OR
>literally just naming more Roman symbols
I thought huffpo is shit
Never believe huffpo
Northwest suburbs unincorporated here. A couple people took out billboards for Trump and I've seen a few cars with bumper stickers. I've seen only 2 Hillary signs a maybe 1 or 2 Hill for Prison signs.
If there is support most of it's hidden. Not that that will matter with Chiraq overshadowing any vote outside the city limits.
It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep
Hillary does not have the kind of charisma and black appeal that 08 Obama had. I didn't vote for him but he came across much better during the election and was easy to be drawn too. Hill sounds like a raspy women that yells at you from her porch.
New Jersey honestly has a possibility of flipping but don't count on it. More Trump signs than I EVER saw Romney or McCain signs, also less Hillary signs than Obama signs. Still even some Ron Paul '08 signs around town, moreso than Hillary. However I feel the northern Niggers and Coastal Spics will seal this state's democratic fate.
The fasces is literally where the word "fascism" comes from.
It was originally Roman but these days it only ever used in the context of fascism.
There are some Trump signs, but most who support Trump
1) Dont have the money to pay for the signs or want to spend the money on the signs
2) Don't feel like making themselves into a target.
Hillary people just don't really give a shit
>Hillary's fw
Chicagofag here, Illinois would be red every fucking year if it wasnt for the ridiculous amount of corruption in Chicago/Crook County. The dead/illegal vote crushes the rest of the state
>decide to check huffpost fora laugh
>see this
oy vey. bedduh donate to hillary goy
Trump wants to create the Free American Empire
city-states when
217 MAGA
Jason is the No.1 Marxist on youtube and has been for almost eight years. Of course his videos generate lots of views.
Illinois will still be blue but Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota may go Trump.
>tfw Swede-Americans may be responsible for the uncucking of America.
America is such a mistake lmao
The DPRK is poor because it's been under western sanctions for its entire existence. Once the USSR broke up the DPRK lost its primary source of trade. The fact they've been able to last for 25+ years without the USSR is incredible in itself.
You don't say
All it takes is a slightly lower turnout in Chicago and slightly higher turnout in the rest of the state
stop shilling your shitty video here
You misunderstand.
He's not arguing that the blackouts are caused by capitalism, but rather that only a capitalist propagandist would argue that the regular blackouts indicate any problem with the country or leadership, because nothing bad ever happens in Best Korea.
1) Quinn was the Lieutenant Governor for a governor who is in prison for decades
2) Rauner is vastly unpopular. Illinois is in possibly the worst political deadlock in the country
Don't take these numbers to heart
Because they're not a problem of leadership. They're a problem created by isolation due to economic sanctions.
illinoisfag here from the burbs. voted for trump but he's gonna have to win chicago, they have all the power in this state
Trump's Free American Empire when?
Some user crunched the numbers, don't know the exact figures but millions of people visit Sup Forums, and at least 50% of the traffic is from the US.
More people visit and browse Sup Forums than watch mainstream media news like CNN, Fox, MSNBC etc.
Believe it or not, it's not 2006 anymore, when Sup Forums was a few thousand people, this place is a cultural powerhouse and is responsible for producing almost the enitrety of modern day internet culture - almost every single meme you see somewhere else was born here
You underestimate the power of shitposting, user, and you underestimate the power of Kek.
>Hillary is corrupt and her shit stinks to high heavens.
>Trump stormed Illinois in the primary.
>spend all of your money on military
>deliberately ignore infrastructure except for the elite
>somehow this means blackouts aren't your fault
Unruhe, is that you?
Believe it or not, Trump's key demographic is 75 year old white men.
not even american and I know you're full of shit
Illinoisan here. Voted Obama in the last two elections, voting Trump this time around. You'd be surprised how many of us there are.
The argument is that communists inherently have no understanding of economics, so any criticism they have of someone else's understanding of economics is invalid.
Hyperbolic (which you should be thoroughly used to, if you're a Trump supporter), but entirely accurate. Trump's absolute worst demo is Sup Forums's largest: millennials.
As a non-white history enthusiast that really upset me, user.
>communists inherently have no understanding of economics
Bullshit. There are plenty of great Marxist economists.
Illinois fag here. I've been here 26 years.
Not sure if we'll flip, but there's a strong trump surge here. Unfortunately it's pretty much social and physical suicide to openly support him (I personally know people who've had their cars keyed for bumper stickers).
I voted though MAGA
So, what you're saying is, all we need is a white cop to execute a black man in Chicago tomorrow, and BLM protests will hand Trump the state by shutting down Chicago.
>>spend all of your money on military
They have to. They're literally still at war with the South and de facto America. That's one major reason why the DPRK created nukes: having nuclear weapons means you can gradually reduce military spending.
>>deliberately ignore infrastructure except for the elite
Everyone in the DPRK is proletarian. The Kim family doesn't live extravagantly.
>>somehow this means blackouts aren't your fault
Once again: blackouts are caused by poor infrastructure DUE TO SANCTIONS.
>Unruhe, is that you?
Look at my flag. I'm American. Jason is Canadian.
lol you should feel embarrassed for this guy
Yeah that would do it