He makes a good point honestly

He makes a good point honestly.

>end of white males
>let's end white people
>less whites is good

There's just a reaction to globalism and anti-white racism. Trump didn't unite them, they were always there.

Expressing hateful ideas in the public square is the best way to eliminate them.

Hate grows when it's suppressed, when it's kept away in the dark.

as they always say: Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

>if my party doesnt win the majority of my country is hitler

>Jeremy Shill

He's correct. Hopefully we win, and we make America Great again.

>he has legitimized them by becoming the nominee

they legitimized themselves by voting for him

>If you don't give special rights and privileges to women, nignogs and other pet "victim" groups, you are a racist

Okay then.

Fuck Scahill

>Jeremy Scahill

Literally who?

Not racist, fascist, or a bigot.
These people have legitimate concerns.
Why do people believe they are racist, fascist, and bigoted?

>he did not create them.
So who did? Most of them probably voted Obama.

It was Hillary's astro turfing campaign that did it, actually.

What Trump started is the natural defence system a nation has when threatened, globalists started this, and are trying too suppress it, but the survival instinct is strong, and it's being powered by years of getting ass blasted by banks and corporations

>Jeremy Scahillary

>liberals are just proxy jews doing the jews dirty work...daily reminder anons...evil comes wrapped in sheeps clothing.

This. If anything, people like Obama and Hillary have legitimized these "haters".

>we did not create them

The Democrat party is full of fascists, racists, and bigots, but Trump is going against their hateful beliefs.

Never heard of this guy. He's a literal who.

>If nominee wins or loses bigly they have buzzworded people I disagree with. Nominee didn't create them, but nominee legitimized them by holding the same opinions as the aforementioned that I disagree with

Literally and unironically not an argument. He's masquerading his opinion as an argument, but there's nothing in it you can actually refute because he just spouting memes. (((Who))) generally "debates" like this again?

Pure coincidence.