So Sup Forums, what is your opinions on Communist ideology?
I personally only know little about it, but after have a conversation with two of them, I more intrigued.
So Sup Forums, what is your opinions on Communist ideology?
I personally only know little about it, but after have a conversation with two of them, I more intrigued.
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Well firstly we're going to have to cencor that word "ideology" We can move on from there.
Shelve Communism for later, we need to make sure this world doesn't turn into dystopian cyberpunk shithole first.
>which wouldn't have happened had the USA not bombed the shit out of Cambodia leading to the rise of fringe nutjobs like Pol Pot and then supported the Khmer Rouge despite the fact that they were one of the worst regimes in the world*
it's cool (in theory) but a nightmarish clusterfuck to implement and won't really work at our current level.
Seems like one... the guy who called himself a "trotskyist" seemed to have quite some knowledge about it.
Seriously, the first thing we have to think about with communism is the realization that humans will be running the show. After you've met your average human and then think about any one of them in absolute power, you will quickly denounce communism and all it's prospects as insane and at best a pipe dream. If you do not, you are likely the kind that would happily submit to the will of others, or the kind that would happily force the submission of those that do not.
Disgusting to begin with, but now in it's current form YOU are the bourgeois. Only an useful idiot, self hater or ((they)) would support it.
Implying humans don't already run everything else....
Stalin was a bro.
>banned abortion is 1936.
>supported traditional family
>created 'homo sovieticus' ubermensch ideology
>basically slavic nationalist
>persecuted jews
>poisoned by jews
>trump is even remotely close to US presidency
>'Pol Pot wouldn't have come to power if..."
Do you think humans are horrible because people force them to be?
>mostly privileged people voting for a fascist.
You gotta choose, friendo.
Fuck off.
But at least in a capitalism you have some amount of freedom to fuck up your own life and the reverberations only affect a few others.
"homo sovieticus"
ubermensch confirmed.
But isn't that an argument against just totalitarianism and not specifically Communism/Socialism.
It's followers (apart from western followers) were absolute madmen who built walls to keep people IN and responded to SJWism with tanks.
Also made some cool music:
I only like Communism ironically, desu i dont like communism that much it can be alright but since Capitalism works fuck it
The proletariat has been lied to and deceived by those we slave for. They insist they are paying us our fair share while they take all of it for themselves. The bourgeoisie uses the tactics of imperials to divide us and pit us against one another, all so they can prosper off our indecision.
The time for glorious revolution comes closer comrades!
No matter who wins this election, you cannot deny they are not one of us!
No matter who wins the bourgeoisie will still remain in power, and as they sit in their golden towers, and isolated mansions they mock our misery. We are nothing but disposable tools to them.
No more comrades!
Now is the time for glorious Revolution, no, Evolution!
Cast off the chains of slavery, rebel against your masters. The streets will run red with the blood of tyrants and traitors, the leaders of old will be hunted down like the rats they are. In their place we shall forge a new empire, united as one nation, as one people. No longer will we have to fear the oppression of money, of scarcity, or of insecurity.
I know it sounds so dreamy. AIDS Skrillex tank lube.
Wow for the amount of Commie hate on this board there isn't any really good arguments against it...
One day they will get what they so wished and begged for, and the commie boot is going to stamp on their degenerate faces first.
By then the edginess would be over 100 as well thanks to hyper-informational warfare, so no more 'I can't pull the trigger muh conscience' shit.
You fucking retards. There are not communists anymore. There aren't any anywhere in the world and there aren'' any under your bed. You're just a stupid gullible fucktard who falls for every goddamn conspiracy theory that comes along.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.