How do we clean up inner cities, Sup Forums?

HARDMODE: No tax breaks.

Kill all the niggers

End drug war. Start something like Portugal has.

By not turning a blind eye to the social problems dwelling within and making everyone an active member of the community.

>but what's your endgame
Space travel.


Stop funding the gangster rap degenerate culture. Primarily by not buying, listening to and watching that sort of media

>no tax breaks
Expand the sanitation department which creates jobs and helps with how shitty and dirty the inner cities are.
Harsher punishments for druggies
Gentrify the fuck out of the area which forces shitskins out.
Clean house throughout the local government and replace everyone with white nationalists who can promote our agenda.
So....basically use the jews on tactics against them

Bring back the manufacturing jobs that the people there traditionally worked. Once they are steadily employed and bringing in an income, they will weed out the undesirables themselves because they want a safe place for themselves and their families to prosper.

Not necessary, just sterilize the females. They kill each other just fine.

By not giving out tax breaks to sports stadiums (bankrupts the city), major corporations (lose property tax revenue), churches (attract vagrants and beggars), etc.

Also by expanding police forces, improving their pay, and expanding civic programs that pair police officers with civilians in recreational activities in order to improve the willingness of civilians to come forward and report crimes instead of being silent about crimes they've seen.

>Legalize drug use and pardon all petty drug charges so people can work again.
>Give a larger incentive in welfare on the condition that a two parent family is maintained with the biological father.
>find a way to fund public schools without property tax that is obviously under funded in poor neighborhoods
>lower gun restriction and offer free self defense courses for everyone
>hire notable rappers to subtly glorify intellectual pursuits and make them look cool to youth that want to emulate them
>200% tariff on all Nike products

Death squads.

nuking the city and starting over.
it's the quickest way.



Nukes and then rebuild.

Just leave all of them alone and let them deal with things on their own until they all starve or kill each other.

Dismantle HUD

To nuke the spook is to un-shitty the city, of course.

You can come up with a hundred laws or systems and it will not make a difference.

The day when babies can be genetically engineered to have a higher IQ is the day we will see a real fundamental change in the improvement of inner cities.

Education - free kindergarten, after school clubs to study, incentives for parents (yes, even absent parents) to step up and safe schools and passage to/from school - break the cycle of poverty.

B-but bootstraps - fuck off, anyone who thinks it's possible for most inner-city kids to break out given the mainly shitty, left-wing pandering and bigotry of low expectations in their schools is fooling themselves.

>end drug war
>push for more anti gang shit
>create a better relationship between good niggas and police
>make public schools what they should be. Get the teachers union to fuck off.

Broken windows policy, end the drug war, wait 10 years

The secret to communitits are the schools having nice facilities

It isn't about class sizes, it isn't about teachers. Any teacher worth a damn gets a better job or becomes a professor. Nobody can afford teachers good enough to make a difference.

Once classes size exceeds 5 there is no individual attention anyway. You can cram 40 people in a room or run the simple classes like health auditorium style.

Nice facilites attract better people. Better people create better outcomes.

we shoot the niggers into space??

Make the city schools better than the schools in the burbs.


Done. Now where are my tendies!


-Break up the libcuck stronghold on public education
Liberals want blacks to fail. By manufacturing stupid students who will depend on social handouts they are able to buy votes. Made-up jobs in the public sector and higher education also buy votes.

-End the Drug War as we know it.
It has failed.

-Control the borders
Allowing the trash to come here unchecked is another vote grab by liberal scum and neocon whores. A nice smokescreen to grab money from our pockets.

Just as long as they don't make it to Mars, we're cool.

Not the worst idea I've heard!

Kansas City already tried this and it failed miserably. I know their high schools lost accreditation a few years back, not sure if they got it back.

Look, you can throw all the money you want at schools but unless the students and their families are driven to succeed you're still going to get shitty performance. Blacks, and most most Americans but blacks especially, need to kick the "education is lame" meme out of their culture. That begins with turning off degenerate TV and music the filthy kike swines are pedaling to our middle - lower class. We got away with this sort of attitude for a while but now that all of the menial / manufacturing jobs are drying up we can't afford to have a nation of willful idiots anymore.

Federally funded 1st class flights from the U.S. back to Africa, Mexico, Middle East, China and dropping them all back off into their own countries. Place a 45% tariff on all goods from companies in the U.S. trying to bring goods back into the U.S.
Once all the factories/jobs come back, force all section 8 fucks to work farming seasonal - summer/fall to keep section 8 housing/govt support.

Former teacher here.

You can build a nice school but if the kids are all from single parent households with a crackhead for a mom then it won't make one shit of a difference.

>gangster rap
nigga that shit hasn't been popular for 20 years. Last decade was rich playboy showing off all his motorollas and laptops, this decade is dudes groaning from the back of their throats about alcohol and women.

That can't be done with Mars. Doesn't have enough mass to hold the water in. It will boil over because of the low pressure and solar wind. Just pointing it out. This pic always triggers me.

t. Astrophysicist

Ok, Mexican intellectual. Will it ever be possible to colonize Mars?

Serious answer, if you can get them niggers to work it'll be a huge benefit.

>sterilize the black females
>fat white trash still fucks niggers

I'm not saying it can't be done. But terraforming is another animal compared to colonization.

If you're curious, here's the most current problem (that I know of):

It has been found that Mars sand grows in razor like shape, unlike Earth's which tends to clump into little balls. Also, this sand is tiny. This shit can attach into your suit, which then you carry home and you just fucked yourself up. Gravity is low so it won't settle down on the table or floor like Earth's dust. You'll be breathing tiny grains of dust all day.

Okay, well whatever you call it. The degenerate music and culture has to go.