>new hampshire will decide the election
clench anus
>new hampshire will decide the election
clench anus
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NHfag here. It's looking rather divided.
What about voter turnout ? Are Trump voter pumped out and Democrats not ?
I have zero idea. Sadly I'd say there's a greater lean towards Clinton, although bear in mind I'm in southern NH and the further north you go, the more right-leaning it gets.
What's more, I'm basing my current inclination on the amount of bumper stickers and signs I have seen in my state.
Colorado will go red before NH does
Don't trust polls
>North Carolina, Florida, Nevada red.
Fresh OC
I live in NH and vote with 8 people (total) all independents except 1, and we are all voting for Trump!!
Concord here
A large amount of my friends and acquaintances my age are voting Trump compared to Clinton (probably a 80-20 split) while pretty much all the boomers I know are unironically shilling for Hill. I we lose, it'll be because of them
Probably sampling +20 Republican
You're doing God's work. Keep those voters safe. Then go enjoy some ice cream.
I see.
Make sure you vote then.
I swear to god if NH goes red, I might seriously consider moving there one day (yeah, don't really like my non-country that much).
only being up 1 in ohio, i dont like that
603fag checking in.
Where in NH are you? I'm in Derry and I see nothing but Trump signs here.
I've experienced no circumstances demonstrating hillary support in the nashua area. No signs nor bumber stickers. I've only eavesdropped on pro trump conversation.
New Hampshire will be blue, you heard it here first.
is this real ?
Move here anyway. The climate is very pro-freedom, lots of guns and very few shitskins outside of Nashua or Salem.
Huh, maybe it's more of a seacoast thing with the amount of Hillary voters, which is where I am.
It's off. He's consistently +3-4 here. If you're going to worry about states, don't worry about Ohio at least. We're based this year.
There's your problem. Portsmouth is a min-Boston and UNH is full of socialists and SJWs.
Yes but it was done by a republican polling agency so take it with a grain of salt
Spot-on, the college towns are very much leftist and, yes, Portsmouth is a hipster haven.
I don't know why but I feel like Pennsylvania will go red, while CO and NH will stay blue.
I only go to Portsmouth to eat at the hipster joints which accept Bitcoin (I'm trying to live as (((fiat)))-currency free as possible) but I typically avoid socialist hangout spots like the plague.
It doesn't show Clinton changes as it usually does, so no
NHbro here, cast my vote for Hilldawg yesterday
feels good man
>CTR image
>CTR file name
Gotta finish my studies before that. Might move there for a post-doc.
Anyone else think frog hillary is less hideous than real hillary? Real hill is vomit tier.
backfired lol
Trump is actually barely winning among Republicans
it's ogre
Define "real"
There's a good chance he will win Michigan and/or Pennsylvania
You've never voted in your life degenerate! I bet you only leave your house for food once and awhile.
doubles for red nh
we'll see user, I'll remember you on election night
Trump is President.
Hash tag #livefreeordie
This shit is old. We need new polls. They hardly do any polling over the weekend.
Get off your lazy asses stupid fucks, it's the weekend before the election. Do your fucking job.
>beliving polls
For what polls? I'm 32 and have never been 'scientifically' or 'officially' polled in my life. Have you? Know anyone who has? Odd huh.
Have you ever known or heard of any family who were a "Nielsen" household?
Never heard that term in my life, but I'll search.
If you believe the polls, Nevada is blue and NH is red.
That means the poller was republican not the people polled. You god damn faggot.
the image in the OP is according to Nate Copper
Last poll I found shows a +3 lead for Trump (abcnews)
It is also quite outdated.
dude virginia is a red state, what is this bullshit about it being blue
It has pretty much become a solid blue state.
it's based on the latest prediction from 538
I think i've heard of this once. I don't have any type of cable type service for TV in my home. Purely internet or 'aerial' tv service in our home. Aerial? You know, that free service that's already in the area free for anyone to grab.
yeah, if blacks turn out at high rates
but they aren't going to this election, and a lot of hispanics are going for trump, 45% according to the LA times poll
trump should win VA, and we won't have to worry about NH (though i'd like both)
shill harder. probably +50 democrat.
I got a job working for my Uni while i was a student calling people for polls in my state. Trust me its real, and it sucks ass to do, boring as fuck. Mostly just robodialing dead numbers.
i'm getting pissed at all these people saying clinton is going to win virginia, there is NO WAY she wins here.
1. blacks are not going to turn out at high rates
2. white working class will turn out
3. VA hispanics will vote 45% trump, as will about 35% of asians, which are huge improvements on both sides
4. literally no enthusiasm for hillary
I guess my main Q is where do the numbers come from? I'm fairly out of the grid. I don't have a landline, haven't for years. My wife and I's cell numbers don't even correspond to the states we live in.
>hurr durr drumpf is gonna ween even tho all the polls say nooo1!!1!
You're a fucking retard. All she has to do is win solid blue States, which didn't go red is either of the last two elections.
Thanks, Drumpftard. You've helped assure a century of Democratic rule by nominating an unapologetic racist, misogynist, demagogue. She couldn't have done it without (You).
But that doesn't mean you'll be spared. In 2017, the "basket" of deplorables will become a casket of deplorables as we disarm you racist white-supremacist fucks and create a truly united country.
Me and my gf voted for hillary
Dear god why, have you researched how to change your vote yet?
Racist? Against which race?
Take your 2 cents and stay in the basement, nerdvirgin
Retarded post that's going to make you feel like an idiot in two days time.
She is a non muslim christian arab and i wont let her get profiled becuase of her muslim sounding name what trump wants
It was a pleasure seeing the "Bernie Bros" like this. Wholeheartedly believing their sick and disgusting candidate will win, as Hillary raised the axe over his fickle neck. You are so wrapped up in delusions that it'll actually make it all the more pleasurable when Hillary wins. Reality will hit you like a semi-truck when she wins by a 300+ margin.
Kill yourself.
Whole family is voting Trump
It's gonna be a close one but I think we can grind it out. Saw giant "DEMOCRATS FOR TRUMP" signs in Merrimack pop up.
all you faggots can do is insult.
i'm telling you, trump is winning virginia. come to my hometown, you will see nothing but trump signs abound. even in the big cities many blacks feel apathetic about this election.
white virginians are going to turnout in record numbers though, and trump will dominate their vote
>come to my hometown, you will see nothing but trump signs abound.
Please cease with the MUH SIGNS argument.
Who did her boyfriend vote for?
Nice almost quads. Bet it wasn't the first time one of your numbers wasn't high enough
They are randomly generated by a computer program. It has to do with getting a random sample and also because of people complaining about the no call list, even though polling agencies are exempt from that list.
Hillary :^ )
She's here legally? Trump bro don't give a fuck then. You guys are missing the point. I love interracial chicks and have a hankerin so does the Trump if you get my point. And if you think govt is profiling your paranoid. Please dear god don't let me have to deal with that grating voice for four years. I'm racist as fuck and hate white girls. Married a korean and am quite fucking happy.
Time to beat the democrat bussing circlejerk.
Thanks for the answer, dumbass!
Go back to jerking off. No girl worth anything will ever like you. Maybe if you win the lottery.
Oh and I'll add, the random generation element is what makes the job suck more than anything, you just get endless invalid numbers, modems, whatever.
Theyll need one latin bitch, 20 to 29 or whatever, for the sample, and you will spend days just getting that one demo (usually minority and young).
Hillary voters are so fucking stupid. Did you read ANYTHING Trump has said about protecting Christians in the Middle East?
Change your vote or else you'll only accomplish the exact opposite of what you want.
Sick of realizing nobody actually *wants* to vote for Hillshill?
Must have been tough when you realized people felt like that towards you
So what happens when you call an oregon number and connect with someone from florida or some other state? are there measures to take that situation in account?
UNH here. Good handful of my buddies all going for Trump
First time i've ever heard of 3 live people vote for hillary, wow
nh man here
its close. Too close. I see more "active" trump support, but that's probably because they are behind
the way I see it, NH was Trump's first major win, and it could be his last.
is she here illegally
very true! NH will always give good surprises.
Thank you sweet baby jesus. Just your crew? How are the elders voting?
Born and raised in the states im the one who became a citizen via her (white from germany)
Well the place i worked for was only doing in state polling, so they just had the computer only do in state area codes, and then randomly generate the numbers after. But when we did connect with a demographic we no longer needed, namely, old whites and blacks (they answer the phone), we would just tell them they were no longer needed once we knew their race and age, move on to the next number.
For a national poll I assume they dont care much about the locations. It would just make it too hard. They probably only care about the demographics of the overall sample by race and age and whatnot, against what they expect the likely voter turnout to be. I guess thats why you get state polls and national polls but never national polls where you can dig down into state data.
citizens are protected under law
Tell that to TSA who questioned her multiple times for no reason and oddly never me
Godspeed ! I really hope NH turns red. At least, one non-poor non-creationnist white state going for him.
I'm afraid that being brown does not prevent the apes of the TSA from questioning you
She was already profiled to the highest extent when 9/11 occurred, I don't really see it escalating beyond that
Good thing you're all in Manchester. That city is becoming more and more left-wing by the year.