>the blue state of michigan
The blue state of michigan
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holy fuck...
This really makes me think we are entering a civil-war period real soon.
stop posting low res pics to hide your photoshopping
fuck drumpf, fuck white people, and fuck wikileaks
>t. CTR
All this means is that a greater proportion of Trump supporters attend his rallies, not that he has more supporters
Polls are polls
If it's not a photoshop then why don't you post a high res pic?
>The city of the United States
Keep telling that to yourself shill : )
Fuck you man, I was there. They had to turn people away
i agree, polls are polls
Looks like a Hitler rally
ikr trump is literally hitler le xD
Everyone wants to see the outrageous orange tiny hand man. He is like a circus side freak show
>i was there guize
if trump gets 45% of the hispanic vote like LA Times is projecting, i will consider hispanics to be honorary whites from now on
(they basically are white people with dark hair)
>Is that 51% of the voters?
Yes I was goyim, there was an iraqi starting chants
I'm so excited by this possibility
>MFW trump can't make strategically small crowds
You're a huge faggot and five long in a mass grave with your spic friends
Qt bottom left. Denim skirt. Blonde hair. A real all American girl.
>all white people
it's 2016. Trump and his gang of racist KKK nazi rednecks aren't going to win.
Im so jealous of Hillary's small rallies.
Why can't Trump do those?
My hometown!! wish i could have been there
dude do you even know hispanics, many of them are very white, they just tend to have dark hair more often than regular white people
Here's another shot from the same event.
he's gonna get less than 10% of the hispanic vote, pablo. Only reason GWB served 2 terms was because he got 40% of them to vote for him
Lol wut.
I hope our governor and the Flint water crisis didn't fuck our chances
Why can't Trump do small rallies like based Hillary? Low energy is best energy. Slow and steady wins the race.
MS reporting in. LOL. That's fucking great.
I live in Michigan, but my area has always been very Republican. Trump signs for miles and it's great to hear that we are more of a swing state this time around. There is hope.
dude he is polling at 45% of hispanics, look up the LA times poll
Surprising how many people in her claim to be from Sterling Heights.
Jesus Christ he's been campaigning for months and he still attracts large crowds.
Are they free?
leave my girls alone shill
he's not. It's more like 5% to 9%
LA times poll isn't scientific
Also reminder tuesday in detroit will be 14 degrees celcius and raining
>"Ay yo man I aint gettin no mud on deez jordan na' im sayin nigga"
Michigan is red
probably only 1000 at most
fuck off
All you need to do to go to a rally is print out a ticket on his website.
why not? it was very accurate in the 2012 election
Who MI here?
Going to vote tuesday. Hopefully we can override detroit, BC, and kzoo
it's metro Detroit of course they do
Civil War? Check you Id. Kek has assigned your rank. Although, you'll have to change your name to Gyofu. Even that sounds cool.
Hey I was there
it's the 4rth largest city in michigan, it's not too surprising. I can tell you basically anything about the area to prove it lol
This is a good joke.
If Trump loses, what else is there to do? We've exhausted all peaceful options.
So with sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
is end it all
and leave forever
whats done is done, it feels so bad
what once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
my world is ending
>most accurate poll of 2012
>invalid because it isn't "scientific"
Keep sucking that BBC
MS here as well. Served on a grand jury a while back, and saw just how bad it really is.
Did the left just take MN for granted? This article reeks of a brexit effect in an ignored state.
>screencapping this thread so I can laugh a drumpers
And that was before he took the stage.
No doubt more people showed up, as evidenced by the OP's pic.
>posting infowars polls
Nigga come on
You do that half Satan.
>7,200 seats
Okey friendo
I love jury duty. People hate it, but I fucking love it. I got called twice last year. Weird. I wasn't selected though.
I won't doubt you. It's just odd that there would be three or four other people from SH hanging out here.
another one for ya
Photographer 1: How should we take the pictures to make the crowd look bigger?
Photographer 2: Idk, maybe from the side. Make it look long and stretched out.
Photographer 1: Good idea, that will surely make the crowd look larger!
Photographer 2: Fuck yeah bro keep sucking.
There aren't enough spics and shitskins in Michigan for that to matter.
Trips of truth
there's a reason why Obama and other Democrats are campaigning there at the last minute instead of more typical swing states
Also why liberal pundits like David Brooks are complaining that working-class white men are breaking for Trump and don't care about the issues.
lol there's never going to be another civil war you idiots
a race war might happen but the only way is if whites banded together as a group which they are literally no longer capable of doing
it MIGHT happen when they finally become a (despised but powerful) minority
but by that point the brown and black mongrels will have inherited the military that whites built
they will wipe you off the face of the planet
I'm calling a 50 state landslide for Trump.
- Polls are all bullshit. Rigged from the start
- Trump still 5 point ahead
- States swinging left and right
- Hillary is in nuclear meltdown
- Lowest energy Dem campaign in living memory
- Massive crowds for Trump since day 1. Only getting bigger, multiples every day
- The silent majorty
- The Deplorable vote
- The mood
- The time
- Brexit
50 States, all Red. I'm calling it.
Screencap this post.
They though Trump was going to show up and give her the tombstone pile-driver.
clone tool harder shill
>all the white people from 3 counties in that area
>Forgetting that the state is won from primarily wayne county
>Macomb county is primarily blue, too
>autists predicting a civil war
>tfw you remember the weather gods favour the British
I'll do what I can to pray they help out our Amerifriends. We might have been enemies at one point, but we're still brothers. No amount of tea dumping can change that.
Weather gods, please lend your spirit to the American fight by giving them their own Brexit from Israel.
Thank you weather gods.
Truly amazing. We will never see anything like this ever again. It really is a movement. I hope America makes the right choice on Nov. 8
It was honestly a bit unsettling. Grand jury only handles felony crimes, and some of the more heinous crimes stuck with me for a while. Only wish I could have got on the Jessica Chambers case.
>All are delegates
>Ruled allows you to basically buy them off
>Hillary Clinton's biggest crowd was paid to be there
Really make one ponder
this whole country is free sheepbugger
my dad is english and moved here for a job, so i have some special ties.
thanks for the good wishes friend. best of luck to you and yours as well.
Yes, there could be a civil war. Not in the vein Sup Forums seems to think
Rather, it be more of a situation where the reform that needs to happen, doesn't, which is possible with a Clinton victory. The reform would then come from an uprising from an outsider recently gaining power within the gov. using this power the outsider splits the republic up and changes it forever. A Marius and Sulla situation
everybody knows that flint fucked itself
snyder had to cleanup the dindus' messes and sent emergency managers to fix the shitty corrupt cities.
flint happened to have its infrastructure collapse just as snyder sent his man to help. so flint dinducrats pointed at snyder and yelled WHAT DID YOU DO?!
snyder is a bro. michigan will be red
holy KEK
Can;t wait to post my compilation of trumptards
Is this ctr's new strategy?
Making us believe that it will be a landslide so we don't vote
Does that make it easier to check if there's photoshop or not? I might as well use that in the future for Hillarys rally pics then, Kek
as Hillary is notorious for photoshopping her rally pics.
I'm not sure when it will happen, but I do think the division between liberal urban areas and conservative rural areas will only continue to be exacerbated and ignite tensions in the years to come. It's always been a thing, but as the demographics continue to shift away from a white majority it will only become more obvious.