
You have approximately 48 hours to purchase a firearm until the BIGGEST PANIC BUY IN HISTORY.

If and when Hillary wins the presidency on the 8th, expect immediate online gun sales to spare through the roof. Shelves will be empty and guns will be financially unobtainable.

****YOU HAVE 48 HOURS****

lol you think S&W will jack their prices up so their consumer base can't afford to buy anymore? are you fucking retarded you dumb shit?

I'm a gambling man and I'm waiting for Trump to win so I can buy an AK for less

Gun grabbing happens before all the elections faggot

You think Soros won't fund his people to go buy all the guns to drive prices up?

Is this bait?

Do you even know how the gun industry works?

The gunshops have total control over their sales price. Learn2Capitalism

Rate your readiness, /pol. On a scale of 1 to 5, how many thousands of rounds you have stored?

how 2 buy guns online

Thank god i just bought pic related

Yeah you're probably right.

Clinton won't do shit to the 2nd amendment, she said it herself.

She's not the person to lie and break her promises. And she's DEFINITELY not the person to break laws and kill people.

We're all gonna be fine right m8?


The panic buy is already in full swing ass tard, ammo is going to be harder to get than guns. That's how it was the last few times.

1 for every letter of your data mining agency

Need a semi-auto rifle, but fuck overpaying those gouging cunts

Remember when Obama took our guns?

800 rounds of shit pmc .223
200 rounds of winchester ranger jsp (OH GOD PLEASE LET A MUSLIM GET SILLY AROUND ME!!!)
400 rounds of 9mm fmj
100 rounds of HST 9mm
100 rounds of birdshot.
lol 20 rounds of buckshot.

Not nearly as ready as I'd like tbqhfam. Time to hop on ammoseek

Member the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban?

Member when they banned the import of certain firearms?

Member when they tried to banned M855?


Don't hold your breath.




The time for questions is over, worry about yourself

Nice Peter mask there m8

would operate with




There is literally nothing wrong with keymod. Take that back please.

Ok, I'll take it back for you user.

I actually had a dream last night that I had a Glock with an extended magazine. I remember feeling the two-part trigger. I didn't have a holster for it so I had to awkwardly put it in my waistband.

Never held or fired an actual gun before in real life. Handguns are 'restricted' here so you have to get a special license for them and can't carry them around without a reason

Thank you, that was very nice.

I have enough ammo

Did the dream end with you shooting your dick off? A Glock is just about the most dangerous gun you can ghetto carry.

Rate my gear

Pls no bully

I strongly urge you to commit suicide

Where's the bad dragon????


>tfw i will watch an empire collapsing from the safety of my home
Feels good.

you managed to push the line past funny and into actual autsim

You bring honor to your ancestors.

>implying Texas won't become a literal battleground state as rednecks surround liberal shitholes like Austin and start dropping all the libcucks

more booty pics pls.

Might as well.


How long do background checks take?

I'm good.

>Implying that you are replying to Chile not Texas
Burger shows his lack of knowledge of world geography

A couple of minutes. Don't know if it varies from state to state. t. Texas

Tin Hat Ranch?

It's more an issue of production. They just can't produce enough to keep up with demand, or did you forget the last round of panic buying?

I literally implied the opposite of that. And it was clearly a joke.

>milo's sweet tea

Depends on the state. In California it's 10 FUCKING DAYS.


Mah nigga

Right with you there, brother

What's up with that thing at the top right? You don't appear to live in a state with bullshit pistol grip restrictions.

I work for a big box FFL. The powers that be have prepared for a Hillary win. We have more firearms and ammunition in stock right now than we did for our grand opening. If she's elected I would plan on a Sandy Hook type buying event, ammunition especially will be wiped out. Plan accordingly, Godspeed.

Bout 20 minutes here. The can issue a delay if they want to for three days. But after three days you get you gun unless they can pin something solid on you.

When I got my first gun it took two days but now it takes 10 minutes.

Good luck hitting anything with that dumb ass meme

>dildo furniture

Good fucking lord, OP was right.

Fuck, I should have bought that M&P 15 last week, SHIT!

First thing tomorrow morning is gun buying.

5 minutes in texas

Stupid faggots. I've been literally buying thousands of pounds of live ammunition for the great mellenial panic. Bullets are going to be worth more than gold, food, and pussy.

>mfw plebs are trading in thier guns and pure bred blonde Nordic white bitches for bullets

>idgaf about jewing you fucks now after the great milebial panic

Are you fucking 12 or something?

>lots of money but no taste

Kel Tec SU 16CA.
Skeleton stock. I live in Commiefornia.

>Non AKM standard ugly furniture

Don't even start



Everyone, you shouldn't worry much about pistols or shotguns (at least for a while). It's the scary asshurt nigger colored rifles you should get.

I member. Member Correlian Corvette?

the only thing i recognize in that image is the p90 (i think).

what's the model on the bottom left called??

It's okay. Honestly if Hillary's election causes a price spike of +100% it's still worth it.

When they made automatics illegal, they grandfathered in everything before that date. Those guns are still legal to this day but they cost $10,000+ for a gun that would have cost < $500 brand new. Anyone who had a dozen of them made serious bank after a few years.

I can easily foresee AR-15s and similar doing the same. Hillary will make new ones illegal but grandfather in existing ones. It's just easier. Less ruckus because current gunowners don't have as much reason to care. Even if you end up paying $2500 for an AR-15 tomorrow (an outrageous sum), it could end up being worth $15000+ in another fifteen years because they'll have to stop making them and stop selling new ones.

Could be a real nice long term investment to just buy a dozen of them if you can get em and have the money to front.

Im sorry fampai :( it's a kneejerk reaction to non-wood furniture

Arsenal > anything else

>dat babby ak

We must preserve the future for gun children

I meant bottom right.


Pretty much this.

Buy ARs, AKs, PTRs, SCARs, Galils, FALs, and any other scary looking gun.

This meme is much better.

Is it still convenient to take the dust cover off/clean the weapon with that rail on it? Or are you taking the rail off each time?

Thinking about getting a rail similar to that.

Newfag detected. Clearly that's a Texan flag.

That's fucking sexy.

I forgive, I like Yugos too

I got me a triangle as well, and some plum. Far left isn't mine, it's a friend's

The rail comes off in seconds and doesn't lose zero at all. That particular one is an arsenal sm-13

Any good bullpups to get? I was planning on getting an AK but might go full meme.

It likes literally 2 seconds to take the rail on and off an AK.

Get an AK, bullpups are sweet but not for primary use IMO. Had a Tavor, sold it. PS90 or AUG are where it's at.

Will it fit a Yugo NPAP?

Also, dat 134.99 MSRP

Fuck you. I have to clean my keyboard now.

Idk.. does an NPAP have a side rail mount? It fits any AK with a side rail.

Tavor ain't bad if you really want a bullpup.

That's fucking hot

I have an inaccurate air soft gun

Not the same user, but I have the same sm-13, it's worth it. It also should work with Yugo, but then again Yugos are weird. I can swap mine between my WASR and Arsenal in a few seconds, no need for adjustment

Yeah then we gud. I want to pimp this AK a bit more, might get a fold-under stock

What is this for? Educate me user.

ammo too? I already have my gun. but stocking up on ammo might be a good idea.

It's for when your dog gets old and sick and needs to be put down.

>Being this fucking new

I've been wanting a bolt action, but with this election should I get something instead or just ammo?

Man I wish I could get a sweet looking rifle. Protect that shit america because being limited to sporting shotguns and hunting rifles is awful.


The time to stock on ammo is passing. Even now I can barely find 7.62x39 in local gun stores, much less big box stores.

The best route is surplus ammo from gun shows at this point.