Breaking leaked agenda to destroy germany and implement the islamic republic

well not sure if this is some schizo tier shit i just found by typing random shit into google but wanna take a look with me to see if its legit or is it fallacy

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The GROUPS are being selected and sorted into 5 waves:

Wave 1
harmless people and children
Wave 2
sick children and elder people
Wave 3
people with infectious diseases, infertile women, widows
Wave 4
highly agressive teens and psychopaths
Wave 5
Rebels and army members, able to handle weapons and indoctrinated.
This latter group is the one residing in our bunkers by thousands already.
We are up to 30 % at present, by mid of 2017 the remaining 70% will arrive by night-flights at the airports of


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This is the most retarded conspiracy theory I've ever seen.

I haven't heard much about infectious diseases or sick children but the rest of the waves excluding wave 5 as it's not properly commenced yet add up

Through resouces of the UN, the World Bank and the EU were installed five recruiting centres for workers in Africa as well as ten further centres in Middle East.

Anybody matching the criteria was given a smartphone and 2500 Euro cash, then being integrated into the pre-defined “refugee-routes”, the German offices were informed about and became coordinated. Officially this started in 2015 but inofficially all of that was already kicked off in 2013, at first in lower numbers, only in 2015 the “ENTER OPERATION” SYRIA set the ball rolling.

Suited candidates ideally had to be

20-30 years of age,
procreative (was tested!)
have an IQ of 90 at max,
as uneducated as possible, (more violent and more easy to conduct)
be Wahabit or Salafi and ideally disdain christs
Nice to have:

especially welcome were men peaking out by abnormal sexual behaviour,
like pedophiliac or homosexual, and whose tendency to violence against women was noticable.

180 detention centers for bio-Germans and German offspring, “derailed artists” and dissidents, peace messengers and protesters are currently being built, and anybody revolting will be placed in such a camp for starving.

Cologne was – by the way – just a set up orchestration for testing the reaction of the population. The press was receiving their concept papers only days after. Internal security had planned this in jund 2015 already, the testing balloon was SYLVESTER at COLOGNE. The indictions of the females from Cologne and everything around was just a PR-Show, as government intended to awake the rage of the Germans, but these are so full-up, vegan and meek as a lamb that there were just a few more reactions than some shitstorms.


it checks up

Why did they skip directly into the fifth wave?

Why don't you Czech em?

Nice dubs but check this singles!

Those are the most retarded dubs I've ever seen.

The only chance the Germans have would be to pummel upon and to choke anybody not behaving germanlike or looking german, in principal anybody not being white, and from that strong fascism will grow in the end – which is – as per my understanding – also scheduled.

Instead of jews (!!) one may amuse with 15 million new citizens – called “true Germans”, and the pile of dead bodies will be high.

Afterwards noone will evermore accept a woman as a leader and democracy will be completely out. Same rights for women will again take hundred more years, until women will be allowed to protest. Women’s libbers will straight become hanged. Could be that people will become more respectful regarding God.


Halfway through wave 1 they realized there would be literally 0 resistance

He's here.

He's channeling Kek

Lol, it'll fucking happen eventually. What, you think the birthrates for muzzies will just drop one day? Germans will become more christian?

christ, michael.

The average Muslim birthrate is likely to drop as Muslim populations become more developed (both through immigration into developed countries and through the hopeful eventual development of the Muslims' own homelands). There's nothing "magical" about Muslims that makes them reproduce faster, it's the simple fact that pre-industrial societies call for higher birth rates than industrial or post-industrial ones. Of course, we can't precisely predict when this will happen, or what the demographical distribution will be when things finally stabilize.

>writer is a 45 year old Lithuanian tunnel engineer
>says she was contacted in 2001 to build underground bunkers in 7 places around Germany for the population in case of "mass evacuation"
>had to sign top secret documents with various governments
>bunkers would be connected by underground train connection, independent energy and water supply, a shelter for 300,000 people each
>in 2005 she met with the new German chancellor Merkel, took a vacation to Hawaii sponsored by the rockefeller, was informed that other similar projects would begin in Canada, Netherlands, Argentina or France after Germany
>the installation comprised a mosque in all locations, and freeze-dried food was HALAL and never contained pork
>RHEINMETALL delivered containers filled with weapons and ammo, beds, hospitals, TVs that repeatedly show arab messages saying to kill christians
>a lot of energy was needed for this and Merkel campaigned to install windcraft and solar energy plants. says FUKUSHIMA disaster was artificial to make people positive about climate change.
>couldn't drill in Berlin so they had to blast, KOPP has reported sounds of explosions
>in 2012 she was told about the project of NEW EUROPE and her mental health started declining
>the UN, the world bank and the EU installed recruiting centers in Africa and middle-east, giving money and smartphones to locals fitting the criteria of being young, groups of migrants are being sent to europe in 5 waves of escalating violence expected to be finished by mid-2017, total 8 million violent africans + 2 million weak-minded
>many deaths in job centers and social offices are expected, people in these jobs have been chosen to be weak, uneducated and preferably migrants
>in 2017 merkel will put into effect the emergency laws and withdraw into her personal luxurious bunker with staff below Berlin

kek confirmed for retarded

they weren't gonna do anything anyway das rasis

>as soon as the social systems have collapsed there will be massive and merciless attacks against the native Germans
>police and federal forces will fight each other
>when the time is right they will open the underground bunkers filled with armed jihadists and eliminate at least 15 million bio-Germans (preferably elders and economically weak).
>properties will be gifted to the US at low price
>US troops will drone bomb rebellions in Germany
>there will be 180 concentration camps that are being built right now for bio-Germans who revolt
>the Cologne mass-rape was a test to see the reaction of the population, planned in june 2015.
>The government wanted to awake the rage of Germans but there was barely any reaction

Then she goes on to talk about the 2019 civil war and Russian offensive and other stuff that is just baseless.
She's going to be dead by the end of the year due to leukemia.

Cologne rape proved Germans are fucking cucked. Mass rape of your women and you did nothing.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the contaminated food and water to make men docile conspiracy was true to be honest.

What do you expect people to do about it? You can't go back in time and prevent them from being raped, and to the best of my knowledge there haven't been any more mass rapes in Germany lately.

Okay, I luv germany now?

how about a suace on that

kind of agree. This is the kind of situation that will not be solved until a full blown break down of society. When Whites no longer fear the idea of life imprisonment, we will see a massive change in the population mind set.

As germany is still playing the pro-refugee, anyone else is a nazi card. there will be no resistance.

Right then the German people should have demanded an immediate halt to immigration and begin deportation. The police to make massive arrests. German people to be outraged.

But nothing. Police, media and Parliament betrayed the German people and nothing happened.

It will be too late then you moron. You dream of this retarded white uprising that won't happen. South Africa is what will happen.

>earthquakes are climate change induced



Keep away from the following cities

These are cities which will be 100% destroyed, when in 2019 after the German civil war the russian major offensive is scheduled.

A nuclear hit will just be suffered by the USA, when China will be visiting them in 2020. NY will die down in 30 MT explosive force. This is – so far – for sure. After that a darkness will occur lasting for 3 days, caused by nuclear dust. Do not leave your home during these days, seal your windows and doors and just consume canned food and water from glas bottles, which you store inside. And keep calm, no matter how big the outside wailing will be.

YFW when they use arabs to kill unarmed whites in Europe

And Hillary to civil war whites in america while Slav and chink jewlovers fuck our shit up

Whose ready to doomguy and save the west

Kek is truly a God of chaos

no reason to call names. The situation is hopeless and nobody can change that fact. The kogs of the machine are moving. Unless you can think of an idea to fix this issue?

heheh I live in nyc now. At least I know that it will be quick.

Read Ilana Mercer's book Into The Cannibal's Pot. That's your future.

So...who is going to be the hero that will stop this madness?
Someone confirm the existence of bunkers

I wouldnt be surprised if this were to be true.
Violence here racked up exponentially in the last 3 years and 99% of the cases its nigger immigrants

Good. The Germans were stupid enough to let it happen. We need a few European countries to be sacrificed so other first world countries can realize what a mistake it is to let in masses of Muslims.

See ya, Germany, you had a decent run.

Aren't you just reporting on Coudenhove-Calergi plan?

Well known and official plan for European suicide.


>Germans were stupid enough to let it happen.
you do realize the same exact shit is being done to America currently, right? just look at all these rigged election/voter fraud threads. We are next.

>Good. The Germans were stupid enough to let it happen.
You are an idiot. It's being done to all of us.
>We need a few European countries to be sacrificed so other first world countries can realize what a mistake it is to let in masses of Muslims
Because the white man rose up in anger over South Africa right
>See ya, Germany, you had a decent run.
Fucking ignorant yanks. Your shit country allowed this to happen.

You guys, I know this will sound crazy, and like KANGZ bs, but hear me out. In the end time, there is to be a battle where pretty much the entire world converges on Israel. Now, whether you believe the Christendom is spiritual Israel, or that we are the actual Israel of the OT, that means it is going to happen in our countries. This is why we are all being targeted. Physically, this will look like an unwinnable battle, but God says that he will intervene rescue his people in such a way that it will be unmistakeable, and everyone will know he is our God, and we are his people. This is going to get scary, and judgement will be upon many, but we will win in the end. Stay strong, lads.

Time to create the Fourth Reich and make a stand before it is too late Germany.

>because the white man rose up in anger over South Africa right

White people are a minority in Africa, not really a good example, friendo.

Revelations says something like 144000 will survive or be saved, so that's the 0.1% in their bunkers.
wow, you really are a fuckhead. Thanks for proving my point.

Let's fix the USA first. Then it's Germany.

Americans will stand up for themselves long before Germans ever would. Hell, the voter fraud stuff and Hillary is already making it close to a boiling point, much more and people are going to start fighting back. Tons of Americans may be pretty cucked, but I can just about guarantee if they actually tried to go through with importing millions of refugees and those refugees sexually assaulted American women en masse at a festival it would end with lots of dead sandniggers.

Germans are cucked, they're Sweden-lite, Merkel could bring in 5 million more immigrants tomorrow and Germans would just stand around and thank her and ask for more.

144,000 will rule with Christ in his kingdom and be allowed in the Holy City. There will be more of us there, just outside the gates. Emahiser's explanation is pretty good.

There are a small number of based Germans but most conflate laziness and cowardice with intelligence. All they have to say is that there is no point in doing anything and the smart money is on giving up.

>like pedophiliac or homosexual, and whose tendency to violence against women was noticable.
sounds like that /r9k/ crowd

>Bumps for trips gets singles
>Bumps for singles gets dubs
Why does KEK taunt me so?

RIP Germany. You could have been a great ally in the coming Kike wars. But it seems it may already be to late for that.

If America had listened to Patton and destroyed the Soviets and his warning about the Jews we'd be laughing

Would you rather Europe stay atheist or allow the Arabs to bring them back to God?

does anyone remember that thread where some french user said there were 2k + churches scheduled for destruction and over 100 mosques ready to be built int he next years?

Kek, that's what I was just thinking