Other urls found in this thread:
it's over
>let spics in
>they vote in candidates that let in more spics
lads if we don't get Donnie in it's over
why not compare it with 2012?
remove spics
Latino aqui
Estan bienvenidos
>more blacks voting now than for Obama
Latinos are 50-50 split now. The Spirit Cooking stuff scared off a lot of them into believing Hillary is litteraly the antichrist. Tump may be a dick, but atleast he doesn't worship satan.
wikileaks has been slowly redpilling beaners too. It did for me and I'm a mudblood. My mexican family is all aboard the Trump train.
I wonder how many of those Latino births were paid for by whites via taxation
they all votin' for trump as you can see
>100% increase
so from 3 spics to 6 spics?
>The Spirit Cooking stuff scared off a lot of them into believing Hillary is litteraly the antichrist.
Do you have a source for this? Most people haven't even heard of "the spirit cooking stuff." Those who had don't care.
tfw Cubans vote Republican because they left that Commie shithole for a reason
Where is 2012?
Good for you m8
I'm one of the light skinned spics and my mom and dad are on that hill dick hard
My sister was behind Johnson but he showed how retarded he was so she's no voting for a president
My parents cancel out my Trump vote out and then some
you just got REDPILLED ON CNN
Why don't they compare with 2012 instead of 2008?
Your (((media))) is genuinely disgusting, I thought ours in Australia was bad.
>300k more spics
>1 million more whites
>white increase: 1,013,771
>black increase: 73,538
>hispanic increase: 363,266
>white is over double that of black + hispanic
>even if Trump only won 50% of white increase, it would comfortably nullify 100% of combined black & hispanic increase (assuming 100% of those go to Clinton)
>comparing with 2008 instead of 2012
Hmmmm really makes me think.
(((ground game)))
they vote early instead of election day
new poll came out: +16 Trump for those planning to vote on election day. makes sense if they pull in all the black votes into early voting
>broward county
Can't even redpill your parents. WTF is wrong with you? I've brainwashed my immigrant parents to hate Hillary and her family literally stopped the genocide of my nation. FUUUUUG!!!
The percentages are a little misleading. 103% rise in hispanics is about 350,000 people, which is certainly a lot but 41% increase in whites is another million people.
So really, yes the hispanic vote matters, but not as much as you think.
I'd like to believe this, but I don't.
WTF are 2012 stats?
there was an election in 2012 why are they showing 2008?
From the USC/LA Times Poll, Hillary's numbers plummeted very recently, most likely due to Spirit Cooking
What the fuck, it's more than double.
Can't help but notice that white turnout is still higher in hard numbers.
i want to know too
Because more are eligible to vote than in '08.
>Make spics American
>Surprised when they vote in the elections
White people will seal their own fate. We need to beat women more. They truly are poison. Islam is coming.
>"I'm going to win big with Hispanics"
>actually going to do it
The absolute madman
Does anyone have the 2012 numbers?
This our country now Holmes
>Leave third world spic hellhole to come to America
>Vote to turn America into another third world spic hellhole
This is nigger tier culture no matter how you try to explain it away.
Catholics are understandably skeptics labor people involved with literal black mass shit.
The reality is less important than the perspective.
Where the fuck did they get these numbers?
Yes Latinos increased 51% by weight in 2012.
>All spics will vote for Clinton
>1 million more white voters in hillbilly florida will not have an impact
My parents are the perfect shabbos goyim dude
They spend their time on the Internet looking at funny YouTube videos and browsing Facebook
They sit and watch Univision and telemundo and think it's unbiased and 100% fact
I've shown them emails showing her corruption but they'll sit there and tell me that stuff isn't real.
Shit is terrifying how a person can close up so much and shut off to facts
Last election I was still living with them and I remember one of those dem shills coming to our house to make sure that we had gotten out ballots and voted
My mom still hadn't filled it out and she sat down with her
The gal started going over what each prop was about and she straight up said "don't tell me about them, whatever the Democrats want tell me that and I'll fill that in"
That's the type of person they are
source, or are you just assuming
is that grey area the fucking MOE
How is it that fucking big? What's this fucking sample size?
>Treat spics loke absolutely shit
>Don't pander to them like Democracts do
>Be surprised why they dont vote Republican.
Surveys probably. It's made up bullshit.
There's no place to check mark your race on voting ballots. It's never been a thing.
Shhh... People are sleeping.
Polls are showing Hispanics are about 50/50 when it comes to supporting Trump or Clinton. So I'd say: no, it won't make the difference.
They use rabbit reproduction methods. It's cheating
Things are looking pretty grim.
The spics vote republican you fucks.
>1,000,000 more whites voting for Trump (you know they are)
>350,000 more Latinos voting for Clinton
Oh so they must be taking some bullshit survey and applying it over early voting numbers.
>a full 1 million more whites are voting this year than in 2008
>55% of white American support trump according to pic related
Meaning that in florida Trump can be expected to get 1913141 votes from whites alone
Hispanics are spilt almost perfectly 50/50 between trump and clinton meaning he should get around 357314 hispanic votes
Bringing him up to 2270455
Meaning that if EVERY black person in florida voted for Hillary she'd only have 2556062 votes
But really trump is showing around 20% support among nigs so he's up to 2390810
While clinton is at 2435707
Tl;DR Niggers are once again ruining the election while hispanics are continuing to vote in the same pattern as whites.
Why do you think Democrats want to have more spics in America. They wan t a lock on the President seat. We are truly at a crossroad.
Yall idiots realize that all the Cubans in Florida absolutely despise Obama for how he stabbed them in the back by opening up relations with Cuba again? Almost all of them are going out and voting for Trump in record numbers.
That is one hell of a massive spic ant pile. Just spics on top of spics and shit.
You're given affirmative action, you're given welfare for doing nothing other than breathing oxygen, you're given state of the art medical care, you're giving untold rights and market goods and services under a stable monetary economy that you simply could not find in Latin America, you're given access to the best universities in the world, and to top it all off, your shit tier, bottom feeding culture is glorified by our white elites. But yeah, you're treated like shit.
Nigger tier. You're just like the niggers. Hispanics are closer niggers than to whites.
RIP San Diego, you were a great city
I'm Hispanic and I fucking hate them. Specially central Americans, they are pure scum. Most of the Mexicans that live in the us are nigger tier in Mexico. There is a reason why they come here illegally
Illegal spics being let in to vote specifically to vote for Hillary are not voting Trump. I can assure you of that.
You can't really compare a fresh election to a mid-term one.
Look at how diverse it is now!
Someone post the leaked document saying how latinos are easy to placate for votes because of their "loyality".
>Hispanics are spilt almost perfectly 50/50
Believe it now?
Not exact 50-50. 42-47% off by 3 percent
Wrong. More men vote than women.
So all the Dems have to do to win the election is to tell the mudpeople every 4 yeras that it is time to get ouf of bed because otherwise they will get less welfare? And because these people are really really lazy they literally need to be dragged to the voting office ... wow just wow. Democracy at work.
hispanics being the reason trump loses will be true poetic justice
lol trump scared latinos into finally going to vote
i read an article in texas monthly. harris county has a HUGE turnout this year for beans.
sorry trump. you lose.
>mfw texas goes blue
It's always fucking women, what the fuck?
Yep. When your government is based on simple number of voters, not quality or any other factor, all you have to do is replace your population with people who will vote for you no matter what. Same with Merkel - I'll bet those refugees vote (and they will be allowed to vote) for her party almost 100%.
>"Not only are Latino voters set for record turnout this election, but a new poll Sunday shows Latino support for Donald Trump may be lower than for any Republican presidential candidate in more than 30 years."
lol are you fucking retarded? you posted a source saying its the lowest for trump in ever.
>tfw my entire cuban family is on the trump train
Well Americans, I've been watching Donald Trump closely since 2015, good thing it isnt Norway... Ive stopped giving a fuck now, may you drown in niggers and spics. At least when we arent happy about whats going on we kill like 100 commies on an island.
>That garbage in the gutter
>the littering stereotype is real
It's the area of uncertainty. it's basically adding the MOE of both sides. So, if the error is 5, it's a 20 point spread.
>Same with Merkel - I'll bet those refugees vote (and they will be allowed to vote) for her party almost 100%.
Absolutely not. Merkel leads the conservative christian party. Mudmigrants vote SPD or greens because they hand out money.
But it really doesnt matter since we only have 1 party here, no opposition at all. So in a way, yes, they're voting for her.
A handful of mex ams will vote for trump because they think they are white. Or want to be.
2012 was a midterm election. You can't really compare them.
How many of those whites are latino?
Do you know how to read? The last source you linked says he's at 11% with latinos
>really trump is showing around 20% support
Nig population is not very large. Also keep in mind how many cannot vote for shillary because convicted fellony. The black vote is only worth what the evangilist crowd can mass produce and send out to vote in droves, but evangilists are backing trump. Lewis Faricon is backing trump. Hatians are backing Trump (because of what clinton did to hati)
Is this seriously LA? That is disgusting.
very interesting, never thought of that
>2012 was a midterm election.
wew lad
>They don't know all the new spics are people that are voting for Trump
>Cubans will vote Trump
You do realize most Hispanics in Florida are Cuban? The majority of which is voting for Trump.
>Hispanics are closer niggers than to whites
you can see why.
All the legal Hispanics I know are voting for Trump. They hate that they actually had to work to become American citizens while illegals didn't and then they stole their jobs.