Don't let Hillary win

Stalinist here. Americans, please don't let Hillary win. Convince people with whatever fucking reason you can.

The rest of the world, you see, we're told she's the chosen one. When in the US they were saying Trump won the debate, our media told us massively that she won. All we've been told has always been a mirror of the shitty faux-progressive media John Oliver and Hollywood represent. They just don't give a shit.

We want Syrians to have their nationalist Syria in peace, and cooperate with Russia, and let nations be independent. Even if it means having Trump, I literally see no harm in Trump in comparison.

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can someone post the Palpatine version with "autistic screeching" in the libertarian left quadrant? I need it for reasons

Fuck off commie

I second this

Are you #WithHer or something, my dude? Why so butthurt?

Welcome, comrade.


Damn, even Commies don't like her!

>and cooperate with Russia

Then you are looking at a wrong candidate, amigo.
Hillary is your best bet.

Trump will not improve the relations with Russia, on the contrary they will be much worse.

At the very best you can hope that he's just a con artist and will do nothing. This is the best case scenario. Worst case - he will actually start WW3.

thanks mate, have an inforgraphic I stole from /k/

I meant other countries' right to cooperate with Russia really

A candidate who doesn't give an ideological fuck about this kinds of things vs another who actively pursues no fly zones over them can make a bit of a difference.

fucking kek

Commie who hates hillary? Fake.

You have no idea.

Don't answer this shill Clinton's strategy has been to accuse her adversary of the real threats she poses

>We can't let him near the nuclear button!

But she wants to bomb Iran and attack Russian forces in Syria

You guys are delusional. Memecammunizm and anarchism isn't communism. We don't support liberals.

Problem is that American communism is and has always been a joke.

Also why the fuck do you think taxes are communism or whatever

found the comrade

Can you actually fuck off?

Fucking die commie.
Also niece of you for supporting Trump.

>A candidate who doesn't give an ideological fuck about this kinds of things vs another who actively pursues no fly zones over them can make a bit of a difference.

The fact that Trump "doesn't give a fuck" during the election campaign doesn't mean that he won't give a fuck later.
Or for example his VP, Mike Pence.
Here he clearly stated that the US should not tolerate Russian involvement in Syria and bombing of Aleppo. He actually blames Hillary on being TOO SOFT on Russia. Just a taste for the things to come if he gets to power:

He is fucking neocon. Trump made a pact with neocons to get the GOP support and now he's bringing them to the White House again. I love how Trump supporters never mention this at all and just continue to mumble about a "bromance" between Trump and Putin and that Hillary is a warmonger.

Anyone, who thinks that Trump/Pence means good relations with Russia is retarded.
I can guarantee with 90% certainty that most of Trump supporters will be VERY disappointed with him and his administration.


social democrat here
you fascist edgelords have bought so much into muh SJW meme that you think every lefty is retarded.
protip: HRC is a neocon. she doesn't represent any of our beliefs, it's not hard to see the ugly truth behind her facade

Trump represents everything wrong in the world to me, but by now it's obvious that Clinton is by far more sinister and dangerous

>found the comrade

What do you guys do to destabilize in Australia btw? Not many MLs out there that I know of.

Fuck off.
Trump's ONLY platform is;
I support things that help whites.
I oppose things that help non-whites.

He doesn't need to say a single nigger or beaner to be a massive racist piece of shit.

He is the poster child for taking MY tax money and supporting its use to exclusively go to a racial demographic that wants me deported from my own country, aka USA.

Why the FUCK would I support someone like that?
Trump supports pro-white policies and opposes anything that could help me so I will vote against him no matter who is opponent is.

Fuck off you shillcuck.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

>What do you guys do to destabilize in Australia btw?

You can't pull of policies that worsen black people unless you racially profile them. Not gonna happen, the police already do that without the need for a President to do shit for or against it.

The main role of the US President as HofS is to determine foreign policy, which is why we foreigners care a great lot about it.

I like the idea of fascist protectionist America over capitalist in an accelerationist kind of way.

Are you retarded or what?
Only stupid liberals and SJWs supports Hillary. Smart lefties like OP would never support that whore.

Also, this place is +18 and you must have 15, go to sleep kiddo.

>people actually think there will be a communist revolution ever again when living standards all over earth are rising

Nobody is that dumb

>commies liking neoliberal globalist scum
in what world?

Are you Chilebro?

they rise in particular countries in the West. Also communist/similar takeovers are also a matter of political crisis, good organization, narratives, taking opportunities, etc.

>implying Trump supporters are not majority working class
Trump is the working class candidate. Step one is bring back jobs to America. Step two organise workers. Not too far-fetched at all.

We can only do so much to make it clear to liberals that Hillary Clinton is the most god fucking awful presidential candidate we have ever had.

Some people simply refuse to see it.

So what the fuck are you doing in Sup Forums?

America isn't all white you stupid kangaroo.
Of course a dingo fucker would want America to become protectionist, with that white American power fantasy you have spinning around in your head.
Besides, Strailia and New Zealand are slave states to the US anyway.
You guys literally only exist as a cultural-isolation escape hatch for Anglos.

Neither of those countries produce anything of any real use anywhere on this planet.
You should worry about developing your own economy before worrying about the ethnic alignment of ours.

Triggered much? Trump is protectionist.

stop posting zizek
he's fucking shit even for leftist standards


She a neoliberal you hue monkey moron. Lurkmoar and read Evola

I prefer that over the reverse

Leninist here
This: And

she's both things, burgerfriend, that makes her even more cancerous.
why are you so triggered?