What are your thoughts on Gavin McInnes?
inb4 you all hate him because he talked to a black person once or something
What are your thoughts on Gavin McInnes?
inb4 you all hate him because he talked to a black person once or something
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He talked to a black person once, after he sucked that mandingo schlong in a public toilet
I like him for the most part, he needs to refine some of his ideas and also how he expresses himself because he can come of as a sperglord
He the definition of cuckservative.
>race mixing whore
I actually like him
he's a great ally, he's funny, he's got balls and he's got potential to reach people your average white conservative doesnt
he talked to a black person and shoved a dildo into his ass after pissing in his cereal and eating it on camera
He thinks if we put Sub-Saharan Africans in a school in London they'll start writing sonnets and reciting entire plays from Shakespeare.
>showed his asshole twice live, with one of them involving shoving a dildo up it
>stretched his ballsack live
Faggot lumbersexual
Anybody have that video where he and CopperCab show their ass on livestream?
he pulls rank on millennials and generally uninformed and not worth watching
massive fag lover
He's a plant, controlled opposition, designed to swing conservatives over to the liberal side.
>hey guys look at me I'm totally a Christian white conservative just like you but I like gays and Jews and I'm really socially progressive and you should be too haha
> makes out with jewish greek faggot
ohh! I'm so conservative xD :P
He's an edgelord who never grew up
Used to listen to skrewdriver, now he is a sodomite enabler and probably a sodomite himself as well.
Cool dude
not always right but then who is
giant faggot that has shoved buttplugs up his ass on air
Not the worst, but he shills too hard for Israel.
Wow. This guy is still going strong.
sounds like a huge fucking faggot subhuman glad ive never watched him
>opposes ethnic nationalism even in Europe
>mixed with chink
>showed a black dildo up his ass on air
>promotes drug use
>works for rebel media
>shits on hipsters
>looks and acts like a hipster
>hates entertainment
>idolizes old fashioned, shitty lifestyles
He can go back to 1850.
i like him
that is all.
His opinions on some issues are spot on (whites built the West, the gay agenda isn't about equality, BLM).
But on others he loses me completely. Plus I love how he talks about how great the white race is when his wife is Native American.
Leaf faggot
He did a bunch of degenerate shit in his past so Sup Forumstards hate him.
Because it's impossible for people to change and become a different person.
>After watching the Joe Rogan podcast I thought he was funny and hilariously cool
>Pay for subscription to his daily podcast on AnthonyCumia.com
>One day he decides to unironically create a group of 'Western chauvinists' called the 'Proud Boys'
>Must get punched as many times as possible before naming 5 'breakfast cereals' before being allowed to join
>Conversations gradually start to veer off topic, Gavin's sense of humor eventually becomes grating
>Starts displaying his asshole live on air
>Kisses Milo Yiannopolis as a 'fuck you to Islam'
When did you realize Gavin was a closet homosexual?
Prove it
He's an actor and doesn't actually believe anything he's saying. He said it himself at the end of the first Coppercab interview.
>inb4 you all hate him because he talked to a black person once or something
he's funny and has more balls than 95% of Sup Forums combined because he doesn't hide his power lvls
Not likely to happen. He's reached the end of his maturity-- people like that don't generally change.
I think he's alright.
He's a fucking degenerate, but I'm glad he's somewhat on our side
They used to describe him as the founder of hipsterism
Now I guess he is part of a kind of red eye endorsed punkcuck libertarian movement. He's alright.
Based sometimes. Gives no fucks. Overall like him more often then not.
He's a funny guy. I subscribe to the cumia network for his show.
I don't have a webm of a middle aged man spreading his asshole with a ginger live but if you lurk this thread I'm sure someone will post it
>his wife is Native American
...But she's not English, user
Race traitor youtube.com
Huge cuck..
pro-Trump from the start. Canadian who was wise to go south legally.
He's fantastic.
I find it hilarious that you alt-right guys are so obsessed with Gavin..lol. I lived in Williamsburg back in the early to mid 2000's and knee Gavin personally. I used to work for DFA records and we were involved with VICE quite a bit and Gavin would always be at the LCD Soundsystem shows...good times....anyways Gavin's an asshole and he gets annoying quick. He can't keep any friends that's why Shane ditched him. He also slept with one of our close friends Calebs gf at the time while he was away from Brooklyn. Real sleezebag, Caleb was depressed for like a year.
Anyways he's always had this edgy Americana right wing racist redneck mentality to be a hipster contrarian.
I don't get Sup Forums sometimes and it's funny how life turns out....
He's a whiny faggot who turns into a petulent little bitch when he gets called out on anything. So, basically, he has the exact same temperament as other idiots who try to be as controversial as possible, but then curl up into a little ball and cry about it when anyone calls them out... like Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Jeanine Pirro, Jesse Watters, Tucker Carlson, Debbie Schlussel, Tomi Lahren, Steven Crowder, David Horowitz, Caiden Cowger, Dinesh D'Souza, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh... in other words, the entire future cast of Trump TV. Every one of them is just as thin skinned and vacuous as Trump himself
I could cate less about christ cuck issues as long as I get my ethnostate.
this, he keeps reciting the same talking points over and over, only getting louder each time.
He is alright. Only bad thing about him is his race trading.
I don't see why this is ridiculous
If you find a person who subscribes to all of your beliefs, what's the point of being an aspie about their lineage?
she's an idiot desu.
Lived in Brooklyn once, too. Williamsburg is full of holier-than-thou cucks who would fucking backstab you as soon as open a PBR with you. I hope they nuke Manhattan, they'll take that shithole down with them.
>tfw some of Sup Forumsbros are unironically supporting this faggot
A potato nigger and a nigger walked into a bar...
Not super surprising many Sup Forumstards think he's cool
His association to Proud Boys is probably the worst part about him, next to the asshole gaping. What a bunch of faggots
Never heard of him. Looks like some millennial faggot.
she's clearly autistic and makes white nationalism look bad, mohammed.
That dude literally shoved a dildo up his ass on the internet, now I'm posting on a racist gay Yugoslavian bodybuilding forum, but that's just fucking gay.
Crowder is better
>Anno Domini [Current Year] and he still doesn't listen to Prouder with Crowder
>post about white nationalist cutie
>"hehe mohammed"
You sound nervous, friendo.
Crowder is one of the only people you could've named that's actually worse
Enemy of my enemy.
>Still a retard degenerate though
I thought Emily Youcis was a real autist, is she not memeing when she says that white nationalist stuff?
maybe i need my eyes checked but she looks fat
>wants men to embrace neo-masculinity and reject video games for being immature hobbies that Grandpa would not approve of
>glorifies drug abuse and degeneracy going as far as marathoning a livestream on Adderall, redbull, alcohol, and shoving a dildo up his ass
He's an entertainer who wants to be taken seriously. Strange angle.
>started vice > it gone libshit
>started educating millenials on sex > enabled fag
>shoves stuff in ass
> mixes captain obvious with insanely retarded shit like > back then i'd try hard for months just to see part of girls boob > back then 13 y/o boys where sexy.jpg
> talked to a nigger once
Crowder shills for gop somtimes, but he is ok in general.
The pinnacle of his hypocrisy.
This the guy is a total retard rebel média as a whole is controlled opposition to get us to support faggot shit and Israel. Fuck this retarded OP
what the fuck?
I know he showed his asshole to coppercab but I was not aware he fucked himself with a dildo
I doubt he is that good with women even though he tries so hard to act masculine
this guy is a conservative
They should sell a dildo named like that.
I know this never happened, but I feel it probably could have.
I think he is a funny guy, but I also think he is super left-wing. He doesn't shit on jews because he gets paid by jews (Rebel Media, Fox etc.), but he will go right ahead and shit on everyone else which is basically a Jew tactic. They piss on muslims, shit on Christians off camera and never mention anything about jews...Gavin is doing the same shit. Gavin is basically a bitch for doing that. If he wants my respect(worthless), he needs to shit on Jews just as much as he shits on muslims. Equal hate baby.
We have "russian nationalists" in Russia, who want to give Krim to ukraine and justify ukrainians killing Russians with "because putin is not democratic enough".
You know what Bible says?: by their fruit.
what a weird asshole
nu-male cuck degenerate
fitting figure for low IQ Sup Forumstards to worship
>the one guy getting a boner from seeing other men's assholes
Men's assholes were not meant to be looked at. Why did he shave it? This was premeditated, or he's a giant faggot
he is also married to a shitskin, literal racemixer
that guys asshole is the size of a grapefruit
Why he did that
That's him too, all 3 pics are him from different videos pasted into that picture.
guy is a huge fucking gaylord. Fuck him. I'm sure him being from toronto is just a huge coincidence.
>not always right
>but then who is
He's a basic bitch. He sounds appealing at some points, but then you see how much of a degenerate cuck he is and you'll realize he's just being edgy.
Someone post that pissing cereal webm
where is the clip of him pulling out an erection? i need to fap.
Your a fucking faggot kill your self, save us the lame poem you would write before hand. You're the definition of millennial failure
>he spreads the cheeks
Fuck's sake, definitely wasnt his first time.
Don't be a fag guys it's called not giving a fuck try it it's liberating
He talks more than most women I know. I'd rather he shut the fuck up and get a real job
That asshole has obviously taken dick.