Why are liberal women the hottest and best looking demographic?

Why are liberal women the hottest and best looking demographic?

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Went to a few Trump rallies in my state. Every young girl there is a qt, the protesters were all ugly as shit.

Keep cherrypicking Armenian whores, though.

This is a conservative (male).

Muuuh fucking dick

holy shit the young turks have the greatest "internet political show" ever

Well, they're also the stupidest.

She's such a fucking blue pilled tard tho

Because young people tend to be ignorant. Young women are hot women. Ignorant young women are prime liberals.

I'm gay but I do like the idea of fucking liberal women for some reason, for intellectual kicks. Not in the vagina though.

what vid is that from

This is a liberal (trigender hydromorphoussexual)

Because she's Armenian

On a scale of 1-30 shes a solid 12 at best.


Not true. Liberal women tend to be fat and ugly, which is why they're liberal. Look at Fox News, conservative channel yet the women are hot as hell

That sandniggrr is a total butter face

Because if they're dumb and ugly, all they can do is shit nigger babies. Always some work for a stupid bitch that's hot.


She does a dumb blonde accent in it too. She was really into it.

Nasty as fuck, awful taste

Kicks. I like kicks.

She looks too much like my sister for me to be attracted to.


I would stick a large canadian cock in your sister then

She's sexy

>liberal women

thanks user

by being a liberal said female's attractive drops by 3~5 points depending on the level of insanity displayed.


I could have done with out the last 2-3 seconds

fucking gross

God no. Conservative women by far and large are far more attractive than liberal women.

by all means go ahead, leaf

>liberal women
>hot, he said

everyone needs to google Kat Timpf

She looks like a bird fetus

the freeze frame of that vid reminds me of this for some reason

even in commiefornia the hot chicks are voting for trump:


>liberal women
>no really, he said "hot"

it's the greatest feeling ever. especially the ones who complain about the rape culture.

because liberal men are unable to fuck them, real men fuck them, but they use succubi cuckery to shackle the man and raise a liberal family, whose liberal daughters will be fucked by real men, thus completing the cycle, while liberal men die alone or fuck gross bitches

conservatives are conservative because they're ugly and bitter. good looking people aren't filled with hate because they enjoy life.

How is this even considered an argument? She's fucking 83 years old man

Good point. Liberal girls, who fucked 9000+ dudes and want you to act like that's ok because it's female empowerment, are very sexy.


>people who care what others think about them try to make others like how they look
Film at 11.

I want to drench her in my stinky cum.

conservative women are stereotypically better looking.


>She promises to have sex with you if you vote Hillary and picture the ballot. You can't "cheat" in any way or form, you have to vote for Hillary in order to get sex.
What do Sup Forums ?

She's taken Sven

Because you're a faggot?

Because predators need their bait to be effective or they won't catch any prey

Ana>>>>>Blank Space>>>>> That hoe

Statistics on Unmarried men and women are drastically in favor of liberal ideals, where you don't have to work to accomplish things. There is a lot of data on this stuff, along with facial morphology and posture studies that show a significant correlation between liberals and ugly, unfit, low esteem.


a fuckable


liberals in general are better looking

did he die?


literally the most grossly inaccurate thing I have ever read on this board

>liberal women the hottest and best looking demographic

Trigglypuff sat on your head or something', goober?

>implying TayTay isn't infiltrating

>liberal women

do not make me laugh


She was a cutie when she was younger

>looks exactly the same

Okay, I luv her


>Liberal women
>not gargoyles

Because they're easier. This woman is not hot, but I've had 3 beers and she looks easy, so she SEEMS hot.

>Why [false premise]

you know this isn't how she looked when she was born? She had a massive nose job..and possibly even breast implants later on.

Because they have the crazy.

I was at the Trump rally in Minneapolis today. I had no idea that there were that many qts who support Trump.

no, i can still see the chub poking out of her control top panties

>dem shitty brown eyes nig nosed genetics

looks like she has jaundice

>i wouldn't fuck her
>says the fucking libtard faggot

no shit you wouldn't fuck her, fucking faggot

>liberal "logic"

fucking murder yourself sincerely

OP is a fag

Try watching fox news. Then watch MSNBC. Get back to me.




Because all of the psychotic emo qtpis were won over by communism a decade ago

>is into ferrets.

Checked faggot.

You've never seen Lena Dunham?

This was a subtle request to get you guys to post right wing qts obviously

Do i need to link you that one story about the austrian nazi women that wanted to spread their legs for the invaders?

Whatever you say


lol i have smaller shoulders than that and i was born with a penis




i've started going to church just so i can meet a right wing evangelical gf

she's pretty, in a stoic sort of way

ggonna fap to this tonight

If you have a thing for southern blonde girls with big tits, Republicans are better.

If you like skinny, brunette city girls, Democrats are better.

Why? Demographics.


They aren't.

Conservative women are much, much hotter.

conservative-women.lauren sivan.

Because all women are liberals
