ITT : Things you'd want from a Jill Stein presidency

ITT : Things you'd want from a Jill Stein presidency


For her to digest my cum after she sucks me lovingly and then pee my cum out a few hours later

Jill stein porn parodies.

For her to concede to trump

the succ

alright i think we got it all, close up the thread


face sitting

The complete opposite of her economic policy, but more importantly my dick in her crusty ass.

finger her green asshole

Just Jill being Jill is fine.

To throat fuck her.

Even though there's tons of IRL granny porn that I like, I still wish there was more drawn granny porn.

Preferably not drawn by Japanese people because most of them don't know how to draw older women.



mandatory gilf gfs
women under 30 are ONLY allowed to work and bear children

>tfw she will never be your mom
>she will never get you to bond with nature

She has the body of like a 30-40 year old, so it doesn't seem fair to call her full granny. Maybe idk I've never watched it.

Does anyone have any rare (young) Steins??


>She has the body of like a 30-40 year old
You aren't kidding.

literally diamond

Just these two.


>this is your body on ecosocialism

You're right, but still she's a granny, a really good looking one.


>qt young jill stein will never sit in your lap

jill is for hugs
not for fugs

i just wanna cummy in mummy

A Stein presidency scares me more than a Clinton presidency. Stein is literally a Communist.

Blowjobs from the President.

Her resignation.

>green party
>ever not commie faggots

I'd much rather have her than Clinton, even though I think Jill is nuts on some things. Still she wants to audit the fed and isn't an economic globalist.



a Jill Stein impeachment

I'd be behind her entirely if she weren't anti-gun, seems like a genuinely caring and well-thought person in many respects.

That and pro nuclear.

>I want to purge this party of the insane anti vaxxers and GMO whackjobs and focus on energy independence


If I was 18 and still thinking with my dick/id I would vote for stien

i swear, she has no reason for being as hot as she is

>>Jill (((Stein))) presidency
She is a retarded Greenie, literally the worst type on earth to serve as president. If you want to live under this type of governance, please emigrate to the EU. Enjoy your Muslims.



Garbage singing the national anthem.

I want her to gently dom me then bake me vegan brownies wearing nothing but an apron and some Birkenstocks.

