>mfw I voted voted early for Gary Johnson
Early Voting thread?
I had to wait for 2 fucking hours. First time voter (I didnt vote last election), so I understand why people don't vote or get mail-in ballots.
Mfw I voted voted early for Gary Johnson
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Wasted time just to waste a vote.
Fuck you, faggot.
You voted for a fake libertarian and a hillary supporter- nice move faggot.
i hope you catch a bowie knife to the gut and get left in a ditch to die faggot
feels good man
>wait for 2 fucking hours
I don't understand why this is. Is this a big city thing?
>wasting your vote
my fucking sides
>i waited in line for 2 hours to vote for nobody
Why would you wait 2 hours to vote for an autistic fake libertarian?
big mistake OP, you forgot to put >inb4 wasted vote
now the wasted vote meme will ruin your post and nothing productive comes from this thread,
voted early for dr stein. took like 15 minutes. very pleased.
>waited 2 hours to vote for Gary Retardson
No, I'm in a college town, sad really
nice nice
>aleppo isn't something that I can smoke
I don't care about aleppo
This. I'm in and out within 10 minutes.
>Unironically supporting """""libertarian"""""" gary johnson
You're retarded. Almost as braindead has HillShills, kill yourself faggot.
what happen here? source
karma is a bitch.....wait till your grandkids whine to you in Spanish about the debt you left them by letting Hillary win
The lady said something like '1 in 5 people who smoke marijuana will have a heart attack'
>voting for Johnson in 2012
hey, I get you man, I did the same thing, who gives a shit about Obama OR Romney, amirite
>voting for Johnson in 2016
k you just went full fucking retard dude, yes I am mad
>being this mad
You did fine OP.
Rock on.
There are people in this world that will never know the freedom you tasted.
I voted for Johnson on Friday. Only took 10 mins. I'm glad OP didn't give in to the peer pressure to vote for a douche or turd sandwich.
It's weird. 2012 Johnson seemed more intelligent than 2016 Johnson. He most have gotten some bad weed in the last four years.
Way to waste your vote in the first election that has mattered in your lifetime .
I voted early for master swamp drainer .
I walked in, took a minute to get a ballot, filled it out with Trump for pres, and left. Leave it to Garydiots to take 2 hours to vote.
Congrats on your first vote, OP. Johnson's not my choice but you didn't waste your vote.
I know that feel user. I too early vote for Johnson and am now regretting it
Gary Johnson died dude
>the post
Too bad Gary is gonna take the 8% you need to win Trumpkin.
I voted early, George Washington early. Make America!
How long did that one take you?
I like Bernie Sanders, Vermin Supreme, and John McAfee, and I even prefer Jill Stein to Clinton, but I voted Clinton because wuteva FUCK Trump #YOLO
Voted Gary today.
When will the Libertarian Party not have a fucking moron to represent them? I'd have voted Rand Paul if he was the Republican nominee.
Good deal, user. You're already ahead of the curve.
My personal preference is for SMOD, but it might be Johnson in the end.
Who'd you vote for? The Hillary financier?
Fuckin never.
I was in it for Rand, kind of my last hope for the Republican party with his dad gone. That didn't pan out so I started pushing Petersen fro the Libertarians. Even fan-dangled my way to their "convention" to shill for him, only to see Johnson/Weld come up as the ticket.
Fuckers blew a golden opportunity. I will be utterly shocked if Johnson even makes 5%, Libertarians screwed the pooch with the argument of "name recognition" when fucking relatively no one knew Gary anyway. Their strategy was "appeal to normies" when that's the exact fucking way to not stand out and just be seen as a spoiler.
Not sticking to their own principles cost them the debate stage in my opinion, there was zero fucking enthusiasm from the diehards- i.e. the only people who would have cared enough to go door to door and phone bank where it mattered.
Thrown in Gary's missteps and fucking Weld you have a cock up of a century.
>Even fan-dangled my way to their "convention" to shill for him, only to see Johnson/Weld come up as the ticket.
What was that like? Interested.
You'd think for all the time Libertarians spend talking about philosophy and politics that have somewhat of an appreciation for the nuts and bolts of it, but then they always go and fuck it all up this hard.
>regretting gary johnson
nope not even once desu
It was a line that held me up. I was less than a minute from giving ID to walking out