Trump victory = stock market crash

>US election 2016: this is the global market turmoil that would be triggered by a Donald Trump victory

>This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins

>Citigroup: Stock Market Will Fall if Donald Trump Is Elected President

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Fuck off with this propaganda scare tactic shill

>bernie supporters hate wall street
>trump crashes the (((stockmarket)))
>bernie supporters somehow blame trump and say this is bad

it's going to happen, folks

a correction to an irrationally exuberant market is a good thing.

Same stupid scare shit with the pound after Brexis

fuck off

It will be a small 5-10% panic selloff for a few days and then return to its previous levels by the end of the week. How on earth can the market crash with these absurdly low interest rates?

Oh good, they will provide the Optics for Trump to dismantle IMF control of US currency...we all knew this would happen, it's the will of Kek!

>thinking jews will give up their money

>Be short S&P 500 futures since July
>Be long VIX futures since August.
>Have not taken profits yet as I am waiting for Tuesday's result.

How exactly is this a bad thing for my portfolio?


To be fair though the Peso went up considerably today immediately following the announcement that the FBI was no longer pursuing Hillary Clinton.

It has been fluctuating literally off of his words and actions and has been great for Forex trading.

because it's not how we planned it to go!

the stockmarkets already pretty overvalued desu. Smart money is to not have money in the stock market

With jews ya lose.

But this time THEY LOSE

Just short the american market and rebuy when low. Problem solved.


wasn't citigroup in one of the wikileaks emails, being in cohoots with Hillary's campaign?

If a country doesn't have the money to lavish on shitskin immigrants it can not import them.


samefag, found this:

We're getting played...GO TRUMP

/biz/ here.

If Trump is elected, there WILL be a market crash. In 2008/9, the FOMC put interest rates at 0% to keep the market up; this was a temporary measure. When interest rates are low, there's much lower incentive to save any money, so people spend more of it, leading to higher corporate earnings numbers.

Well, it was supposed to be. Every quarter they say there's been a recovery and they'll raise rates next quarter. Every quarter they've put it off, so the Obama administration can look good, like it saved the day and not like it just put painted gauze over the disembowelment of our economy.

If Trump is elected, the FOMC (part of the establishment) is going to raise rates– something they know they need to do. Instead of a little bit, they'll jack them up 2-4% and rip off the band-aid.

To normies, it will look like "Lawl Trump is shitty 4 business".

Anyway, if anyone here has money, buy some $13-17 December VIX puts. Thank me later.

I am out of the market

So I am praying trump wins, crashes the economy so I can buy everything on the cheap and hold for the next 7 years and basically have enough dough to buy Australia

You may recall that during the second debate Hillary said that there's been a recovery and nameless "economists say my (not detailed here) plan will add a million jobs". She kept going back to that line, without actually describing the plan.

Trump said [paraphrased] "There hasn't been a recovery FED (FOMC) is doing political things". He didn't have time to explain it all to normies, but he was talking about the interest rate band-aid. I'm surprised he didn't call out Yellen, but that would have been met with misogyny claims.

He knows it's coming. I assume he has a plan.

Buy the puts I mentioned, hold 'em til expiry (pretty sure they're european so you have to). If Hillary wins, they'll do really well for you, so it'll be a consolation prize if you support DT.

(((stock market)))

Hillary Clinton = QE4

Markets are going to crash either way.

they tried this tactic with brexit too. and yet, the world marches on for the rest of us. don't forget to sage slide threads, kiddos.

Thats how you know we're doing a good thing for trump to get in.

Stocks don't do shit for the people.

Fucking Good.

Main reason stock market crash actually hurt back in 1929 was because the common man owned a shitton of stock without actually owning it, it was under loans that could never be paid after the crash

>in gold miners
>markets will collapse whoever wins

Nice. If Trump wins I will also get rich. If the pedo wins, well at least I'll make some money on people hedging gold.

i work on wall st. the economy right now is in a bubble. meaning the economy is not a real economy. the higher ups are keeping it in this bubble to give america a false hope. when trump wins, he will pop the bubble and drop the market to its actual value. showing the entire world that the american economy is actually shit and he was right all along. he will not only raise undo the fake economy and raise it from its real numbers but he will undo 30 years of all of this fake american prostitution politics and make america great again. point in case