Whats the best way to do it? I thought of crowdfunding Ubers (Wesearchr or something) or renting a bus but I don't know how much communication we have on the other end.
How the fuck do we bus the Amish to the polls, Sup Forums?
Whats the best way to do it? I thought of crowdfunding Ubers (Wesearchr or something) or renting a bus but I don't know how much communication we have on the other end.
How the fuck do we bus the Amish to the polls, Sup Forums?
The Amish are the key. We need to win this motherfucker
I'm in upstate NY. It would be a 3hr drive just to get to the PA border. But I'm tempted to do it.
Bump. Would do if I lived anywhere near PA (I'm in Commiefornia.)
Anyone willing to do this would be doing Kek's work. Praise Kek.
If theres any way to do it en masse we'd have a good boost I think. I don't know how dispersed the Amish communities are though - I live in Pittsburgh, away from them. Sending a bunch of cars after them might be strange to them (depending on how the amishpac handles it on their end)
Trump campagine needs to rent a couple of buses
Amish don't mind riding in cars. They don't drive. I think it's because drivers licenses have ID numbers and they believe having an ID number is a bad omen.
Since they drive buggies they won't have driver licenses, so how will they prove who they are?
Seems like voter fraud just waiting to happen.
I've already signed up to help. I'm in Berks county, so it's not much of a drive for me.
The GOP needs to fund buses for this.
Do they usually just not vote?
Bump. I live in PA and want to spread awareness.
bump bump
There's many more types of identification than a drivers license.
I'm just trying to imagine what that plan would like like - how we would send people to pick them up and from where. I have no idea how much the amishpac would be able to help
(in terms of the Uber idea, but that might just be a fluke in general)
Uhh, don't they just do absentee ballots since the voting machines are electronic?
Good news. There have been over 1,500 volunteers who have offered to help drive the Amish to the polls on Tuesday.
That said, I'm sure they could use more, since I know that even getting 10% of that total to actually show up will be a major feat.
I would hope, but the amishpac site seems to exist for a reason. I swear to god if the Amish could've flipped PA red but were too afraid of devil machines and motor vehicles....
I think they tell you where to go and give you a gas card. I don't know if I can make it to PA because I have work, but I did donate.
No, the Amish don't respond well to mail or phone calls. They like to do things in person.
Yeah but for those of us who have some extra money but can't get out to drive them I'm wondering if there's a way to integrate Uber into the mix. Might be weird I guess
The Amish are quite dispersed and they also don't have churches (they meet in homes like Quakers). However, organizing them at local meeting halls could work.
Multiple personal vehicles will likely be more effective than large buses though.
The Amish live a life where they're not dependant on modern machinery or electronics.
But they still own million dollar combines.
They just know how to harvest crops if those machines failed.
They have zero issues using vehicles or electeonics if needed.
If somebody can figure out how to do this I will pitch in money. Im in FL though so thats about the best I can do unfortunately
I'm telling you right now that they DO have a plan. What they need are people with cars to drive the Amish to the polls. And sure, money will probably help, but at this point, volunteers > money.
Alright, was just wondering if there was anything more efficient