So,who's gonna tell her?

Are they aware they are hated pretty much everywhere on earth? They don't even want them back in Africa. Friggin Inuit eskimos hate niggers. They truly are the cursed and despised of the earth. Does the boon pictured really believe she would be loved and adored anywhere else on earth?! Do these niggers even realize it is only in America black assholes as worthless as them would even have a pot to piss in?!! Last time i checked you city chimps had it pretty damn good here in the U.S.

>contributed literally nothing

NOTHING. Even that nigger who invented peanut butter failed miserably. a white man perfected it.

also, have friend, first generation african american, family goes back to visit africa every so often.
He told me that literally everyone there hates african americans, they think they are all lazy, ignorant, violent pieces of sit.

>niggers invented peanut butter
So they are trying to say that peanuts, a plant of american origin, was first mashed up by blacks?
Do people really unironically imply that Native Americans never smashed a fucking peanut before?

An intelligent person won't go around telling other people they are intelligent.

>the niggers only social value is keeping the jews wealthy and keeping the democrats in power.

Who doesn't love an ugly useless nig with a chip on their shoulder, a massive entitlement complex, and a strong desire to ruin your life?

At least white chicks are something reasonably nice to look at, and might even suck your dick if you're lucky.

All the niggers in college means nothing. The curriculum and the standards have been steadily lowered since the 70's to give them an easy ride through universities and then along came affirmative action and "diversity quotas" My college "Vassar" is slowly filling up with niggers and it is starting to show. Getting in means shit when it is literally given to you. Even the scholarships go to apes just because they are apes. How many brilliant kids have probably been tossed aside to fill some nigger quota? The universities are now little more than flophouses for delusional niggers who think they are geniuses.

I know they didn't,but hell if you ask them they will tell you they invented the whole fucking world.

white people are literally the most hated people all over the world

even white people hate white people LMAO



mmmm KANGZ

>claims to be intelligent
>fails to understand why her kind is hated

>it's my fault people hate you

white flight


I doubt that...

It is irrelevant in any case. Those are not the reasons she is hated.

Stow it nigger.

how dare you eurocentrics think this looks weird!

Why do niggers have such an ungodly amount of hubris? They go from a middle class home into a fucking BA, and then act like they're fucking rags to riches prodigies.

What a beautiful and vibrant culture!



These are fairly long but worth reading


I feel bad for the good ones. I think we should judge people on an individual basis. It's not every black person's fault that black people have a huge problem with room temperature-IQ criminal thug behavior. Those thugs victimize the nice black people as much as they victimize non-black people and each other.


>I feel bad for the good ones
We just stay at home. No need need going out because niggers have already ruined us

>my tablet auto corrected niggers to muggers


>hated in this country



Most of all, she's hated for being an auntie tonya

She could always move tona country where black women are highly valued.

Giving American blacks a protected status was a huge mistake. It's only made their persecution complex worse - the tocqueville effect.

>I think we should judge people on an individual basis.
how are we supposed to do that when every other group out there plays the race card on a daily basis?

>I am hated in this country

Then get the fuck out. I'm black and I disagree.

it also cut them loose from the consequences of their behavior , they can rape loot riot cause white flight and then scream about discimination


Michigan central station still fucking KILLS me.
If Detroit hadn't been handed over to niggers and dems they would own a station designed by the man who made grand fucking central.
That shit is a relic that should have been protected for centuries but, in less than 50 years, they let it fall to ruin.

>I disagree



It looks like that and i think she added lipstick and tried to soften her features with airbrush.

Liberals pretend that thing is just like us

>black intellectual

what bothers me the most about lip discing is the why factor...what possible advantages could this have given in any way, shape, or form

fake and gay

>slaver my son
>you must choose between kunta kente and lipdisck laqueesha

>that hairline

your skin color isn't why people hate you sweetie

IIRC one of the main purposes of that lip expansion is to make them less attractive. It's supposed to help deter them from betraying their "husband" for another man/tribe.

>live in land of severe water shortages
>invent way to make it nearly impossible to drink even when you do find it

Negroes, everyone.

>Africans finally get clean water
>Spill it because of some wuz tradition and shiet where you put frisbee disks in your lips
Fuck just grab them from the disk and throw them into the ocean to drown

If she was intelligent, she'd know why her kind are hated.