What did he mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


He has type 2 diabetes

ignore that faggot, he's an attention seeking whore

Tasteless joke from the CIA.

They got the 400lb hacker known as 4chin.

He was relying on a corrupt government to free the people. Only the people can free the people.


Attention whore.
Called it from day 1.

He's a lying fat fuck faggot

Trump won.

Seriously, 400lb file sharing merchant trashed his reputation

>You got mail

He was watching Aliens today. It was on TV.

Remember when Fatfuck.com pretending like he had damning stuff?

Fuck this faggot.

He realized he was full of shit this whole time

Does this mean no more exploding vans?

He's out of CHEETOSĀ®

Get yourselves redpilled with my predictions.
KimDotCom-lying thread:


Fuck youuuuuuu




>Literally 400 lbs
>Literally 4 chinz
>Literally a hacker
>Figuratively diabetic

Sorry guys Nz Knew it all along. He tried to make a political party here and failed miserably. Internet-Mana (split fromthe Maori party) he also tryed this same leaking shit with our current center right PM Key. Claiming to have inside knowledge and sources but came to nothing.

He made the same mistake here. The people want a corrupt government. NZ is full of bootlickers and Kim fucked up.

are you trying to say that business people should stay out of politics?
cause that dude is loaded from all his Mega businesses

it's game over it Florida



Nope. I'm saying he put his faith in kiwis/NZ and it will result in him literally getting raped. People here are small minded and petty and knowingly vote for corruption. NZ is dead.

extradition incoming.




maybe he hacked the voting machines. this shit IS rigged, but the L33T HAXORS are tilting for TRUMP

Why are Americans allowed to operate in New Zealand as if it is their own country?

They couldn't do this shit in Randomarse County, without the local Sheriff or Marshal coming up to them and scream at them "THIS IS MY CASE, GTFO OF HERE"

Ever heard of a MOE

Wish someone would have told me that a month ago

NZ is a cuck country. The government represent only the interests of globalists.

This is embarrassing at this point, honestly. Stop giving this guy attention, it's literally "game over" every other fucking day.