Ted Cruz's dad is Lee Harvey Oswald?

What did he mean by this, Sup Forums?

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source: wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/26078

I'm pretty sure its ment to be a joke



Are you seriously this detatched from reality that you can not understand sarcasm?

Nice try #Cruzmissles bit I am on to you and your DELEGATE STEALING GAME

kek wow they are pretty funny tbqh senpai

Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot kennedy...

i bet they tried to make a "Cruz is the Zodiac" joke but the retard blow it.

Or his father was the shooter behind the fence... who knows. This is weird.

It ain't a joke. Why do you think Ted is trying to get close to Donald?

Keep your friends close and YOUR ENIMES CLOSER.


They're making fun of your beloved Trump for unironically believing in a satirical conspiracy theory that suggests Ted Cruz's father was the one who assassinated JFK.

Nice try Rato, but I am on to your petty mousetrap.

...that was never a thing...

Goddamn, Mordecai, what time is it in Tel Aviv?


>wikileaks proves almost every conspricy right

alright i'm done. i'm sick of reality its gotten more surreal than anime. tomorrow i'm gonna turn on the news and they'll be announcing that the teenage mutant ninja turtles have invaded estonia and kidnapped the virgin mary

Cruz father was in Texas as the time.....
>Cruz has stated in interviews that he was jailed by Batista for several days in June or July 1957 and after he was released he applied and was accepted by the University of Texas in August 1957. He obtained a student visa[15] after an attorney for the family bribed a Batista official to grant him an exit permit.[1][2][16] Cruz said he left with $100 sewn into his underwear taking a two-day bus ride from Florida, arriving with little or no English to enroll at the University of Texas.[17][18]

>He graduated from UT with a degree in mathematics and chemical engineering four years later in 1961.[9][15] Cruz states he worked his way through college as a dishwasher, making 50 cents an hour and learned English by going to movies.[17][19] When he arrived in Austin he gave dozens of speeches in support of the Revolution to various clubs, but later after a visit back to Cuba in the summer of 1959 he became a harsh critic of Castro after "the rebel leader took control and began seizing private property and suppressing dissent".

But there's this...
>Cruz was also accused by Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee for President of the United States, after allegedly being involved in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, claiming that he fraternized with Lee Harvey Oswald, based on a National Enquirer story.

Holy shit,

I put my money on that the Third Reich will come back with their UFOs from their hollow earth superbase, if trump loses or he is killed.

Witness the digits brother.

What next? Adolf Hitler comes back using a time machine alternate reality?

i really hope so. pan dimensional hitler would cleanse the world

Get me off this fucking ride already!

>Instead of popping in and taking over, the entire timeline has a (((Bernstein))) bears moment and we all only slightly remember this current timeline as a nightmare everyone had.

>Dahnald, I'm sorry
>The Delegates hand em over


>I am sorry Ted I can't let you do that
>*stares down the barrel of the gun*

>*within a milisecond trump disappears, but then materalizes behind Ted*
>Meet my Stand, one of the greatest stands in the world.

> [to be continued...]>>>


>Nothing personal, Ted

Go bump that thread, you bastards.

>*breaks into tears*
>why did you do it??
>why did you kill him ;(!?

>Cruz dropped out of the race as soon as JFK connections are revealed


>Dahnald, it's me, from the future. I've got something important to tell you.

>I hail from a reality where Clinton became the next president. It was horrible, Dahnald.

>I changed my name and disappeared to become the leader of another country, Dahnald. At long last, my hunger for delegates was satiated by my position of power. I spent many years sitting comfortably above a content people as I pursued personal interests. I was able to spend more time with my children, and together we saw a great many butter sculptures.

>But Dahnald, it wasn't enough. A cloud hung over my conscience. I needed to make things right. I came to ensure that you will win on the 8th. I have seen this future too, and it is beautiful.

>Now, Dahnald, listen closely. Here's the plan...

This isn't funny

Wtf is that picture

It's ted

hank hills dad

his dad was the second shooter

"Progressives" are often so goddamn twisted in their self-manufactured realities they all share, that frequently they use humor to "paper over' the truth. What remains of their conscience evokes an emotional reaction when they encounter truth that would otherwise shatter their matrix. They simply cover over it with pathetic humor so they can all "laugh" at the "obviously false" thing that was said as a "joke". It's all by design at a very subconscious level.