Who is the strongest?


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>still holding onto this shitty meme

Wow kiddo. So retro

>he doesn't main Trudeau
carlcucks on suicide watch


Wow kiddo die of cancer

I would like to see trigglypuff vs smugglypuff

Trigglypuffs ult is OP

Who Tekken here?

Justin. You Litrally put the controller down to win


when will cuckfighter be released? I will pay money for this.

No one can beat AIDS Skrillex


Not my proudest fap

No Flippin Phil? Fuck this game!

Idk man, I'm putting my money on this guy

ALMOST THERE. I saw this the other day and Big red, triggerly puff and the chick in the middle with black lipstick weren't included.

No fuckin' clue who the chick with the yellow hat is or the person with the neck collar and black lipstick is inbetwen trudue and triggerlypuff.

I suggest those two need to be swapped.

Unlockable Hugh Mungus girl

>chick with the yellow hat


Those lips were made for sucking dick. The more i hate her the harder my dick gets

here m8

someone please give me the video for the yellow beanie fagtard

oh well nevermind then

Was expecting to see the bat shit crazy eyed insane liberal girl.



Trudeau is the best. When he loses, he wins

Suggested alternative version

Did you just assume xerxes gender?

There's rule 34 of her out there


>if you get punched in the face you win

AIDS Skrillex looks like he'd have the most muscle mass simply by factor of his bodyweight but then I'm reminded he's a skinnyfat dweeb with girl hips. Now obviously he gained weight judging from his most famous appearance, but I'm wagering most of it is fat since he has such low test.

Still, is a fatass with a little muscle enough to beat Trigglypuff? She weighs at least 300 pounds, but she's still female (right?) so I'm guessing it won't be enough to beat AIDS Skrillex

BUT!... AIDS Skrillex probably can't even throw a punch. Justin Trudeau, despite being a glass jawed faggot, can still throw something that resembles a punch because he trains.

Gonna have to give this to Trudeau.

Nice dubs. Good video, but sadly, not well known enough. This needs to feature very well known and loved characters.

didn't that bitch get it's shit together

I like how she immediatly looks back for approval for her devastating comeback.

Somebody give me an updated tier list. I heard big red got a buff and trucuck got a nerf.

Im a game dev, currently on a break from my game.

How much would you pay? Honestly if Sup Forums would shell out some shekels for the finished product I could make a shitty 2d fighter for experience.

don't worry, he'll be released as dlc

Everyone always says Aids Skrillex. Triggerly puff could never win, she's a woman. Carl the Cuck is the only other possible
>'King of Ironing and Fisting'.

Banshee a super cute, A CUTE!

>Trudeau in the mix

She's renounced her SJW ways and is now a woman again.

Cute too.


Maid Shrillex?

We're looking to throw down as well

If gameplay and animation is good, and they have special moves that involve bloody tampons and dildos and placards that say 'I need feminism because...' and you need to build up virtue signalling points to check your privileged then i would be willing to pay as much as $5 on IOS devices. On PC, maybe more.

Her before pic reminds me of the mutants from Batman.

Jimmy Nu Male needs to be on there

Trudeau has a well documented glass jaw.
But if the opponent KOs him, he wins.
Tough one.

Which is fucking hilarious too because they also did a 180 in their philosophy.

>Mobile shit

Fucking disgusting. It would be 2d or "2.5d", PC, controller preferred in Unreal Engine 4.

Start compiling a list of characters, 4 special moves for each character and agree on some gameplay mechanics if youre serious Sup Forums.

Will delivar


>not maining Wiener

>AIDS Skrillex looks like he'd have the most muscle mass

Don't be sure about that

After pic is not bad.
Not bad at all.

So if you let him win, you win? Then again, when cucks fight, it's not with their fists, they just try to out scream one another.

Kek, exactly. Any bets on if she'll reopen her blog and come out a Trump supporter?


I'm just trying to pucture Bat Garrison wrestling trigglypuff in the mud surrounded by the SJW gang.

>"you don't get it xon, this isn't a safe space"
>*cracks trigglypuff's arm*
>"it's a triggering table"

He looks like thinman from xcom. I could litreally ohp him for reps

Why would you allow this photo to exist if you looked like that? Is this evidence of the holocaust or something?

Trigglypuff has OP grapping chains and dead angles



Twist: that pic is bullshit and the pic on the right is actually the 'before' pic. We live in the darkest timeline.

>So if you let him win, you win?

Canada thinks so.

AIDS Skillrex is Ryu
Carl is Guile
Trigglypuff is Honda
Baldy is Dhalsim
Trudeau is Vega (flamboyantly gay)

If you put in a code u get a secret character Obama (Akuma)

He looks like a fucking evangelion

pic related

Trigglypuff is like the Blob, she can't be fucking moved, but if you can buildup an ArmWave attack correctly it's pretty much game over

you bet your ass

thread theme


Getting somewhere. I like the idea that Trudeau only wins by being killed. If he kills he loses.

Carl the Cuck needs a special where he cuts off his dick and shoves it up his own ass. Tbh, all the males should let to women win because women are wonderful and oppressed.

If you are gonna do this game maybe the final boss should be a Muslim?

You'd seriously do that?

average /fit/ poster

Holy shit the 90's fucking ruled! That music rocks. Paul Phoenix had the best music tho.

>Those arms
With that mad reach he's untouchable.

>tfw 125 pound skeleton

I think it's cause all the Ritalin I take

Smugly Puff should be Karin, Bison should be Schlomo, and Jimmy Nu-male should be Blanka.

Yeah might as well, my main project has been on hold for many months now. The scale is very large and im just one guy. Something like this might be a relief.

>Trigglypuff is E.Honda
Kek. I lold more than I should given how obvious it is. She could spaz put just like in the video for the multi hand attack.
Im screencapping the suggestions as im a disgusting mobileposter.

He's a secret character

>final boss a muslim

Im going to need a crack legal team from Sup Forums to protect me from all the backlash this would get.

I always just think of how disappointed his parents must be in their progeny.


>taking the prescribed jew

Seriously man, just stop. Start eating healthy and exercising, you'll feel better mentally and put on weight too.

>A Black, transgender disabled muslim lesbian with learning difficulties
>or Mohammed

Same thing really

Isn't it the other way around? When he wins he actually loses.

-If its a woman vs man the woman recieves an automatic "being literally raped" buff

-Aids skrilex has a sonic shout paralyzing "YOURE FUCKING A WHITE MALE" attack

Privilege system would give different buffs depending upon where your opponent is on the hierarchy of oppression

Trigglypuff has high damage with her stomp attack, but big red has an AoE scream, good for catching opponents in midair.

What about....


Oh wait, Medusa is from Alt-Right: The Movie
and that's not supposed to exist, right?

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight *^_^*

This is all good. Each person who has a catchphrase should be able to do it as a sonic scream desu. Kinda like how fireball type moves are common but not ubiquitous.

Someone please make this.

watch out

Based Fliin Phil!

Umm what is that thing?

Well screw you Cheerios

>justin converts to Islam
Get fucked islamaphobes. You just got pwned!
-negates all rape accusations
-negates all homophobia accusations
-can't call him white, cause Islam is a race now
-suicide bomber perk(you kill him, you get blown up.)