Trump is up >5% in your poll

>trump is up >5% in your poll
>say clinton is going to win by 186 EVs

WTF I thought the LA times was with us?

>nearly 1 million hispanic early voters in FL alone

You only need 22% of the popular vote to win all the electoral collage votes you need

>Let's ignore out own polls guys, it's not showing the Queen slaying
I'm going to love when Trump decimates on Tuesday and these cucks will have to run back to their sheds.


end your life, yankee

what language do cubans speak then, you imbecile?



but isn't trump more likely to win electoral college but lose popular vote? I read that cus hillary is weak in blue states but stronger in red states, relatively.

Popular vote alone doesn't win the election. You have to win the electoral college. LA Times thinks Trump is more popular overall, but will lose the electoral college. In other words, he is only very popular in certain states and not nearly as popular in others

Hes polling at 40% with Latinos, higher than any other Republican, even GWB

how is it he is polling well with latinos and blacks yet everyone keeps saying he has no chance? i dont get it

I don't understand why maps are showing FL as blue. I think it'll be red.

user. you have to realize something.

they are lying

>LA Times =/= USC Poll

>all evidence points to a trump victory but the media and CTR keep telling me that he's going to lose

they're not telling the truth

they're trying to do one of two things (maybe both)

a) gaslight you (make you question reality) into thinking that Trump has no chance at all, to demotivate you from voting

b) set the stage for clinton to rig the election and point to the obviously false polls in a "see, I didn't rig it" motion

They're whiter and vote Republican more than Mexicans.

No, most pundits predict the opposite. Including Soros.

it all makes sense now thanks ill be voting trump in michigan on the 8th


your vote is worth 1000x more than mine lad, treat it as an honor.

(Texas here)

Their own poll is just the same group of guys for 18 to 23 they constantly contact each week.ontop of that , they count the person based on their enthusiasm for the candidate. Say man A is 80%sure he's gonna vote for candidate A but man B is 79% sure he's gonna vote for candidate B. Candidate A is given the point because he has more enthusiasm .
It's more of a measurement of enthusiasm then anything. Which is why they predicted a bernie win because bernouts lust for the jew cock out shined every one else in the poll group

As a non-voting Floridian I'm pretty sure the state's going blue. I've driven by a fair number of early voting stations and its a sea of Hillary support.

What's the obvious answer?
It's the simplest. He's offended 99% of the population.
The LA times poll is wrong.
I would love to be wrong.
But I don't see it happening

>blue arizona
yeah no this is a meme map

I know the answer.




>It's the simplest. He's offended 99% of the population.

Same, houston.