Why are protestants so silly?
Protestant Hate Thread
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Dude just believe what you want lmao
But catholics are the ones with the silly hats and traditions.
dafuk you got against protestants?
Too "Free" for you?
Protestants : "Dude just believe what you want lmao"
>Years later
>Mormonism becomes a thing
>because they believed what they wanted
Why are Catholics so jealous all the time
>Hats werent silly for the early christians, but too silly for protestcuck
>Tradition wasn't too silly for st. paul and early christian fathers, too silly for protestcuck
If somthing is too "free", it can escalate to pure degeneracy.
>Liberals became too "free"
>Escalated to sjw's and typical millenial stereotype because no one stopped them
Because protestcucks are filled with heresy yet they grow in population like roaches and mexicans.
Catholics: "Yes, yes, goyim, only us clergy know about God. Yeah he's in all of us but only we know him for real, now pay for your absolution, you want to go to heaven right, hehe."
so was burning witchs at the stake, what ever happen'd to that?
>as clergy proceed to read directly from the bible and give their sermon to their congregation, like protestant pastors do
>Difference is that the Catholic sermon is biblical and traditionally based while protestant pastor sermon is cherry picked to fit narrative
Fellow Catholic here. It's good to see the Protostant birth rates declining so rapidly, perhaps our One Church may have political power again someday. A man can dream.
You switched those sites up. Lutherism is based on the believe that the bible is the only source of divine knowledge, catholics are the ones that believe in a bunch of shit unrelated to the bible, like how a random humans being is god's representation on earth - but only after the old one died, before that he is just some guy. Oh and I guess they sometimes retire too but uuuuuh dont think about that.
there will always be degenerates while religion will join the few into something greater than the many, who else are we going to get to be builders and such, renonued for being unreligious, this is why jesus was a builder.
If you're going to be a slave at least be Orthodox, Catholics are bottom of the barrel.
> Protostant birth rates declining
>Catholic birth rates spirling out of control
>"Hahaha you silly catholics once prosecuted people for being witches! how funny! you believed in witch craft!
>said the brit
>Opens history book
>flips to random page
>Puritans from the Church of England, known for acting and being like the original Church of England was
>Killed witches in salem because they believed niggers possessed white women
top kek brit. top kek indeed
>what ever happen'd to that?
Mission accomplished.
>The bible is the only source of divine knowledge!!!!!
>Opens history books
>Realizes that the bible wasn't a thing until much much after every apostle had died
>bible compilation perfected by catholics
>Catholics decided what books should be included in the new testament
>Years later
>fellow protestants say "lol no ur wrong man"
>Luther gets cucked by fellow protestcucks
>luther proceeds to determine which books of the bible are true and false
>completely segrates a chunk of books because he didn't like it
>literally edits the bible
>"Muh bibl b sourse of all knowlege man"
>failing to link twice
typical inbred catholic
Degeneracy hurts. Unfortunately, many protestant churches subscribe to such a lifestyle
Nice argument. Still not as bad a Martin Luther's tho
i would like prods more but you guys are usually faggot leftists who like refugees
>All these openly gay and atheist protestant preachers (and priests in the case of the anglicuck heresy)
>Swedish lutherans setting aside prayer spaces for muslims in their "churches"
>protestants literally hate the virgin mary
>protestants make up a new translation every 10 years
>protestantism allows edgy 20 year old beta males to interpret the bible and think they're as knowledgeable / more knowledgeable than 2 millenia of the catholic church
>protestantism literally spawned individual liberalism which is the foundation of the rotting of western society
>protestants let the jews back into Europe
>No prods at Lepanto
>protestantism loved usury and managed to win over the support of the german princes by telling them they'd let them cashier Church land to pay off merchant loans
Seriously, fuck prods, I cannot wait for the day of the stake
>in the bible
Checkm8 sola scriptura faggots.
cool historical revisionism
>gives an argument
>"Wow bro ur history isn't right"
>Patiently waits for a correct rebuttal
>protestants make up a new translation every 10 years
THIS 100x
>ask group of protestant what bible they read
>nkjv for the youth
>minencraft bible
>lego bible
Wtf protestants calm your nips!
Yeah, the collection books whose composition has changed throughout time and has been endlessly argued over in the beginning of Christianity about which books should or should not be there is the direct word from God. Humans decide what is the word of God and what's not. Bible's infallible, goys. Pretty cool.
At least be like muslims. They say the quran is the direct word from allah and they do make an effort to read the book in its original language. You just translate translations of translations unknowingly changing the meaning of the original text and claim it's still the direct word from God.
>inb4 protestants with an infantile understanding of papal infallibility
Like don't get me wrong, Francis is wew-tier, but he's done just about nothing with infallibility attached to it, and the Holy Father has been resolute in his opposition to baby murdering and faggots, while prods seem to be constantly trying to out-cuck eachother.
Of course, you only notice the dildo things the Holy Father 'says' when the lugenpresse covers them or takes it out of context, since that serves the anti-catholic agenda of the media.
Reminder that no one in the establishment gives 2 fifths of fuck all what the dalai llama, the grand mufti , the archbishop of canterbury, nor the patriarch of constantinople say, nor the grand-poo jabber of the Lutherans, but they all wait with bated breath for what the Pope has to say.
I want to know how prods feel when they realise they will NEVER EVER be relevant
Another great thing I've noticed about Prods is that they'll basically just shift the goalposts whenever they can. You'll find that your standard uneducated Protestant will come out with crazy shit like "the Council of Rome didn't happen" and when you confront them with facts and logic, they'll deploy autistic screeching followed by "fucking jesuits!!!!111one"
I still read my great grandfather's Douay-Rheims that he took with him to the navy in WW1
A stupid post deserves a stupid reply. Why should I waste my time arguing against some retard who considers greentexting a bunch of painfully easily refuted pseudo-history an argument?
Church has been infiltrated by Soros. Stop practicing.
AND ANOTHER THING, how can protestant edgelords who randomly pull a denomination out of their ass think they're being Good Christians when there is no other explanation for them believing themselves to be correct other than their own hubris?
Who are the most arrogant, pride-filled fuckstains and why are they prods for 500?
Link related: what your "faith" looks like on protestantism, 10 gorillion different "churches" for 10 gorillion different interpretations. But, hey, at least they're not FUCKING CATHOLICS hahaha amirite????
stake yourself
>30 minutes of purgatory have been subtracted from your suffering
Thank you for Correcting The reformation!
>it's a "German goodgoy decides to divide Christians as much as possible with arbitrary bullshit and split from the Catholic Church rather than simply removing the corrupt people running thr Vatican and throw Europe into a century of religious warfare" episode
Luther was a theses - throwing monkey who weakened Europe.
Flay yourself for supporting the Anti-Pope
Lol how does me forgetting to add an extra character automatically makes the post stupid? The content of the post is still there. Sure me forgetting to add the character was kinda stupid, but the content of the post itself still stands correct.
>"Ha i see that you messed up in your formatting so i'm going to throw away everything you said haha i'm right and you're wrong haha stupid pagan cant even format his Sup Forums greentext"
Reminds me of martin luther honestly...
>stumbles upon something he can't understand
>>minencraft bible
audibly kekd
Do you even scripture?
lol wat
>with arbitrary bullshit
yeah, no. brushing off all of luther's criticisms as "arbitrary bullshit" is kinda ridiculous
>what is "sola scriptura"
>not drawing a nail through feelsguy's left hand to the door
wasted potential
>supporting the anti-pope
Sedevacantists pls go, you're basically crypto prods. God wants you to do your duty to the institution of His Church and part of doing your duty is not being a protestant faggot.
>he doesn't think the power of God can overcome the infiltration of the Church
Lmao you weak willed low faith faggot, I bet you masturbate to animu
>what is "sola scriptura"
Heresy, that's what it is
Don't you have a lesbian archbishop to be saying your Our Luther's to?
Protestants relying on their extreamly edited bible that majority of which was approved by catholics. Said protestant bible was edited by reformers and some are even shit translations.
>Bible compiled by man
>edited by reformers
Something that is never mentioned in the Bible, not even once. In fact, John says that without works, faith is dead.
Anyone have that imagine in the screenshot?
I will concede this. However what he should have done was organized a coup and cleaned house rather than establishing a whole new church. What sort of faithless man abandons his religion rather than trying to fight for it and turn it into what it should be?
I believe you mean James
Correct, the Church of Sweden is now an organisation controlled by lefties and that's why I left it.
They're better at pulling ""intellectuals"" into the faith than catholocism
I don't, unfortunately, /r/ing it as well.
I think it has the Assyrian Church of the East in the bro-tier, which is odd since they're not a heresy and Assyrian communion is valid. Unfortunately there's no Assyrian rite or Chaldean rite in my city, just a Melkite rite and a few Maronite churches, the problem with Maronites being that they have been heavily romanised. I really am quite fond of the Eastern rites and took my first communion at a Syriac Catholic Church while living in Syria
You should acquire popery and disregard heresy then
t. Logical_scept1c