What happened to this board, it used to be filled with Libertarians? Why are you all supporting Trump and not Gary Johnson?
What happened to this board, it used to be filled with Libertarians...
Trump is out last actual hope of BREAKING THE CONDITIONING RAAAAAAGHGHGHGH and Gary is a fucking faggot.
What's your shitty thread about now?
He's a loon, they picked the wrong guy. His VP should've been the nominee.
Supporting Ron Paul =/= supporting libertarians
Current libertarians are liberal Cuck slaves and even Paul fans are dissasociated a little after rand Paul turned out to be such a huge establishment sellout
Trump is a loud boisterous man so he's pulling a lot of support here since he's 'going against the grain' which is a Sup Forums tradition
because Gary Johnson isn't a fucking libertarian
Trump is just a nationalist conservative. The outcome of his philosophy and policies is actually closer to what Ron Paul supporters want than Gary Johnson
I'd rather have Gary Johnson dead specifically just so retards like you will stop bringing it up.
He is not libertarian, he is a progressive pretending to be one.
Because Gary "the cuckertarian" Johnson is a closet Clinton supporter and his "running mate" might as well be working for Her campaign?
Seriously, are you really a libertarian or are you a closet anarchist who things it's cool to call yourself a libertarian? Gary Johnson is not a real libertarian.
Fuck you
No seriously, fuck you. That or you are seriously ignorant about Billy the Cuck.
I love these edits
We realized that open borders isn't so cool
A lot of us also graduated from university and realized that legal drugs everywhere is fucking retarded
Gary Johnson is a blithering retard
me too
gary johnson a libertarian
top kek
But what is a leppo?
Libertarianism is a meme ideology for meme people
who is everyone voting for? honestly speaking.
>Trump is just a nationalist conservative
nationalist populist
What kind of question is that? The God Emperor of course, he is the only answer at this point.
A libertarian doesn't support the government to enforce laws that essentially impose "gender identity " ideals on the masses.
The VP pick, Weld, has endorsed Clinton.
So we a Snek thread now?
There will be a time we will have to put differences aside to get things done. That time is near.
Why did libertarians have to co-op such a great symbol of rebellion for such a useless movement. Sad.
Cause Gary isn't a libertarian.
he has no fucking chance of winning, fuck the "principled vote"
if you vote for johnson you are letting clinton win
Because Americunts were too stupid to realize that FPTP voting inevitably leads to a two-party system, and now it's too late.
In all seriousness, has Trump addressed the NSA and if so, what is his stance on it? Even Sellout Sanders had this one right (delete it) so what does Trump want to do with it?
Because while both candidates are interested in cutting taxes, pulling military back, changing laws to help domestic businesses, we need more than that done. Trump is they guy for building a much needed border wall, more infrastructure, blocking excess visas, and fixing the college and healthcare bullshit. Johnson is cool if you don't think we need a wall because it might costs tax money and letting the economy eventually recover on it's own, if even possible.
after googling the definition of populist, why are people using the term as an insult?
You can only see the same arguments over and over before you move on.
Jill Stein; mostly because I'm in NJ which won't go for Trump anyway. Besides, she's much better looking now than Clinton was at 20.
Being a populist is only bad when you got a 3rd world population and appeal to their desires.
And that does really fucking seem to be the case in 2016s America.
Vote trump you fucking retard. No one knows which states will go where this election
because Gary Johnson is not a libertarian
Stuff like that isn't as important as preventing Her from getting in. She's so bad that we can worry about that later. Gradualism, once Trump is in we can focus on moving beyond the two party system and reigning in the federal government.
Because he's a fucking liberal pussy that just says he's libertarian.