ITT: Fictional characters who would certainly support Trump

ITT: Fictional characters who would certainly support Trump.

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Based Tony.


based space jews would def support.





>leave the gabagool to me

Make Lemons Great Again!






>all these asshole characters
Makes sense. Only complete assholes support trump after all.

Based Don



Based Swanson

Roger sterling is literally his running mate

Most DS9 characters would. From other series, maybe only Tom Paris.



only because Lt Dan would make him


What part of fictional do you not understand

Nice one leaf bro

>cheats on wife
>is a failure of a father
>has faggot kids
>thinks about killing his friends because of white lies
>steals for a living
>has to see a therapist
>is a fatass italian
the only based thing tony ever did was tell that nigger kike hybrid to fuck off
He isn't an alpha, he's a fucking degenerate.


i could see both rikers voting trump

>alpha males, oy vey
Kike kryptonite




Not assholes


We Sup Forumsacks are dicks

See there's three types in the world

Pussies, dicks, and assholes

Pussies often don't like dicks because they're so rough sometimes, but a pussy can't fuck an asshole

Only a dick can fuck an asshole until it's bloody and raw

Without dicks to fuck assholes, the assholes would shit on all the pussies


oh god

>Your average Sup Forums user



yeah right


Nigger what the fuck am i reading



was mr blobby actually popular with kids?


Like they'd even have the balls to be

hell no lmao

>not knowing viggo is basically aragorn

>all those retards bitching about how great Gondor is
>doesn't realize Gondor is a homogeneous white european land
>doesn't realize Trump is the first step to making LOTR and anime real

Prettymuch everyone from Watchmen would support Trump except Jon and Night Owl. Jon wouldn't care and Night Owl is a cuck.



Watch it, Hillary...

Jimmy and Herc would be the only Trump voters in The Wire i think. Maybe Daniels and Rawls too, i don't know.

Liberal pussies need conservative dicks to protect them from from dangerous assholes

Aragorn was created before Vigo was even born, retard.

doesn't vote


Na man. he'd think Trump is too much like Lahey
He wouldn't vote for either

On that note, Lahey and Ray would for sure vote Trump



And how does that contradict what I said?

Fuck, beat me to it.

Iron Man would support Trump. Too bad RDJ is a total cuck.




>Brown skinned jewish socialist





good pick

>german education

Goddamn yes! I was middle-school age when Duckman was on TV. And I thought it was funny because of swearing ducks and shit.

But when I watch it now, you realize just how right Duckman was about everything. This is what Trump talks about when he says, "The system is rigged."

The character and the actor are entirely different people. I bet you didn't even read the fucking books. Fuck off, Achmed.

Admiral Ackbar would know exactly what to say about Hillary.



Fuck yeah.

>movie based in Detroit

Johnny Sack

I'd fuck it


And the entire crew of stevedores from the port.



you know I'm a Trump supporter!


Just thinking that earlier

Idk man he hated the irish and trumps vp is irish



No. He wouldn't.

You can be similar to a person that lived before you were born. Or in this case, was thought up before one was born.

>tfw they tried to make him silly but he was just based instead.

Pretty sure Thor would be pro-Trump, to the extent he cares at all.

Loki seems like more of a Clinton type.

