Things that may happen

SEPTA strikes hamper voter turnout in Philly, PA goes red as a result.

also get in here brothers.

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MontCo here.

Just not seeing it happening here. I bet all the state except for Pittsburgh, State College, and Philly are going to go red, but because those three places have such a demographic dominance over the rest of the state, we're going blue regardless.

Probably, but philly is the single biggest voting block in PA, septa shitshow, if it's still going on on tuesday, will deter some people who can't be arsed to deal with it.

If you live in PA you should volunteer to help amish people vote

2far4me. Also I'm on call at work so I'll be lucky if I can even find a time to vote.

I'm tempted to do it but I would have to take off from work and drive three hours just to get to the PA border.

thank god somebody edited this, who the fuck is an unironic fan of shit like the fliers

God i really hope the Nigger population in philly doesn't fuck it up for the rest of us. Down in the Lehigh Valley area it's already a decently close race, and it's gonna,ruin my fuckin' day if gerrymandering is what tips the scales in her favor.


But Checked

Where at. I'm in south bethlehem.
g-go pens

I don't know. I feel like it's too much to hinge the state on the SEPTA strike. Our luck that shit gets broken 11th hour Monday night.

Honestly, I'll eat my fuckin hat if PA wins.


Man what's wrong with hockey? Even if you don't really like sports, there was atleast one entertaining fight every single time i've gone to a game.

even the "minor league" games are fun, shit, i used to drive to fuckin' philly just to watch the phantoms play and always had a great time for cheap.
So fuckin happy they moved the phantoms nextdoor ij allentown, now I can get shitty drunk without a DD and just uber home for like 12bux at the end of the night

I'm guessing they'll come to a last minute resolution, those buses and trains staying closed would virtually guarantee red PA at this point and neither the union nor the city wants that.

hockey is fine, the fliers are ass

west bethlehem on the atown border. 30 second walk from Pennsylvania ave

god damn that's the first trips i've gotten, and they're subaru trips

I know the area, Borderline Diner is good.

I also drive a subaru.

I grew up in the gretzky era, regardless of current performance i'll always believe the flyers are #1 and i'll fuckin fite u dog try me

I don't have a subaru right now but they'll always have a spot close to my heart. My first car was pic related legacy, i learned so much fixing it. sophmore year i stick swapped it, then eg33 in college then later ej255 before we parted ways

i love borderline diner. i work at the used car dealer on union by 7/11 with the trippy murals. the name is computer-sounding

I'm running a 95 legacy LE right now. Automatic but when the transmission blows (soon) I'll put stick in it.

I work at St. Luke's. CEO is a trump supporter. Everyone in hospital IT owns guns.

Pagoda Bump.

cool! I know 1 or 2 people that enjoy working there. Been seriously considering studying up and getting into the IT field for a long time now, im extremely jelly. I love diagnosing cars but coming home dirty and sore is getting old

The Urban Corridor along the Susquehanna will be solidly Red

Haven't you seen the overwhelming amount of Trump signs literally everywhere in Montco.

Signs don't mean shit. There were a shitload of Romney signs here in 2012.

based subarus

they're yuge in pittsburgh for obvious reasons, causing me to get one fuck yeah impretzle

also maga


I work in IT. Chad Brisendine is nice, but it's best to stay out of his way. If you're looking to get into any sort of PC tech field talk to Cynthia at "Talon Professional Services" out of NJ. Anyone wanting to get in on a tech position will have to go through a year of contracting work first. how I got in anyway. Most people don't even have anything past "job experience" and HS. Just bullshit that you fixed computers for a few years they're contractors they don't check your shit anyway.

Chester County here, I see Trump stickers even in the People's Republic of Chester. Signs, stickers, window decs, its honestly fucking insane. Havent seen any Hillary stuff tbqhwy outside of the occasional bumper sticker.

Even my uni is pretty Trump charged. I see posters in windows, hats, jackets. Somethings happening lads.

Fuck PA and fuck white people. Bow down to your shitskin overlords.

Wtf u guys have guns that far out east?

All of PA has guns. Except probably for some innocent people in noguns shithole philthy.

Philly fag reporting in. Center City area. Holy shit it is Clinton central in here. Literally everywhere is covered in "I'm with her" shit. I can't come out publicly about supporting Trump. I would lose my job and social status. This sucks.

PA has the most hunters per capita.

Williamsport here. Trump is winning mos def winning out here. The night clubs that are open for a month before they go out of business and the decaying strip malls can't economically compensate for the abandoned factories and vacant lots full of scrap metal.

>PA has the most hunters per capita.
Yeah, mostly old, fat, voting-for-Dem-guys-because-my-union-told-me-to fudds. Real scary. Fucking useful idiots. As soon as "the law" shows up, these cunts will lay down their daddys ought six. They talk shit, can't take a hit..

t. Pennsylvanian.

i'm probably going to do something like what my mom pulled off, she taught herself unix while working fulltime at a corporate desk job, and is now a sysadmin.
I'm probably going to focus my studies on C, and am also very interested in assembly.. looking into taking the harvard intro CS course online for free but it's intimidating AF.
hopefully I have a good foundation, was doin nerd shit way before i started wrenching. went into cars out of fear of being a boring cubicle slave, but experience has shown me i'd rather risk being borimg than keep fucking myself up physically.

Ex-Philly Fag here. Miss the city, love the city, but goddamn it would I hate the politics if I still lived there. For the life of me can't redpill my dumbass Philly friends.

Professional software engineer here.

C will not get you a job unless you're working with things like microcontrollers. Which you won't be because you haven't gone to college.

Assembly will get you laughed at or cause you to commit suicide.

1. Learn node.js or other derivative javascript
2. Build yourself something to show people
3. ???
4. Enjoy 60k a year starting.

Feasterville reporting in.

Just checking in before I go to bed. I have a bad headache.

Godspeed to you all on Tuesday.


>Learn node.js or other derivative javascript
>anything to do with web 8.7
>loos covered in poos
>not wanting commit suicide

SEPTA strike probably won't matter much in Philly, most people can walk to their polling station and the only people who would be that lazy and dependent on SEPTA probably aren't voting anyways.

I'm sorry, have you ever fucking HEARD of Perry County, dipshit?

Far from populous enough to swing a state, but that's because they spread out and infiltrate the other counties.

I appreciate the advice user. I did go to "college"& have associates in automotove technology
I really do need advice on where to start and what's gonna be marketable in the niche i'm interested in, if you can give me some pointers heres my general situiation

I am very skilled with automotove electronics diagnosis and pcb-level repairs, and I would really like to continue working in the automotive field if possible to leverage the skills i already have, specifically control modules, canbus systems, Etc. I figured C would be the most applicable language to start with for this, but i really don't know. i know assembly isn't really relevant/marketable, that just interests me as a hobby. i've been stuck unsure for a while now, i need to pick a route and go for it.

also i'm willing and financially able to go back to school if neccesary, but am gonna study on my own thoroughly before doing so

Don't have an answer for you user, but if you're going to hunt around in your spare time then I don't think you should have much trouble making some bucks and some connections working on cars in the meanwhile.

Seems to me that's something where you'll never run short of demand if you know what you're doing and you can do good work. I've had people come up to me on the street to see if I could maybe wrench on their cars on the cheap just because I personally love getting my hands dirty on the weekend even if it's just next to the sidewalk.

being an auto tech is fun, but lowkey really shitty as a career, I'm trying to get into the programming/designing side of it before i get burnt out so i can make wrenching a hobby before i actually hate it

Don't learn hard code. Just learn sccm shit and memes and get paid 100k+ a year because no one can be bothered to actually do sccm right


Philly usually throws the state blue. PA democrats aren't what throws the state blue. There are 1.5 million people in Philadelphia and 12 million in the state. Democrats number about 52% of all voters in PA, but they don't always vote democrat. In fact, PA is one of the states that most often DONT pull straight ticket on either side.
It is stupid for polls to use 45% of respondents from Philly, the state's culture and philly's culture has always been different. PA is generally red away from Philly.
538 gets part of the picture right.
I think PA will go red. I base that on:
1) blue collar democrats in PA like the word 'jobs'. PA's steel and coal towns died in recent memory. Trump said jobs.
2) blue collar democrats in Pa like their guns. There are plenty of school districts that close the first day of hunting season. Clinton said 'gun control'.
3) Septa strike in Philly- a bit harder to get to polls in town
4) Pa State police raided TWO Delaware co. Democrat organizations for voter fraud last week. And they aren't done.
This will make people reluctant to try more. You got to give it to PSP, they are tight and upright.
5) nobody's hyped for Clinton and would just as soon stay home. People are hyped for Trump, nothing is keeping a Trump supporter away
6) the liberals at colleges who shill for Clinton are away from their residences, at college and they either have to go home to vote or register at their college
7) new voter ID laws that went into effect in 2012. NEW factor.
8) 100,000 democrats --switched to republican-- so they could vote in the Primary. Pay attention to that! Because 892,702 people voted for Trump in the primary.

Around 5,300,000 will vote in PA for the election, based upon 2012.

Voted Democrat Voted Republican
Pa. 2004 2,938,095 2,793,847
Pa. 2008 3,276,363 2,655,885
Pa. 2012 2,865,690 2,581,357
Philadelphia 2012 551,070 90,989

That doesn't look great, with Philly carrying so many votes, but its not 45% of the vote. They should sample dems/reps throughout the state with only 25% respondents from Phila, to be reasonable. So most polls are sampled in a way that isn't comparable to this election.because..

BUT more importantly for the outcome, what nobody not even 538 is taking into account in PA, slipped most people's notice....

More than 300,000 new voter registrations in the last few months in the run up to November. Since SUMMER. All NEW. And they didn't benefit Philly.

So we have 300k new voter registrations from the RED part of PA. That no one is looking at.

Also Im driving Amish around to the polls Tuesday. It seems, that, while they can vote they don't usually because they don't think it affects them. This time they believe the election affects them, and the call has gone out in their areas for drivers to volunteer.

There are about 42k Amish in PA, don't know the breakdown or how many will vote. But this is new and unprecedented.

>You got to give it to PSP, they are tight and upright.
PA staties will fuck you six ways to Sunday if you have NJ plates God bless the men in blue. NJ fags get out reeeeee

Montco here (lower moreland, basically NE philly)

The problem with PA is that we have a libtard population in philly (1.4mil) and pittsburg (400k), mostly niggers who can swing the vote. God bless my state, I really hope that the rest of rural "pennsyltucky" pulls through and wins PA for us. I would LITTERLY est my fucking hat.

Software is my profession, and one of the first things I discovered when I got a degree for it was that most people don't really have the mind for it. Later on I learned that a lot of people who don't have fancy diplomas are better at it than people who have lots of stuff to put on their resumes.

So I say try it in your spare time. See if you have a knack for it.

tx 4 advice user, i'm gonna give it my best. I'm worried i'm not gonna be able to hack it, but i'm not gomma find out by procrastinating. i have off tomorrow so o'm gonna dedicate all day tomorrow to this effort

if my car wasn't waiting for a dyno appt. i'd literally dedicate the whole day to getting Amish bros out to the polls on my own dime, and they're sweetening the deal with gas cards too? fuck! I should just get a rental.

we need all the deplorables we can get to compensate for all the niggers.

wait, the amish vote republican, right?