UMich Ann Arbor Sup Forums #1

All right lads, we finally had our first meetup, got a few Sup Forumslacks to show. We mostly bantzed about the election and riffed on polls. We did get something to drink and shared contacts.

Looking to start some sort of right-wing club like the infamous Nietzsche club. Something to signal to right-wingers without immediately getting banned from campus.

Looking to have another meetup soon, maybe on election night. Thoughts welcome. Want to start printing out more flyers to troll lefties.

Remember to be jealous faggots that your uni isn't having Sup Forums meetups.

Tried putting the Pepe photo in but there's some image size limit.

Other urls found in this thread:

fucking autist convention

gonna inform your school about this now kid

..Yes goyim, never actually do anything

>Being willing to socialize means you're autistic.

Ok officer. Where do you want to meet?

Umich/State meet up? Come together against a common enemy?

yeah but you goobers are just goose stepping and sucking dicks

They already know nigger. Why do you think they are so mad they blew $85 million on diversity programs this year?

Yeah what gives man, literally no antifa showed up. Disappointed in you senpai. Come by next time and we'll be sure to leave some rope for you.

t. Basement Dweller

Lol Europe denied Libya their own destiny.

No, fuck Europe. You destroy other's as well as your own destinies.

I hope Europe gets gangraped by Muslims, Europe needs more refugees. Especially France

Project all you want but we were all normal people beyond the fact that we follow politics closely. Not everyone here is a deranged shut in from /r9k/ like yourself.


Just got back from visiting the rents for the weekend. wish I was around. My wife n I would both join.

Did you take a group pic?
I love seeing how pathetic meetups always are.
A room full of anti social spergs blurting out memes to the first human beings to give them attention in months.
You left with grandiose ideas about how with these new brethren, you could make a difference on your campus.

silly drumpfkins

Come next time. We were thinking about going to a bar for election night. Alternatively, wandering campus would probably give us enough shitlib tears.

Pic related

can confirm, am Boris

Anybody would be interested in meeting at UT Austin?

i need some revitalizing especially after the Young Conservatives shitstorm here

What sort of faggotry happened?

Sounds like fun. I was planning on getting drunk with my roommate though. What bars, hypothetically?

YC organized an anti affirmative action, charging asians and whites more than blacks and spics for cupcakes, SJWs went berserk. they're on the verge of getting suspended.

after a court ruling UT can use race as an admissions factor(not like it matters, they let in any retard with in state residency)

also they hosted ben shapiro so they're kinda cucked desu.

Question, would like to set up a /pol meet up at my uni, how did you organize it?

>any tips will help

Thinking of transferring over to UMich in some sort of anthropology vein, anyone know if I'm going to have unreasonable amounts of nonsense tossed at me?

>Something to signal to right-wingers
Why don't you all carry the 4 of clubs in your wallet, I thought that was how Sup Forumsacks will recognize each other in a doomsday scenario

i hope this really takes off. i live in the dallas area and would love to make new friends with people that i can assume beforehand aren't going to be complete cucks, even if they're not the cream of the crop. i think i'm not alone in being lonely.

I know this is merely anecdotal evidence but there was this landwhale in my dorm who graduated in anthropology and she's going to get a higher degree in it at UMich

K keep me updated...


>Sharing contacts


Yes, definetly. I'm in STEM and we get tons of bullshit, and you will get 10 times that.

Hadn't decided, were open to suggestions. We were a little more concerned about a possible club than the details of meeting Tuesday. Got any good suggestions?

Started with a few /Ann Arbor/ specific threads because some madman posted some alt-right flyers on campus and triggered university. Realized there were enough Umich Sup Forumsacks so we advertised a few threads on it. I think there were more people who couldn't show up, but this was a relatively successful first meeting.

Depends user. It's Ann Arbor, it's leftist as hell, but a lot of the coursework is pretty good for your average pozzed university.

Path of Light is edgy trash created by an autist.

I hate to say this but you guys look intimidating af
Also, if this becomes an established thing, what's to stop some virtue signalling leftist on here from reporting your meet-ups as neo-fascist racist scum assemblies etc?

>$85 million on diversity programs this year
How the fuck is that possible? What the fuck did they blow it on?

>but there's some image size limit
I did not know there was a newfag club

>Path of Light is edgy trash
Yeah well, it's more subtle than Pepe or a Trump hat
What else do you have in mind?

Nice, alright. I've mentioned a meet up once, but no one showed up.

I'll start a thread this week and see what I can accomplish with my hometown.

How did you guys identify when you met up? 4 of clubs? direct interaction?

Would like to start a "club" with some of the guys and keep in contact encase SHTF after the election.

Wr met at a place we knew would be basically empty.

I've weathered a non-zero amount of liberal nonsense considering the discipline's (((founder))), so if it's going to remain about the same I can probably deal with it
I've heard anecdotes of people being quieted on some of their theories or findings to keep their career though.

been seeing some of these at Michigan Tech. SJWs tore the "white heritage ones down though I believe there's still one outside

Path of light would frankly be fine if you wanted to do something yourself, but just hold the meeting in an otherwise empty space and you won't need identifying info.

State here, I'd love to meet my Sup Forums community

Sounds good, thanks for the advice. I'll do some recon of some good areas and see what I can accomplish. This needs to happen more, we need to organize in "real life" to make this real.

>Hadn't decided, were open to suggestions

Absolutely, organizing is good. Easy activity is making flyers that will trigger leftists.

I've seen people suggest booby trapping them with razor blades, but do NOT do this, you'll have the police on your ass.

Reactionary Tree has a good collection of post-election agitprop. This was mentioned on the last Shoah. Are you guys connected to a TRS SPP or Stormer Book Club or Identity Europa? Unfortunately I don't know anyone from any of these groups at my university :(

> reporting us

What, reporting a group of students meeting to share a political interest? Trump may be unpopular on campus but they literally can't do anything to us.

So far, a bunch of posters and a new officer being paid ~$385k a year to find ways to spend the money.

We just met in a quiet location and it was pretty obvious why we were all there. No one was going to Rackham Auditorium for anything else.

See above. No one seemed lost and it wasn't confusing. I wasn't the first guy there so I don't know how they ID'd each other.

> I've heard anecdotes of people being quieted on some of their theories or findings

This happens everywhere in the West today.

You guys ought to make your own group first. We can't do everything for you.

Fliers are excellent and really any other psyop techniques will be used once I can asses the skills of the pol/acks that meet up. We are stronger together and more effective if we can focus together on a specific target group.

Yea, no booby traps, but we will see what we can do to really trigger the SJW and extremely hard leftist at my uni

I'm willing, there's a bunch of bars down there anyways. Wouldn't mind input from other Sup Forumslacks.

No, we aren't associated with them. Started this on our own initiative. Still, the guy posting the triggering flyers has been an inspiration. Always nice to know you aren't alone on campus.

yea good luck suriving on a campus that is like 40% jewish you fucking faggots

it's pretty much t-minus a few months before you're doxxed and your lives are ruined by whoever is running the Hillel righ tnow

Good thing I'm friends with a Jew who's usually there. Dude is clueless to my politics of course.

Stop being a cucklord, we're an hour away. Come together make some plans and execute them between the two schools / neighboring towns.

>old/pol/ is edgy trash
This alt-right meme has gone too far. Get these FUCKING NORMIES OFF MY BOARD

>yea good luck suriving on a campus that is like 40% jewish you fucking faggots

i've always found this weird. U of M is a public state university, so isn't its student body supposed to roughly reflect the demographics of the state of Michigan? a state which is like 1.5% jewish? yet around 20-30% of U of M's students are jewish and nobody has an issue with this?

it's fine i've already emailed the hillel that they can monitor your activities on here and that you pose a real possibility of domestic terrorism in the wake of a trump defeat

just call it 'the western club'.

sounds like its just about ranches or cowboys or something, but really, it's about people who are loyal to the western world.

pretty much when you get into the higher echelon of business and academia you brush shoulders with many jews and asians because they outclass whites at a cultural and perhaps even genetic level

I fear meeting you people in real life, but I can't deal with what may come more. Let's do this. Tomorrow, you name place and time.

Ricks is a meme, friend. UM pays my bills (and I'm busy with research anyway), so I'm not looking to get involved with anything official. Just curious if I'd run into you guys in the wild.

UM Law student checking in. Going to bookmark this thread.

just post more posters around campus

thats 100x more effective

>having a neonazi meetup at ricks

lmfao you ppl are so autistic it's sad

Nah, it's more nepotism than anything else.

It's a legacy thing. When the Ivey League schools wouldn't let Jews in the all went to Michigan. Now all of their kids and grand kids go here.


Good luck with that. Enjoy being expelled.


keep telling yourself that

>Remember to be jealous faggots that your uni isn't having Sup Forums meetups.

I'm over at WMU missing out :(

Yes, I'm sure we'll have a rabbi on Sup Forums at all times watching for another meetup thread, lest we get away with posting flyers unpunished.


We've got active trainingroups, radio show, conferences...

Are you fucking mad?
This is the quickest way to get into trouble on this foresaken campus, especially on Central.

Fuck guys, I support fighting the good fight, but you risk throwing away your educational life into the trash.

yea you really don't understand how organized and hysterical they can get about anything that's deemed a threat

>tfw not enough Sup Forums in Boston for a meetup

Don't worry, we'll see you in the college football playoffs this year. Row the boat.

Never heard of the JIDF? Or the CTR (JIDF 2.0)? THE RABBIS ARE ALREADY HERE!

For all we know you're a rabbi spy?


yo had to miss this meetup because engineering exam tmr, whats the deets on the next one? a group of focused individuals could no doubt make a huge impact on ann arbor

20yr old with no fake so gonna have to miss the bar meetup unless its at the brown jug or cantina

>a group of focused individuals could no doubt make a huge impact on ann arbor
i'd highly recommend you abandon this line of thinking if you ever want to find employment

I talked with the Path of Light creator, he was an edgy nerdlord, get wrecked normie.

UM pays my bills too but I'm not letting that stop me.

Literally all we're doing is meeting up and having a beer or two. Come join us, we're not going to start DOTR.

i agree though, we will be classed immediately as a hate group, pretty sure you can get expelled for that stuff. Would rather it be a nonofficial club, off campus etc

We have one episode in English. Mostly about Eastern Europeans.

>Having a meetup irl
Remember, as they are dragging you away to the non-descript van with government plates that I am laughing at every single one of you
Never meet up with anyone from this board
Rest of you faggots heed my words and learn from OP and the rest of the faggots who went along with his idea and are now fucked

I know plenty of these Jews personally dude, have since childhood. Go ahead and cry to them how a bunch of anons on a Chinese cartoon bbs are totally coming to gas them or some such nonsense.

Kill yourself

Why are you insisting on posting in this thread? Go away.

mass slaughter of nonwhites is what you actually want though

I've built up a network with over 100 people, which all started with some guys from Sup Forums meeting for a PEGIDA rally.

So, don't listen to him OP.

I'm at Jewish af college too and that's what they call it. I just thought it was a specific name to my own place; I don't know their secrets.

its almost like theres a first ammendment protecting this sort of thing

>Implying Sup Forums isn't satire
Jews are white anyways, right?

That sword is fucking retarded

Probably election night. Might just meet up in Central somewhere quiet.

We were definitely thinking an unofficial group. It'll sound a lot more plausible when you hear about it in person and not from a bunch of cuckolds on Sup Forums who flee the first chance they get to actually affect anything.

Alex Jones, you're in Michigan now?

since i'm going to guess some of you idiots are youngbloods with very little knowledge as to the history of Umich

entire fraternities have been kicked off campus once they built a reputation for being even slightly antisemitic and umich is one of the most greek life-friendly unis in the country

so if you think that your little message board club is going to 1) go unnoticed, 2) not be infiltrated you're fucking retarded

also as a reminder that your school is literally composed of 30% jews with a significant portion of others who are half jewish and you will never be able to tell who's who

What is identity europa?

Yes and unfortunately it even applies to idiots such as yourself
If you're so ignorant to not understand why meetups are
A) A terrible idea
B) Cringe as fuck
Then you deserve what will come of them faggot

Wish I could join user not in A2 anymore but go blue

you sure showed me, bro

LARPfags essentially