Middle of a tectonic plate

>middle of a tectonic plate
B-b-but fracking doesn't cause earthquakes

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I dont care if some rural shithole has small earthquakes if it means gas can stay a third of where it was a few years ago.

Fuck off libtard.

rural shithole that is voting overwhelmingly in favor of Trump

Literally a nigger-tier thought process

Intraplate Earthquake, it happens


We've had 3 in the last month
And didn't have any my entire life until l graduated highschool and they started fracking

Its like 0.5% of the population suffering so everyone else can save thousands a year.. I don't care.

What are injection wells?

OCC has shut more down.


I live really close and just felt the one a couple hours ago. It was literally nothing. I enjoy these little quakes, it reminds me that there is still a world outside of my computer. Only people making a deal about it are anti frackers.

>implying quakes do not happen a thousand times a day naturally

>implying that a baby tier quake out in Oklahoma is proof fracking causes earthquakes

kys famalam

Gee, what's that spot right where fucking Oklahoma is?

Lots of small quakes release built up pressure safely.

>fault lines
Prove tectonic THEORY
you can't

But you refuse to pay pennies more to increase welfare benefits. Nice hypocrisy you've got there.

I'm just gonna sit here and wait until one destroy most of the cities in cali or the new madrid goes

talk to me when it's an earthquake worth noting

Pennies? Entitlements are over half the budget. Were talking thousands a year from just MY taxes you fucking leech.

Can anyone refrain from masturbating for a moment and kindly inform Anons as to the strength of this possible New Madrid quake?

>la is eaten by city sized sinkhole
I fucking wish

Oklahoman here. I'm actually in the oil business. Well, the well servicing side of it. Fracking doesn't cause the quakes. The waste water injection wells do. Anyone that tells you any different is full of shit. Eliminating fracking will actually help my business because we sell to traditional vertical drilling companies.

Felt the earthquake. thought my fucking bassets ran into the wall for a second it hit us pretty hard.


>small earthquakes to relieve local pressure
>pressure builds elsewhere
>California is blown to the fucking moon

tfw I literally live in Oklahoma and I just felt an earthquake

Did any Anons actually feel anything from this? Also Florida from Tampa south can sink back into the sea for all I care. What a shit hole. Pushy, creepy ass Cubanos...im sorry. It's gonna take time for me to get used to your asses.

No relation what so ever lol

It's called Utilitarianism
It used to be the goal of man until SJW libs showed up

Explain how wastewater injection is different from fracking. Both involve pumping shit underground don't they?

>New Madrid earthquakes at 7.9 faggot

>Fracking in Oklahoma since 1947

I swear people just make shit up

>Visiting Okie family.
>Them "Oh user I could never live in California with all those earthquakes."
>This was 2007.
>Now every couple of months I see post on Faceberg about them experiencing earthquakes.
>Lived in California nearly 30 years never felt one.

it's 2 different processes. Fracking is blowing up the shit underground then drilling in there. They have to inject water while they're doing it. They add in alllll fucking kinds of chemicals into the water. When they're finished they have to do something with this water so they take it and inject it deep into the earth. I'm skipping multiple steps but that's about the crux of it.

But you can't frack without disposing of the water...so in essence yes..fracking causes the earthquakes but not the actual fracking. it's the aftermath and disposal wells that causes the quakes.

Yeah but from what I'm reading here it looks like what causes the actual earthquakes is water or whatever liquid being pumped underground and causing slippage or something along the fault lines. Isn't injecting water involved in both wastewater injection and fracking itself? Even if they took that waste water and dumped it into the ocean when they're done, they have already pumped it in once during the first stages of fracking so wouldn't it have the same effect? Plus there's this shit they mix in to penetrate the tiny fractures and hold them open, surely they can't remove it and it would also cause some slippage.

I must say I know nothing about this.

Tectonic plate theory is a myth perpetrated by China, Russia, and libtards

I love in central OKC, and this earthquake shook For like 30 seconds and it was pretty rough. They have been getting more frequent and stronger. Hope I don't experience something worse than the 5.3 or so tonight.

No... the nigger tier thought process is that we need to keep the earth in perfect condition. We should be strip mining this planet and using those materials to travel the stars.

aha ahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah..
