Florida voter here

Florida voter here.

Convince me not to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Other urls found in this thread:


Just do it.

wow the edge

Nationalism or globalism

pick only one

Live in PA? Want trump to win? Have a car? Volunteer to drive the amish to the polls today!



She uses a fork and knife to eat pizza.

Do what you want. I'm a random shitposter, I cannot stop you. Either way, this is your last week of employment.

user unless you want to abort your accidental baby just as you were destined to vote for trump

>shocked its not about surrender
Aren't the Left fags pissed that HRC won't pander to true globalism?

Isn't Trump's major campaign point renegotiating treaties/trade deals?

Do it faggot. Civil war's coming either way.

Todd Kohlhepp

Shillary lost jobs as a New York senator and ruined the middle east as Secretary of state.

She doesn't have a good track record

My digits say you must vote for Trump

Why would that bother me?
I doubt it. People always need pills.
I really don't care about Abortion... and I think a President Trump would actually support abortion rights.

If you need Sup Forums to convince you this late in the game, you should just do it and accept what you get

Spam this in every nerd virgin CTR thread

Live in PA? Want trump to win? Have a car? Volunteer to drive the amish to the polls today!


Do you want waste even more precious ammunition on mexicans?

Why would I want to do that? Vote for who you want to.

Florida doesn't have a good track record in Civil Wars.
What jobs? Also, the Middle East got fucked with the 03 invasion.
No one cares about your cocaine and trannys

Why would you?

Do it faggot. Florida is going red anyway. I live here in Florida too. I have a better chance at getting laid then Florida turning blue.

I'm voting Tuesday morning.
I'd rather shoot Leafs.
A true gentleman.


>Likes shooting
>Gonna vote Hilary

Hope you enjoyed shootin' days cuck

Dunno, a lot of Hillary signs here.
Wouldn't the coked up New York business man be worse than a broad?

Obama didn't take my guns away.

If anything, if you've ever been to Florida... well there really are people who shouldn't have guns.

If you are the kind of guy that wipes his ass front to back, so you don't get a crusty sack, vote Trump. You have common sense.

If you are the kind of guy that wipes sideways, vote Hillary.

to be honest.. trump looks like he staged this
Ive been a lifelong trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me

Campaign definitely ran out of steam.
The main issues have escaped his grasp as he struggles.
Really sad.

>Wouldn't the coked up New York business man be worse than a broad?

Who are you talking about? It's been widely known for decades that Trump doesn't do drugs or drink alcohol. It's common knowledge. He doesn't even drink coffee. As far as I'm aware the worst he drinks is soda.

Now, normally, the fact that a candidate drinks socially wouldn't be a problem, because we typically only have a choice between two candidates that do so. But in this election we have one candidate that does drink and is therefor not always sober (Hillary) and one that does not (Trump). Something to take under consideration.

>Replying to copypasta.

Trump has never done drugs in his life. Never had a drink. Never used tobacco.

Where as Hillary is known to like to hit the bottle here and again.Normally both candidates socially drink, but in this historically rare case we have one that is 100%sober. can we really take the risk of having a person known to not be sober in a 24/7 job like the office of the presidency?

I wonder if the Nuclear Football has a breathalyzer attached do it? Would that be Huma's job? Keeping Hillary from drunk nuking?

Have seen a single Hillary sign and we had a florida thread today confirming the lack of hillary signs everywhere through out the state. Kiss you black vote goodbye, they wont show up for hillary. The ones that do show up will give Trump more support than Romney ever got. Democrat here still technically and im voting in Trump.

Do you want to get drafted in the next war? No? Then vote Trump.

Pls vote for Hillary. We need Florida.

well, hold on there.

OP might be a woman, and as men cant have a say in abortions cause its a women's body, since only men are eligible for the draft, only men get to make decisions that are about the military.

Let's not be sexist here.


women just signed up for the draft

*sniff* uh-ok *SNIFFLE* whatever ya say champ

>only men are eligible for the draft

Senate Votes to Require Women to Register for the Draft

>Under the Senate bill passed on Tuesday, women turning 18 on or after Jan. 1, 2018, would be forced to register for Selective Service, as men must do now.

*teleports behind you*

*grabs you by the throat*

Back the fuck off?!?!


not true.


Now I'll wait for you to show me 3 equally credible sources that he used cocaine instead of it being problems with the microphone.

You need a smart friend to explain to you how bills turn into laws.

>protip: its not a law yet, women still have no say about mens bodies in the military.

>No guns
>Vehicle inspections
>Black town up in your town
>Daytonas gay ass no thong law everywhere
>moar double toll roads to pay for said niggers
>no more bloody nurses at Halloween horror nights because feminism
>Tampa Jews


A man can change his views on women

But someone who's made a living being corrupt, will more than likely continue to be corrupt

Trump may offend women, but he's more thorough and less impressionable than a female trying to impress men, by attempting to be be one of them. That's actually a weakness. Hilary is a tool, a corrupt mercenary for the sake of image and self gain. Not a strong women, but a impressionable female attempting to be strong like a man, in this she's vulnerable to the will of others, like a lot of females.

>Clinton's made 153mill $ off of speeches after they left the White House 'dead broke'

Fellow FLbro here

>left fags pissed
Her dream is a "continental market with no borders" Trump's plan is to rewrite trade deals that help Americans rather than protecting the specific industries that give money to the establishment.
>look into podesta's connections:

Our state depends on tourism.
>Increasing taxes is bad for tourism

Our state is a swing state, Hillary will flood us with "new Americans" to try and turn the state blue. >Look at what they've done to Texas over the last 2 decades.

There's plenty more, but I don't wanna sperg on one post.

>In depth explanation of Clinton Foundation corruption
>consider the FBI is investigating the CF since 2015

Vote for her if you want. She's been vilified so much that in reality she won't be she won't be that bad

>go with the devil you know rather than the devil you don't

Americans should ditch cheap garbage Chinese shit made by slaves wherever possible.
It kills american livelihoods
Trump will make sure Americans work for Americans.

Here's why:
First thing women voted for and passed when they were given the right to vote - Alcohol Prohibition.

Let that sink in and start wondering wtf an insane, weekend at bernies shitting grandma would do with executive powers.

>Trumps argument for America

>be millennial
>hate 75% of people my age

>only hating 75%



4 years of Clinton will be a boring 4 years new cycles with 0 happenings
4 years of Trump will be 4 years of the same wild ride 2016 has been

do it user...its HER turn!!


Look at the "spirit cooking" that Tony Podesta, the chairman of the DNC, is going to attend this "cooking." It is an invite by Marina Abramovic.
Now watch this video by Marina Abramovic, about what "spirit cooking" is. Watch the whole video.

Remember that bitch teacher that would feud with 8th graders just because she had a major power complex and virtually no life?

That's the kinda bitch Hillary Clinton is. Now if Linda McMahon was running for president, I could deal with it, but not this crazy bitch.

She'll actually maintain American hegemony and continue the Pax Americana, unlike Trump who will work to detangle America's hold on the rest of the world.

if you kill yourself now, the ruling elite will lose all that sweet sweet income tax during your prime working years. Just saying man. Consider it


Explain how you could ever vote for Trump?


Holy shit. Thank fuck I'm not the only one who thinks this.

Trump is a fucking retard he doesn't know anything about foreign policy.

>muh we will get them to pay


Literally building bases in Japan, Korea, Europe; these are the largest economic zones in the world and America has military control over these regions.

You'd be stupid to let go of these regions.

Easy. Sup Forums will explode regardless of which one of them wins, but only by voting for Trump and making sure he wins will you get to watch sjws and every leftie journalist cuck explode too.

The SJWs will get more crazy. Moralfags will be more demanding.

The Clintons will be entering the White House with a mountain of scandals to tackle starting on Day 1. Even a large percentage of her own supporters concede that she is a career criminal. This means she will be seen as having zero legitimacy starting from the first day, which will likely cause a Constitutional crisis unlike any seen since the 1860s.

Whatever your feelings are about Clinton's politics or her qualifications to be president, you cannot deny that she will do irrevocable damage to the unity of this country should she be elected.

Lastly, 40% of all murder convictions in Florida from 2008 to 2014 were illegal immigrants. Deporting all (or at least most) of the illegal immigrants in your state would nearly cut the murder rate in half. Your legislatures and governors won't do it. Only President Trump would.

you know you are responding to a CTR bot... and you are likely CTR... hairs on fire

ctr replies to ctr made pasta

Look at the "spirit cooking" that Tony Podesta, the chairman of the DNC, is going to attend this "cooking." It is an invite by Marina Abramovic.
Now watch this video by Marina Abramovic, about what "spirit cooking" is. Watch the whole video.

You are literally voting for satanists. I am not joking.



A wise man once said, a community that gets its laugh by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who believe they are in good company, or something along those lines. Sup Forums is utterly trash. First order of the right wing death squads will be to beat the hell out of that kurushiki gook and get your ips and murder your families.



I literally don't care.

Like not even joking. I don't care.

You are on fucking Sup Forums. Stop pretending to be a fucking saint and I'll stop pretending to be edgy.

Point is Trump has no clue about foreign policy. I thought Obama's foreign policy was shit, Trump's will be worse. At least Hillary won't make it any more shit.

vote for Hillary

He started over 500 businesses. A handful failed. He has a track rerecord of growth. He will build up American industry, bring back jobs for Americans, reduce corruption, and reduce the size of our government while increasing our GDP. You are probably a democrat left leaning leach that wants bigger government and to suck off the teet of government assistance even though it is running out of money.

She's as corrupt as they come. HRC has taken so much money from corporations in her super PACs, she will sell everyone out to repay her debt to those with money.

This is how she'll run shit

wtf i love idiots now


>Guy owns literally hundreds of businesses
>Less than 1% fail
>Still worth $10billion
>Somehow this makes him a loser.


>Hillary advances a foreign policy resulting in several moderate Middle Eastern governments collapsing, allowing the region to become completely overrun with jihadists who then create a major refugee crisis
>says the refugees she created should now be allowed to come to America and live among regular people after admitting in private vetting them to filter out said jihadists would be impossible
>while all at the same time her charity knowingly accepts money from the same people to give money to these jihadists
>And you want this person to become President.

I'm convinced there is something wrong with your brains.

My own mother says women shouldn't be allowed to vote because they are motivated by stupid shit and end up making stupid decisions. SUre, it's a small sample size but every woman she knew aND every woman they knew said their first reason for voting for Bill Clinton, for example, was his good looks.

she is in bed with the banks, the most vial (and unnecessary) of industries

she only wants power. if she cared about the US (or even of her own fucking party) she would drop out and let Sanders take charge. she is too selfish to see that someone else could probably give Trump a HUGE run for his money, but instead will fight tooth and nail to stay in, even to the detriment of others. she only cares about herself.


Trump doesn't do drugs. OP, you really want someone with an impaired judgement handling nuclear codes/weapons?


At least we won't have to work about her getting pms every 4 weeks. She's dried up years ago.

is fucking cool, fuck you

Check this out. Now remember when you look at this that Wikileaks has a 100 percent accuracy rate.


user, This is Real. These people are evil and must be stopped.

>Blackwater founder and former Navy SEAL Erik Prince told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM that according to one of his “well-placed sources” in the New York Police Department, “The NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making” in the Anthony Weiner investigation, but received “huge pushback” from the Justice Department.


Listen to the audio

Do you want these people elected?

It's the lame-ass sucker bitch thing to do and makes you seem hella uncool and dumb.


CTR shill alert! Go fuck yourself

>Trump vodka - failed.
Not a bro anymore.

Just vote for Hillary.

