Samurai Jack except Star Wars

>Samurai Jack except Star Wars
>Makes the prequels good
Why did you fucks not tell me about this sooner?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because most of us watched it when we were 12 you little baby man. We already knew it was awesome. Except for Shit Wars guy. Shit Wars guy hates the Tartakovsky Clone Wars right? Or is it the CGI Clone Wars? I forget which.

The best part is it's on fucking Yotube because Disney doesn't give two shits

its fun and all but its just a two hour toy commercial
he hated the CGI cartoon.

But Sup Forums already agrees Genndywars was pretty great, and that Grievous was underwhelming in ROTS.

Shitwars Guy hates the CGI one, which is pretty mediocre the first two season but ramps up in quality with each season after.

It's common knowledge this is the best Star Wars.

The star wars general on Sup Forums is triggered by the mere mention of Genndy wars but they defend Star Wars Rebels so you got the gist of they act.

Funny how about 20 minutes of airtime for Anakin tells a better story than 200 minutes in two separate movies

If you want to have fun, just say something negative about the Prequels.
Literally ANYTHING and they'll defend it.
>I think Jar Jar Binks was a mistake
>Uh uh, it's no different than BB8 or Ewoks. He's there to make it relatable to children!
>Anakin is poorly written and acted
>Stop repeating Plinkett review points!

/swg/ is secretly the most awful consistent thread on Sup Forums. Even worse than fat/thicc threads. You just never notice because they keep to themselves.

I mean, Genndy Wars doesn't really tell a story. The cave painting shit is just foreshadowing.

>If you want to have fun
Why is that fun to you?

>But Sup Forums already agrees Genndywars was pretty great, and that Grievous was underwhelming in ROTS.
Do we?
Who counts as Sup Forums?

>Why is that fun to you?
Getting a bunch of uptight autists to fight amongst themselves for hours after you post a single mild fact that everyone agrees on?
How could you not enjoy that?
In any other thread you can go "I don't like this commonly agreed thing" and most people will go "Yeah, I agree, it sucks" and that'll be the end of it.
But on /swco/ there's hours of "REEE YOU'RE JUST A REDDITOR IT'S PERFECT". Complete autistic meltdowns over the smallest things

>a single mild fact that everyone agrees on?
...but your entire game is based on the fact that there are people that don't agree.
You're strange.

>The cave painting shit is just foreshadowing.
I'm not talking about that.
Anakin's fight with Ventress on Yavin 4 sells me the idea of him becoming Vader a lot more than any of the Prequels did.
In the Nelvaan scenes, Anakin loses his temper in a gradual and growing manner until he massacres the cyborg aliens.

Compared to RotS where he goes from "Pls help me Papa sheev" to killing children and toddlers in a single scene, it's very deep by comparison

It's like going to Sup Forums and saying the Nazis suck
Or going to /vp/ and saying that Pokemon games are boring, repetitive, and don't innovate.

These are things that just about everyone agrees are true.
It's fun going to fringe communities and saying wildly accepted opinions and seeing how they twist themselves out to shape to pretend that, no it isn't like that.

Did you know that /swco/ doesn't even admit that most people don't like the Prequels? They think most people like them. It's just an illusion of the internet that makes people think that people think that they're bad.

But he didn't fall for the reasons you seem to think he did. He fell because he couldn't let go of Pamde, not because he was a bad evil baddie.
He watched his mother die in his arms my man.

I mean, he killed Mace Dindu, all of the Jedi got slaughtered and Sheev had ultimate power, plus he could rekt Anakin easily. I think he knew it was fucked, but he went with it because he really didn't have a choice at that point.

>They think most people like them
I wouldn't say that's true, but they aren't disliked as much offline.
For instance, my coworker makes fun of MARTHA all the time, but likes the PT just fine.

It's decent but there's a reason no one ever talks about 75% of it. A lot of the segments are pretty dull and Anakin's whole story is fucking retarded.

It and the CGI series are really on the same level but story/characters in the CGI one outmatch the fun visuals of Genndy's

I try to, but there are a lot of TCW fanatics who get triggered by it

The problem is that how it's set up, you have to go "I guess....?" when thinking about Anakin's motives.
Like, yeah, he thought Padme was going to die and that Sheev could save her. So yeah, I guess you can see him going all in by murdering a bunch of babies and all his coworkers and friends too.

But the problem is that this isn't a real event. It's just what George Lucas wrote and what he wrong was the bottom and most basic explanation.
If you have to grimace and go "I... Guess that makes sense?" then it's failed totally at being compelling.

There are a million different ways it could have been written. And it was written in what may not be the worst way, but definitely not a very good way. And it deserves all the shit it takes for that reason. There was no tangle of continuity that needed to be withheld. No reason to make things so barely acceptable.
But George did it and it sucked.

Your webm shows exactly why I prefer the Genndy version to the CGI one.
That's fucking over the top and crazy and fucking cool.
We're dealing with cloned soldiers in space fighting robots. It deserves to be like that

I don't understand the appeal of the 2D Clone Wars. The art is grotesque, the action is meh and the fact that they're all 3 minute shorts hinders any kind of actual impactful storytelling they could have achieved.

>The problem is that how it's set up, you have to go "I guess....?" when thinking about Anakin's motives.
Highly disagree. I found the sequence of events logical and followable from the first time I saw it as a 10 year old in 2005.
Anakin can't let go of things. He can't ever be at peace in himself. That manifests as a need for emotional support, that after he left his mother he didn't get. Notice how Padme is sort of a surrogate mother for him.

Yeah but that's fucking lame. I know you /swg/ fuckers get triggered by the mention of Plinkett, but I've always liked his complaint on this. Anakin essentially gets tricked into falling. It's not particularly noble and tragic, it just makes him look like a dumbass.

No, I got that.
The need to go to Sheev in order to save Padme directly reflects his inability to save his mum in the previous movie. It goes right back to that speech right after where he says he has to be the most powerful Jedi ever and to stop people from dying.
It's very transparent.

The issue is that instead of having it come about organically, it's forced into such black and white rigid choices.
There are a million ways for that same conflict to have been shown without having to resort to "Let my wife die or kill children".
A better movie would have had Anakin fall in such a way that you would be hardpressed not to blame him. As it is now, he just looks like a fucking idiot being deceived by an obvious liar and manipulator.
It doesn't help that the faults of the Jedi are inconsistently portrayed. Are they suffocating intolerant assholes? Do we see any of that besides Mace being uptight? Or are they just fools being tricked by Sheev?

It's like George wanted the Jedi to be both a victim of Sheev and also the oppressors that made Anakin's betrayal understandable. What we got was neither a sympathetic or oppressive Jedi, but just a bunch of morons who blundered up every fucking thing they did

>Compared to RotS where he goes from "Pls help me Papa sheev" to killing children and toddlers in a single scene
Except he doesn't do this. If you paid attention literally at all to anything that wasn't a Lightsaber blade you would know this.

It sold me on Clone Troopers

What was the very next scene with Anakin after the conflict with Mace and Sheev?
Be a good lad now.

Why isn't that tragic?
And how does he look like a dumbass?
He gets cornered into a scenario he couldn't possibly have predicted.

Again, it's always "a better movie would have done x", it never explains why what's in the movie is wrong.
You haven't said anything other than
>I don't like thing

And the jedi aren't bad, they've just lost the way a little.

You're acting as if he was fucking Boy Scout Superman one minute and then Edgy Edgelord McEdgerson the next when that very demonstrably is not the case in the film. What happens immediately following the Sheev/mace conflict is Anakin's breakdown and subsequent reluctant knighting as Vader.

I liked it but it wasn't as slick in terms of story telling, obviously, but it did a lot of good for what it was.

Combat was superior however.

Shows you what simple 2D animation can do.
The combat was simply superior IMO. Always remember that slash kick slash combo young anakin used against ventriss.

Oop we got a Prequel defender here.

Yoda using a lightsaber was dumb
The Clones being Boba Fetts was sad and pathetic fan pandering
TPM was totally useless in the grand scheme of the PT arc
Obi Wan and Anakin were supposed to be good friends, but in every movie they spent the majority of it apart
Dooku was a stupid character with a stupid name.

What was the exact next with Anakin after the conflict in Sheev's office?

What comes next doesn't change the fact that you are perceiving the events of the movie incorrectly.

Not the guy you quoted but

>Yoda using a lightsaber was dumb
Kind of agree
>The Clones being Boba Fetts was sad and pathetic fan pandering
The Clones are not Boba Fetts, Boba Fett was a clone
>TPM was totally useless in the grand scheme of the PT arc
Not at all. It introduces a bunch of relevant characters, established the military branch of the CIS, gave importance to the Galactic Senate and set the stage for Palpatine's coup.
>Obi Wan and Anakin were supposed to be good friends, but in every movie they spent the majority of it apart
Star Wars movies aren't a slice-of-life anime
>Dooku was a stupid character with a stupid name.
This is b8

Say it.
Say the order of scenes.

It. Does. Not. Matter. You are completely over-simplifying the events of the movie to fit your idiotic narrative and now that you've been BTFO you're trying to have the last laugh.

The problem he's having is that you seem to think it's 0 to 100 to him commiting mas murder, but to think that is to not engage with reality.

>he just looks like a fucking idiot
Not seeing it.
As said above, he could not have correctly predicted enough of the truth for it to overpower his fear.

Look, my primary fault with Anakin's character is that his descent isn't a nice slope. It's a cliff. A series of cliffs.
He's a good boy in RotS till that point.
You can say that killing Dooku makes him inclined to evil but again that was Sheev pushing him into it. He was probably Forced by Dark Side magicks to do that.

Let me spell out what happens so that we're all clear.
Anakin is worried about his wife dying because he dreamed of it.
Anakin is called to go to an opera with his political patron, Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.
Sheev begins talking about how to save dying people.
Anakin is interested because he wants to stop someone from dying.
Sheev says only Super Evil people can save dying people, not the Jedi.
Anakin is upset because he realizes that Sheev is Super Evil and has been sought after for nearly all his life.
He goes to Mace Stick in the Mud and tells him that Sheev is Super Evil.
Anakin putts around for a bit.
Then goes to check up on how Mace and Sheev are doing.
OMG Mace and Sheev are fighting to the death.
Who do I save, thinks Anakin?
Because of Padme, he chooses Sheev.
Sheev says "Go kill babies and I'll tell you how to save your wife"
Anakin goes to kill babies.

Do you not see how absolutely stupid Anakin looks in all of this? He's manipulated back and forth like a ping pong ball. He has absolutely no conviction. Being manipulated by Sheev is one thing but he flops to telling Mace about it, then flips back to saving Sheev. George wrote it so that Anakin creates his own dilemma. It makes him into looking like an idiot who can't decide and pays for it.
Who wanted Vader to be that type of character?

>Who wanted Vader to be that type of character?
I hadn't thought of it before the movie, but I really like the decision. So me, I guess?

I think it trivializes Vader's sacrifice in RotJ.
If he's so easy to turn, then anything could have done it.
Vader should have been a man of principle and conviction. He certainly seemed like it in the OT.
In the PT, he was a rouge who didn't care about anything. Fuck the rules, who cares, whatever. That's Anakin.

The two characters don't align much to me.

Mostly agree with your thoughts on the Jedi, totally disagree with your thoughts on Anakin. Since liking good things can bring happiness, I suggest you reevaluate your opinion for your own benefit.

So did you turn the movie on at the opera scene? At the beginning of the film he is manipulated into doing something against the Jedi code by Sheev when he murders Dooku. Palpatine utters the words "he is too dangerous to be kept alive" and Anakin reluctantly lops his head off after insistence by Palpatine. He tries to be a good Jedi and adhere to the code like Obi-Wan and the masters tell him he should but clearly he is prone to breaking it in specific instances, like murdering a bunch of sand people, and then feeling intense guilt about it afterward because he knows what he did is wrong. Same thing happened here. There are numerous points throughout the movie where he sees the Jedi do questionable things as well, like when Obi-Wan, who has no suspicion that Sheev is Sidious, asks him on behalf of the council to spy on Sheev. This makes Anakin further question the wisdom of the Jedi and his faith in the code. I'm sure there's one or two more instances I am forgetting.


Disagree. A broken character who is healed by his son is beautiful to me.
Also, Anakin totally had convictions. But they were all based on his messed up life and leaned toward authoritarianism.

>leaned toward authoritarianism.
By rebelling against authority in every chance he got?

His own brand of authoritarianism, clearly. Jeez dood.
Authoritarians like to make their own rules.

Then we come upon where you apparently started watching the movie. Anakin is apprehensive of Palpatine because he discovers he is a Sith, and he is still a Jedi, but clearly his judgment is being clouded by the dangling carrot of saving Padme so he goes along with it to see if he can get the secrets out of Sheev. When he happens upon Mace and Palpatine fighting, Windu makes the fatal mistake of uttering the same words Sheev did in the beginning of the film. If someone who is supposed to be morally righteous like Master Windu can equate himself to the Sith Lord Sidious with his decision to be Sheev's executioner, something Anakin knew was wrong in the beginning of the film, then maybe the Jedi aren't better than the Sith. This shatters Anakin's faith in the Jedi code that he has been trying his best to adhere to, felt intense remorse at failing and being scolded by the other Jedi over.

Cont again.

So if he thinks both sides are the same then really the only choice is over which side can save Padme. Is this a stupid decision? Maybe, but it is one he makes in the heat of the moment under the duress of possibly having the only way to save her slip through his fingers. Once he attacks Mace, it's not like he suddenly starts twirling his mustache and reveals that he has been evil all along, he breaks down in realization of what he has done and what it means for him. In one fell swoop he has abandoned the Jedi and committed himself to whatever Sheev has in store for him because that is all he has left. He reluctantly kneels to be knighted Vader with tears streaming down his face and has to convince himself he is doing it all for Padme.

People will cringe at the gushing, but I unironically think that Anakin's turn in RotS is pretty excellently done.
And it's done in a way that made many people so mad. That means it's not something Disney would have ever done.

>when the Jedi have learned what has transpired here, they will kill us. Along with all the senators
>I agree, the council's next move will be against us
Palpatine isn't blowing smoke up his ass and Anakin isn't dumb enough to think they wouldn't. Remember: Anakin has been a Jedi for a long time especially during the war. This series has shown what Jedi will do to their enemies. Not only did they cut down hundreds in a false war but they willingly engaged in torture and execution. The next order he gave Anakin was to catch the Jedi off balance to give them a better chance. This included Padme.

In the very first scene, we learn that it's not the Jedi Way to kill

PLEASE don't ignore the good posts above you and just attack the low hanging fruit. You're the worst kind of low life.

read these
>Jedi attempts to execute Count Dooku
>Windu beheads Jango
Also, the line was "he was unarmed"

According to the code it isn't, and this is what Anakin is parroting to try to weakly convince Palpatine that killing Dooku is wrong. War does strange things to philosophies like that and I am sure he has seen his fair share of amnesia regarding it during the course of the conflict.

A man strong in the Force is never unarmed

Anybody else feel like these aged poorly? There's a lot of nice moments in this, but the action is so constant and over-the-top I feel it loses a lot of meaning. I've rewatched the two series a couple times in the past few years and I think the first series is the better of the two.

Because you should have been there in 2003 when it first aired. If you weren't then you aren't old enough to be on this board anyway.

>Not the jedi way to kill
[citation needed]

What was he going to do without hands? Cock choke Anakin?

But there's nothing wrong with THICC threads

>Watch this as a kid
>Mace Windu,Kit Fisto, and Saesee Tiin become my favorite jedi due to this series
>get hyped as fuck when im in the theater to watch episode 3
>Palpatines reveal scene happens
>See fucking Windu,Fisto, and Tinn enter the room
>think to myself holy shit this is gonna be over quick
>mfw that entire scene plays out

This is why people hate Genndy Wars it gave jedi these insane power levels especially Windu

You didn't realize that the Jedi weren't force gods like in the cartoon?

But user, Palpatine used Force Screech to stun them. A powerful Dark Side move.
George intended it for that to happen. You just couldn't see how brilliant it was because you were misled by noncanon sources

The series also buffed Clone Troopers especially since it revealed ARC troopers

Clone Troopers were buffed from the start it was from get go that they were superior to Storm Troopers

>You just couldn't see how brilliant it was
This type of attitude is so disgusting. After years of being here as many of us have been through, this type of not-in-good-faith nastiness just annoys me. It's a sickness.

Someone's been watching too much Red Letter Media

>General Kenobi


>star wars isnt dragon ball z
I hate fans like you. Especially seeing how Jedi are easily cut down in the movie prior.



>Quads on a Banepost

You already knew Palpatine was the Emperor, what did you expect to happen? They were all going to die the moment they walked into that office. The real shame is that Kenobi and Grievous barely dueled with lightsabers. I was so hyped and ready for Kenobi to be one of the only jedi capable of standing up to Grievous in a duel, but it just turned into a chase scene

Bariss was never right

>just a chase scene
They duel, they chase, Obi makes fire come out of Grevious's eyes.
What's the problem?

I wanted more dueling.

fuck you and fuck you

>I wanted more dueling

Even worse than Loudniggers?

I loved how they used only sound to tell a story in the few episodes I remember like in Samurai Jack.
No music or dialog, only the sounds of the rushing wind, footfalls and other things to build up the tension followed by an explosion of sound as the climax happens.

Why does Cad Bane wear the mask thing anyway? After that one scene where he disguises himself as a clone trooper we see him without it, so he doesn't need the mask for health reasons.

the entire planet's arc was great and had blue alien dog waifus

rule of cool

>Anakin murdering all the Dub Step aliens with his HOLT KAZED

The thing about the star wars movies is that my criticisms often collapse when I watch them again.
I agree, it seems rather abrupt that anakin would start all out killing at that scene, but there is a genuine build up and multiple scenes that show how much this is tearing him up.
He reports Sheev to the Jedi council, who then go to arrest/kill him. He tries to intervene only to see that it is a blood bath. Furthermore, he also is deeply involved in this blood bath... on the wrong side.

Imagine some punk with a semi-innocent yet stupid girlfriend picked on you a lot. One day he's trying to push you around and you say "enough is enough" and beat him to death in front of his girlfriend.
You know she just witnessed you murder her boyfriend. You know she will run to the police, and you know that you will be thrown in jail.
Your life is likely ruined.

Are you going to tell me that you wouldn't be at least a little bit tempted to take her out the game in that moment of desperation?
You could even validate it to yourself "she was sleeping with a bad man, that makes her bad by association!".

Anakin at this point was FUCKED. He had TOTALLY FUCKED HIS LIFE UP and he was presented with a totally plausible excuse for justifying his bloody escape strategy.

bad directors can make good actors give shitty performances and such

But Anakin and George were neither of those.

>but story/characters in the CGI one outmatch the fun visuals of Genndy's
>Disneyfags actually believe this

But this depiction was how the Jedi should be and what they should be able to do with their powers.

>Makes the prequels good
They were already good user, on SJW's and jews offended by jar jar and watto hate the prequels

>You can say that killing Dooku makes him inclined to evil but again that was Sheev pushing him into it.
That scene is deliberately created with parallels with Return of the Jedi; a Skywalker wins a duel against a servant of Palatine, who orders him to kill the loser intending to take Skywalker as his new servant, the crucial difference being that Anakin obeys Palpatine and Luke defies him.

But in RotJ this was Luke's final triumph over the danger of the Dark when Anakin succumbs instead...what else is there to say? He already fell. He's why does it take the rest of the movie to get there?

>He was probably Forced by Dark Side magicks to do that.
nigga wut

He never says a word when in that scene when he has it off. He didn't have a pressing need to, but maybe he couldn't without his tubes. His voice has an electronic buzz to it, after all.


>They were already good

It amazes me that Lucas got a blank fucking slate to show the Jedi at their absolute peak and he... Did nothing with ti.
Genndy got the same memo and went crazy. And it was amazing

The big problem is that General Grievous in Genndy's shorts and in Return of the Sith are thoroughly different characters. In Genndy's shorts he's a vicious, skilled, driven opponent and in RotS he's a pompous incompetent who only does what his secret boss tells him; he's really only a puppet with no substance of his own' hence why he's a helpless scrap of flesh inside a robot suit.