Just a reminder that Trump was a Democrat up until 2009

Just a reminder that Trump was a Democrat up until 2009.

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That doesn't matter

Former Democrat or not, Trump represents pushback against identity politics gone berserk, and all the anti-freedom measures that come with it

His shortcomings can be worried about later


So was I f am

Trump is counter culture AF




Sure doesn't look like it.


Reminder Trump is a Hillary plant

Spam this in every nerd virgin CTR thread

Live in PA? Have a car? Want trump to win? Have a car? Volunteer to drive the amish to the polls today! They vote over 90% republican!



>HOWEVER, even practicing Amish people can ride in cars and busses, but are forbidden to own one.

he still is

>pushback against identity politics

The guy is nothing but identity. He's a tv star playing you like the audience you are

More like Hillary is a Trump plant, because Trump is going to win, when he would've lost to pretty much anyone else.

Trump has been a Clinton puppet since the 90s. In 2000 he helped Jesse V run for POTUS with the Reform Pary just to steal votes from Bush. Then in 2001 switched back to the Dem Party. He supported Hillary when she was running against Obama in 2008 so he hammered down against him ever since. This whole election has been planned out since 2009. Trump is her puppet.

if you dont realize he just used the race issues to steal the republican nomination youre an idiot. the man ONLY seeks to fix american politics.

**tips tinfoiled hat**

I considered myself a democrat up until around 2011, what's your point? If anything it just proves he's not paid to hold democrat positions on policy, he changes his mind based on current events

>Just a reminder that Trump was a Democrat up until 2009.

I was a Democrat until this election.

Sofa king what?

More like dinner over a dozen times, golfing trips, Trump giving them political donations, and the Clintons going to Trump's wedding.

>Just a reminder that Trump was a Democrat up until 2009.

So were Democrats. Eight years of Obama changes a person.


That's partly why I'm voting for him.

>being from riddit

you have to go back amigo

>implying he hasnt been hiding his power level all these years so he could be a super successful, normiecore celebrity and then pull the cat out of the bag last minute

the guys been like this forever. you dont just wake up one day and decide to think the things he does. if he had been like this all along, hed have been written off as a right wing nutter like alex jones a long time ago. by being politically pretty neutral and inoffensive, hes carefully cultivated his persona.

>haven't been in the wikileaks threads

this is normal compared to what the average email related thread conjures up

Yeah and Pluto used to be a planet til it realized the other planets were enormous globalist faggots and decided it didn't want any part of that shit.

Everything changes eventually.

Except for one thing...one thing never changes....

Wow I didn't know there were so many "former" Democrats on Sup Forums Congrats on voting for and implementing the welfare state.

Me too

Yeah, that'll get you, maybe 1200 votes? Good luck with that.

Trump was part of Clinton's pay for play system. Trump was a draft dodger. Trump has had 3 wives. Trump is a pathological liar. Yep, Trump is definitely a Democrat.

Big fucking whoop. I was a totally retarded liberal for the first 27 years of my life.

The fact I'm now right leaning, and have been for the past 4 years means much more.

If I ran for office in my countries election next year I'm only ever gonna stand for the party that matches my current political beliefs. Not the ones I had 7 years ago.

Same applies Trump. Also MAGA

Same. And then the democrats became the heralds of identity politics and erosion of the west through globalization

don't mind me, just correcting the record

You have no say in this kangaroo fucker.

Just a reminder that you are trying to apply things incorrectly using a lack of context. Just. Like. Fucking. Usual!
Is Trump a politician? Yes or no?
So is Trump held to the same rules of political party consistency that a career politician is and would be? Yes or no?

Kill yourself faggot OP.

War. War never changes

Really looking forward to his win tomorrow. Don't letbthe world down America. Remember to make your nation great again.

>playing you like the audience you are
Hmmmm like detroit? Chicago? Any other major metro area? Liberalism is a fucking disease. Being a Democrat is a form of slavery. Why are black people and hispanics still living in shit conditions? Dems promise them all this shit and they're still poor and stupid.

Yeah it also got the economy out of the gutter
Saved the auto industry
And lowered unemployment

Just say you don't like the guy because he's black, deep down that's how you feel isn't it?

A lot of people were Democrats before a nigger ran the country.

He was a Republican before 2000

influencial people kiss other influencials peoples ass in public... SHOCKING

Well it doesn't matter

Trump is now a MEMEOCRAT and kek will guide him to victory.

Yeah by bailing out banks and car manufacturers which is against the Constitution. Also he lowered unemployment by giving more people welfare. I hate Trump but I hate Obama more.

He has switched parties 5 times.

You have no proof of that

>ran up more debt than all the other previous presidents combined


Lol these are facts. Jeezus you have your head shoved so far up your ass.

Which article of the constitution say you can't bailout a bank or company? I'm being dead ass. Answer the question


Prove it faggot.

And he was a Republican prior to 2000. He switched parties because he despised Bush and the Neocons.

Article 1 Section 9 Clause 7 No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law. humanevents.com/2009/04/01/the-illegal-unconstitutional-bushobama-auto-bailout/


