Why do you faggots hate captalism

Why do you faggots hate captalism

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pretty sure no one here hates capitalism idiot


Im talking about faggot nationalist socialist

Because its unsustainable, creates wars and tension among countries. Most importantly is bad for the environment. Just a few wealthy capitalist shitting the bed making profits with little to no regard to the consequences of their capitalist ventures.

Because they suck at it.


Because it is based on an assumption that giving every human being the power to make choices of what they demand, consume and produce is optimum for our society. Capitalism has created degeneracy like Miley Cyrus and Apple products because most people are too stupid not to demand shit like that.

Most Sup Forums loves capitalism aside from a few idealist Hitler fetishists

Thank god

I don't hate capitalism. In fact, historically speaking we live in a golden age.

What I question is the reduction of all society into consumption. Community, faith, and believing in something higher than oneself should transcend capitalism.

Western societies right now value only consumption, and we are dealing with the terrible consequences of this development.

>It's unsustainable
Everything is unsustainable user. We're all going to die

Capitalism may be the lesser evil compared to other systems, but it is still evil.

>Because people like what I don't like

Nationalist Socialist are capitalist


because i live paycheck to paycheck...rich people need to gib me money

>Just a few wealthy capitalist shitting the bed making profits with little to no regard to the consequences of their capitalist ventures.

you're forgetting the part where capitalism lifted billions of people around the globe out of poverty and significantly raised the global standard of living

You don't understand NatSoc.

In Nazi Germany, there was socialism for ethnic germans (strong unions, welfare state). At the same time business was permitted and encouraged, but regulated significantly (for example jewish businesses destroyed)

It is a fusion of Capitalism and Socialism, just a different kind to the fusion contemporary western countries have

>conflating materialism and cultural decline with Marxism

This is a mistake, one of the most oft-touted mistakes on Sup Forums.

Cultural decline has to do with welfare and women's liberation. Labor force participation has taken a massive hit and cultural marxism has sent its yolk percolating down the social strata

It is only when women's liberation came about -- an outgrowth of Marxist intellectual masturbation -- that the liberalization of culture has landed us in decay, with the expanding state and "safety net" exacerbating this kind of cultural decline

If you don't believe me look at a myriad of studies pertaining to monogamy in society and other historical meta analysis

Community and cohesion have gone to the wayside as the Orwellian demagogues have chanted "diversity is strength". Social pathologies are stemming from innumerable areas at this point, but capitalism is not one

I like capitalism, but only when the markets are free to grow. We have way too much government regulation as well as trade deals which effectively neuter any market without being as lean as possible.

>strong unions, welfare state
That's not socialism.
They wouldn't need unions if workers owned the means of production. Welfare state would be obsolete if capital accumulation was done away with.

Choose one.

Top kek. The rate of return on capital was so high because there was no capital. Hitler built a war machine with credit Germany didn't have, so the only way the German economy wouldn't crash would be to invade and conquer for resources. That's why they were so focused on the Balkans

I fully appreciate what capitalism did for industrialization and the modernization of the world. However, I don't think we would benefit from it much in the future. Moving humanity to the stars works best backed by a true globalist collective of man -- people who throw away luxury in pursuit of pure achievement.

It's a fuckin' longshot but I really would hate to see mankind not make it. There's aliens out there we have to conquer.

>paying white niggers to do nuffin

meant to say that you can't conflate materialism and cultural decline with capitalism

Well that intresting point of veiw

white niggers go to gulag senpai

What's wrong with accumulating capital?

Also, define "means of prodiction"

it has become a tool of the jews

If you say you love capitalism yet are anti free-trade deals you are a hypocrite.

Free trade between countries is a fundamental tenet of "free" markets. Getting your government to prevent trade with other countries or force tariffs/quotas is statism.

Same story with immigration. The labour market is made elastic through immigration. State protected borders are the state interfering with a capitalistic free market and giving a country's current inhabitants a kind of monopoly on the supply of labour, making it artificially inelastic.

Capitalism results in a self serving plutocracy just like communism. They're pretty much the same thing at the end of the day. Evil jews ruling goyim.

I don't think most people here hate capitalism, I think that most here would say that it's pretty damn good, myself included.

Of course there are issues within it, but there hasn't been a better system of economics posited yet.

The way I see it is that we do need a new system for the future, especially once we reach post-scarcity, but for now we should focus our efforts with it stamping out the corruption within it which has formed. Up until recently though, capitalism was incredible .

>still evil.
What is evil about owning the means of production, you pinko piece of shit?

Fuck off commie, /POL is all about the free market system.

>picking and choosing which definition of socialism to use

There has never been a socialist country then, workers have never fully seized the means of production

There is nothing inherent in capitalism which cultivates moral virtue, which seems to me to be a problem.

Look how easily Western civilization has been corrupted in only a relatively short time frame.

Lets be honest here. It really hasn't. USA, Western Europe are the only ones who were lifted along with other select countries and territories. The rest of the world is shit and are nothing but exploitation farms. Makes you think further when you consider how even in the U.S.A overall health and quality of life is pretty poor. The real winners are the capitalist laughing their way to the bank. also being lifted=being a slave wage for most of your life?

>What's wrong with accumulating capital?
It's not socialism

>Also, define "means of prodiction"

Inheritance fucks up capitalism because after one generation, the playing field is completely un-leveled as degenerates can sit on their asses with the money their parents made

so much this
you brought tears to my eyes user
once we get rid of the jews for good, humankind will be kicking ayy lmao's butts left and right

I don't hate capitalism that's why I support Hillary

Capitalism is alright, but I prefer Mello Yello.
Goes down smooth.

Consumerism has replaced Christianity in the west.

Think of that what you will.

>do need a new system for the future, especially once we reach post-scarcity
Once we reach post-scarcity, economic systems become largely meaningless. You'll probably see people trading stuff for sentimental reasons (eg. demand for custom man-made art or furniture, even if it's technically not as good as machine-made shit), but since labor will be automated and there will be no need to own production, current economic systems will no longer be relevant.

Im not commie, theres just some people pol that faggot socialist.

The problem with Marx wasn't his economic analysis (although there were some flaws which make his views a bit heterodox), his criticisms come about from his applications of Hegelian dialect. He wasn't an economist, he was a social scientist

What are some good books about capitalism Recent books please.

>The rate of return on capital was so high because there was no capital.
Read that again

It's likely yuropoors that are the socialist faggots. The ones in the US that are serious dip their toes here for one post and run away scared. The rest are shitposters farming (you)


>Sup Forums is all about the free market system
>mocks Gary Johnson who wants to get rid of income tax and generally reduce government power
>whilst supporting Trump who wants to utilise the power of the state to build a huge wall, military and border force

Personally I support Trump, but if you're on here saying you love Trump but also worshiping free markets and capitalism you're a hypocrite.

He was both, and that's besides the point.
Workers didn't own the means of production.

Space Communism?

I never understood how many Americans are so much against socialism. Don't you realize that is the capitalist that keeps the U.S.A quality of life shit? We aren't creatures born to consume and buy everything that shows up. We aren't meant to pay for these things with credit cards and a pricey education that only have us slaving away for a few shekels every month. It's almost like US society has been brainwashed thinking this is really living when its really just slavery.

For all the hatred of Marx, he thought very highly of the US constitution

>want to capitalise on cheap labor
>import 100000000 immigrants

>What are diminishing marginal returns?
The more capital you have, the less value it will yield for you. When liabilities are ignored, the ROI only goes up.


You have it reversed friendo. Capitalism or Free Market Capitalism is currently the best economic system that has uplifted billions of people and allowed us as a species to grow exponentially. No other system can or will do this presently. Inequality isn't a negative it's a good thing.

Trump understands that a free market can't be had with minorities running around everywhere. Securing a white ethnostate is a precondition for true capitalism.

It's how jews keep Americans down. Notice how (((they))) comprise the wealthiest capitalists and the highly regarded socialist academics, and pit the people against their systems.

Great post!

Turns out workers don't actually give a shit about owning the means of production, since they can easily do so now (in the sense that there are no more regulatory burdens compared to starting a normal business), but co-ops are almost nonexistent. They're happy to clock in, work, and get their paycheck while assuming no risk or extra headaches involved with running a company.

As always, reality proved Marx wrong.

Because it only leads to globalism

Most Americans conflate socialism with Keynesianism.
Say what you will about Marx, but at least he wasn't a Keynesian

it should be spelt beito not baito
baito means part time job and sounds like "bye toe"

The Jews flourish in a crony capitalist environment where nepotism and government regress and suppress the economy and people.

it just won't work that way imo.
more like dune's monarchy

>Implying Communism will somehow remain more sustainable by ending scarcity of all things and reversing entropy

Jesus user think these things through before you post, almost mistook you for a leaf.

Good point but it does need to be said that Marx is the source of many things toxic. Marx himself is fine but when you look at all the derivatives or so called Marxist historians they warp and bend him in ways to where it's nothing but pure concentrated evil.

>free market can't be had with minorities running around everywhere

If that is true then it completely undermines any idea of the infallible free market. If minorities are inferior they would surely be justly un-rewarded in a free market? Or, perhaps your issue is with democracy?

>Securing a white ethnostate is a precondition for true capitalism.

The exact same argument is touted with regards to socialism. The problem is, a white ethnostate cannot be maintained with "true" capitalism, firstly because the notionof a "state" and "true capitalism" is oxymoronic

I don't hate capitalism. It has its flaws but it also has its merits.

What I really hate are the wankstains who will defend privatisation and the free market in every circumstance no matter what, and then pretend like they are somehow better than the blinkered ideologues that they accuse socialists of being.

This so much. Marx couldn't have predicted that mass production ala Fordism could make workers lives so good that they have no desire to actually own the means of production.

That's fucking hard work, way easier to collect your wages and fuck off to do whatever the fuck you want with all the crap you can buy to use up your time.

I didn't necessarily bash capitalism or advocate for communism. Come on dude.

Natural monopolies
The first ones to get into an industry completely dominate that market usually and any competition can and does get bullied out or merged.
Oligarchy run businesses. Someone's great great great great great grandfather started a business and now the entire family line are billionaires that do next to 0 work with next to 0 risk of losing money unless they actively try to sabotage themselves.
Has no regard for the environment or the people, companies weigh the cost of being sued vs doing something that causes harm just to make a quick buck.
There are many more I just can't think of. If you don't see that there are flaws in capitalism then you are a moron.

See Vanguardism.

It's like you don't even try to learn.

It's always hilarious when people talk about post scarcity. Scarcity is a law of nature. It's just a rephrasing of the law of conservation of energy. Talking about post scarcity is as ridiculous as talking about post gravity, because we'd need to break the fundamental laws of physics just to get there

Yeah, there has, albeit they were usually crushed by outside forces quickly

>having to work just to survive

Nah fuck that

Because Trump is against it. I do whatever Trump says.

Come on? Were you advocating rather for a Feudal system?

>If that is true then it completely undermines any idea of the infallible free market.
Not really. Free market capitalism requires the respect of property rights. Minorities can't do this because they only care about gibs.

>If minorities are inferior they would surely be justly un-rewarded in a free market?
They would be justly under-rewarded, but they also receive gibs.

>Or, perhaps your issue is with democracy?
Of course I'm against democracy. Every Sup Forumsack should oppose it.

>The problem is, a white ethnostate cannot be maintained with "true" capitalism, firstly because the notionof a "state" and "true capitalism" is oxymoronic
Sure it can. You need someone with a monopoly on force to enforce property rights, and ideally enforce white homogeneity.

Also I've been posting this for a while but I love hearing feedback on my ideas.

Capitalism allows the most freedom and that's why I'm all for it. I dislike how it leads to consumerism and a horribly inefficient use of resources (consumerist goods rather than say, space exploration) - but that's a criticism of human flaws rather than flaws of capitalism. The market provides for the demand.

What I hate is corporatism. Immensely powerful lobbies using their influence to slam the door behind them, stifling competition and monopolizing entire industries.

>co-ops are almost nonexistent
Except they don't get the same benefits other companies do, it's harder to find financial CAPITAL to start these co-opts, and under a market economy they will not be able to compete at the same level as typical bottom up structure works.

Try again, pls


In a "true" capitalist country, there would be no "gibs".

>You need someone with a monopoly on force

You aren't capitalist. Go read a book.

The free market isn't infallible of course. The rub is that you need a political system to protect it from warping it into something else. That's what the US has now something vestigial of what it once had or was due to the failure of the Polity failing time and time again. The US don't get me wrong seems to have the strongest foundation for which to build a country on these days. A form of hyper federalism with some tweaks seems necessary. Any states using this will eventually become ethnocentric states on their own in an organic way. Meritocracy weeds out the chaff.

tbqhwyfam I never got the space travel meme. Dont get me wrong its cool, and I mean I wouldnt mind flying up there one day, but other than interstellar consumerism whats it good for?

Marx's downfall came about from late 19th century economists like Marshall, and later Keynes and Hayek.
Economically, some of the work in das Kapital is rock solid and still used today. However, a lot of the foundation is faulty, as demonstrated by the marginalist revolution. And when you build on a faulty foundation, the result isn't pretty.

Some people still choose to believe in the heterodox aspects of his views because they support the conclusions he cites these for.

Basically, economics became it's own field after Marx's time. Prior to the marginalist revolution, the study was a subset of political science known as "political economy," since it wasn't developed enough to be its own field. Nowadays, we just call the classical economics for the most part, but they didn't call it economics at all. Marginalism made it a study, so what Marx was doing was not economics

I don't want minorities to receive gibs. I do not want there to be minorities. Obviously, we do not yet have free market capitalism. The existence of people genetically incapable of respecting property rights make it impossible in the US.

I do not want anyone to receive any form of assistance from the government whatsoever unless it involves enforcement of private property.

>muh freedom
5 year plan works. Future of AI and computer modelling can optimise this and achieve more than free market.

For the keks? Just to see what's there and try to understand the universe as best we can? If anything it'll be fun to jew another species with our capitalism.

People or minorities who can't sustain themselves will die off or leave the country. The US had millions of European immigrant waves and many of those people went back home because they couldn't make the cut. Blacks and Hispanics will either work and support their own habits or they will die off it's simple as that.

>once we reach post-scarcity
Post-scarity is impossible, and therefore will never be achieved.

>The first ones to get into an industry completely dominate that market usually and any competition can and does get bullied out or merged.
This is not an issue, unless that monopoly puts out products at such prices or qualities that consumer preference shifts to competing firms. Predatory pricing and mass buyouts are a socialist meme, in reality these things (while they occur in specific instances) are a great way to quickly bankrupt a company.

>now the entire family line are billionaires that do next to 0 work with next to 0 risk of losing money
How is this a problem outside of making you jealous?

> companies weigh the cost of being sued vs doing something that causes harm
And it is the responsibility of consumers to demonstrate how much they care by voting with their wallets. You really don't like child labor in sweatshops? Don't buy Nikes. Organize boycotts and stigmatize the company socially. Now it's easier than ever, thanks to social media.

So who is leading the vanguard? So far, all I see is a (relative) handful of co-ops with no sign that more people are adopting it as a business model.

>under a market economy they will not be able to provide as good a product for a given price as typical bottom up structure works.
Damn that capitalism! Competition is evil!

Hard AI is as impossible as post scarcity, or speed of light travel.

The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they truly know about what they imagine they can design

your on the wrong board retard

No such thing. If you do not work you will be forced to. No hand outs.