US-backed forces launch assault on Syrian IS 'capital'

> Ain Issa (Syria) (AFP) - US-backed Kurdish-Arab forces launched an offensive Sunday on the Islamic State group's de facto Syrian capital Raqa, upping pressure on the jihadists who are already battling Iraqi troops in Mosul.

> The start of the assault by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) came as Iraqi forces fought inside Mosul for the third day running amid fierce jihadist resistance.

Yeah, what now bitch? I don't see Russia attacking an ISIS capital city. Punk ass bitch Putin is too busy bombing civilians to attack ISIS. The US/Kurd coalition has killed more ISIS Jihadists than any other coalition in the region.

This is how real men fight:

Also, that fucking armored Humvee with the Navy SEALs shooting out the holes with a mounted gunner on top was so fucking badass. It gave me a chubby.

The US is the only righteous nation. Everyone else is a savage or subhuman. We must preserve our glory, and Tuesday we will when Trump is elected.

Do you support accepting Syrian refugees into the U.S.?

Dead K*rds

Good news

>Implying USA isn't funding terrorists again


Well? Are you into the idea of the U.S. finding new homes for displace Syrians? Or are you just interested in playing 3d CoD in somebody else's country for funsies?


Yeah, right. Moderate Freedom edition Kurds or Islamists are bro-tier. Sure. Shouldn't burgers have realized there is nothing to win in taking sides in sandnigger conflicts by now ?

Supporting Kurds will only lead to further balkanization of the region and possibly another 20 years of war if they start seceding.

The only form of stability you'll get in the middle east is if some tyrant like Assad is allowed to and submit everyone through violence and reprisals.

These people have been killing each other forever, it's a never ending cycle of grudges they've been holding on for centuries. They'll tell you whatever they think you want to hear to get he weapons and support they need to keep doing the only thing they do.

You're a fucking dumbass, even if US beats ISIS which they clearly won't just like how they failed to beat al-Qaeda in Iraq. It will still be dirty islamists that overrun the secular government in Syria. You are literally supporting Muslim terrorists whilst the Russians try and fix the US's mess. Try learning what's actually happening in Syria before making a thread about it faggot

How do you feel about the US administration knowing that their friends in Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding ISIS as revealed by wikileaks? US campaign against ISIS is a farce and you know it

Bullshit they are just giving their ISIS allies ammo and supplies.

They're against Saudi Arabia you dumbass.

Mate there's a difference between 'revealed' and 'hillary clinton thinks'.

More terrorist attacks happen in Saudi Arabia than any other country from IS.

*Cuz now you have to answer tooo -*

fuck off faggot I want dead arabs not transgender queer numales crying over muh poor 30 yr old syrian child rapefugees.

Kill yourself bleeding heart bitch

>a farce
>actively destroying them, both major cities under attack
Do you even pay attention to what's going on over there?

Kurisu is American you stupid fucking leaf

stupid leaf. Just remember, Troo doo is going to do everything in his power to bring as many of them into canada.

It's my avatar. I'm an /sg/ exile (get it? S;G -> /sg/) cuz no one's posting in one today for some reason.

Lol since the Mosul offensive maybe, they were stabbed in the back by there ideologically allinged saudi friends

Yeah Hillary loves her conspiracy theories, obviously you have much better intelligence...

good. Crank it up fags. Just speeding up the impending rise of right wing death squads.

Pr campaign buddy, defeating ISIS capital will probably get Hillary elected. I never said they cared about them as an ally, they use them in any way they can just like they do with all the arabs

Well she did think Obama was born in Kenya.

Do you know anything, cunt? Lay off the fucking petrol.

We should give the Kurds all of Iraq and half of Syria. They fought for it and I like them more than Iraqi niggers.

again, considering she actually has access to some of the best intelligence in the world. I think she probably has a better idea of whats going on than you. I suppose you believe the "moderates" in syria are good little muslim boys who just want democracy right? fucking idiot

They're British Pathfinders, Rule Britannia.

they don't want all of iraq or half of syria. they just want control of the kurdish ethnic regions in those countries. besides there is no way the arabs would allow it

Did you all hear how the CIA analysts are predicting that after ISIS territory is toppled, they will move in droves to other countries (especially European) and unleash all hell? Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of fighters that will be displaced and look for a new place to go.

I wish I could remember where I saw this but it makes sense to me. A huge influx of jihadis after ISIS land is conquered doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

has anyone got a link to the latest /sg/ thread?

muslim ban just keeps sounding better and better. we need to force them into other shithole islamic countries somehow

You will be considered a racist if you don't allow them to rape and behead your wife. Interracial diversity class for everyone.

>Supporting Kurds will only lead to further balkanization of the region and possibly another 20 years of war if they start seceding.

Instability in the middle east is the goal y'know

>Implying we aren't so OP that we pay our enemies to train and become mobile just so we can spend a decade dropping JDAMS on them and suppressing them with 5.56

Jokes on the camel fuckers, we made them just to destroy them

Pretty much this

If Putin really cared about Syria, you would think that he would have bombed IS capital long ago.

Yet it's Kurdish and American soldiers who are removing IS from Syria.