Why are there so few Spanirds in the USA when half America was part of the Spanish empire?
Spaniards in the USA
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Because they speak English
Good one pablo.
>your only Mexican cause Mexico use to be a french puppet state
There are a few of us out here. I'd imagine many went back to Spain, or moved to South America or Mexico, or just married English or French settlers and lost the surname.
Because we got all their immigrants
Hell, pretty much the whole population of Galicia came here
There are 10 million of them
Although I'm only like 3/4 Spanish, that's more from one ethnicity than the average White american mutt that is like 1/16th from all over the continent.
American Spaniard here AMA
>15.7% East Asian or Native American
>American Spaniard here
>American Spaniard here AMA
>15% native american
"White" hispanics, know them all
Banter aside, you are ok my man
It's called being a Castizo.
Spaniards are hispanic in america you dumbfuck
In America, we don't use the spanish caste system and we lump anyone with lineage of any spanish speaking country under "Hispanic" regardless what their race is. We don't have hispanic as a fucking race
You'd be a white hispanic if you moved from Spain to America. Fucking retard.
You fuckers don't use the word "Hispanic" like we do.
But the faggot with 15 percent native is not a white hispanic, he's a castizo hispanic
Because almost everything west of the hundredth meridian is almost unlivable without major water projects that weren't feasible until the early 20th century. The few places that were livable were settled but to get to most of them you had to go through deserts that would kill and eat you.
Read "Cadillac Desert" it's all about the the american west and the related water projects. It's a good read.
They blend in with the rest of the spics.
Probably because most of the Spanish who came here intermarried with other white people and now most of their descendants don't realize they have Spanish blood.
No they fucking don't
White Hispanics look nothing like mestizo hispanics
The Aztecs cursed them for destroying their civilization and turned them into mexicans
Aztec chicks are so desperate to look like Castizos it's crazy. I grew up as the only anglo in elementary school and they just powdered the shit out of their nasty faces. But there are very pretty castizos who are definitely the of Spaniard persuasion.
New Mexico is a good place to look for white hispanics, as that was the capital of New Spain for quite some time.
We emigrated to South America instead, because they already spoke spanish and Argentina and other places were looking very up and coming. Boy we bungled that one up.
Calm down, everything you said I already know it, I never implied the contrary.
The Arizona Flag is even based off the Spanish one ya dingus. Red and Gold.
We're bidding our time for reconquista world tour 2070
A lot of the Mexicans in the US from the state of Jalisco are criollos/castizos. They look nothing like mestizos.
they got mixed with the mexicans because they spoke spanish. they're weren't going to live in english speaking countries just because they're white. they're going to live where it's easier to integrate.
they're just called "white hispanics/mexicans" here.
my grandfathers side is all tall white colored eyed spaniards but lived in mexico. but they all mixed with natives so we're all mexicans now.
but i do know a few white people with spanish surnames.
because most of the Spaniards packed up and left along with the empire. Why stick around with a bunch of English speaking protestant heretics when you can just pull up stakes and move to one of the other still Spanish colonies?
yeah like night and day. Basically, some look like Spaniards and others look like Geronimo. All my neighbors are fucking geronimos feelsbadman
Thats not what he meant retard
He meant spaniards
As in
Spaniards from spain
Why are there no actual spaniards but alot of their evolved rape babies i:e mexicans
There was very little Spanish immigration to the US, almost nonexistent. Even when Spain decided to settle what is today the Southwest, it was mostly mestizos from Mexicos with Spanish/criollo priests. I would venture to say that 98% of "Spanish" Americans who are criollo/castizo are actually immigrants from Latin America who identify more with Mexico, Cuba, or wherever they come from.
hispanic means
Spanish origin countries
then theres Latino
For latin american countries
i guess what i'm saying is that, there was plenty at one point because there are still plenty of white hispanics, or at least white leaning mestizos, in the US now.
Current immigration trends are all brown skinned aztecs though, that is true.
We never did get a direct spanish boom though. That's true.
I wish my Asturian and Euskadian ancestors had moved to Texas instead of Mexico.
They fleed the Civil War.
Because no one fucking likes them
Theyre stuck up little snob shitstains of people
Who the fuck pronounces their s's like "th"
Its corazon
Not coraTHon you retarded fucks
que quiere decir con esto?
lol im pretty sure they invented the language you chicano fucking ingrate
hi Spanish expat here
for a long time US immigration policy favored northern european protestants (nordicism) so many spanish and Italians were discouraged from moving here. at the same time, Latin America was not yet a total shithole so any emigrants to the new world chose the ex-colonies as an alternative
>tfw my ancestors built your country
>tfw have white skin but when liberals hear my name their color blindness suddenly turns me brown
They completed melded into mexicaness or other latino american countries
The spanish had a system for how much of a spaniard a person was
And sometimes it wasnt even based on blood, a fully spaniard child who was born in mexico wasnt comsidered spaniard
Because we threw them all out in the Spanish-American war.
>Don't even get ebin AA freerides either
>Even when Spain decided to settle what is today the Southwest, it was mostly mestizos from Mexicos with Spanish/criollo priests.
That's another good point.
If all the Spaniards in the region are Catholic priests overseeing missions, the Spaniard presence in the region isn't going to last longer than a generation if a fresh batch of priests from Spain doesn't arrive to replace them when they eventually shuffle off.
Another butthurt "white" hispanic
yeah those were called criollos. criollos are a good get, pure spanish blood with nice frontier sensibilities.
Most linguists agree that the Spanish lisp evolved sometime after the conquest of the Amerias. Otherwise the Spaniards would have brought it with them to the Americas and it would be used today. Not a single Latin America country uses the lisp.
I express right wing beliefs and I'm your typical racist white
remain silent and I'm their token minority buddy
fuck Portland and fuck white liberals
Which is why you have
>indigenous people with names like tetzocuahatl
>"white" mexicans with names like ernesto or alejandro
>brown mix mexicans with names like pablo or paco or juan
>light brown mexicans with names like jose
Thats literally the definition you delusional conquistanigger
>Peninsulares: Europeans living in colonies
>Criollos: Sons of peninsulares born in colonies
is that the consensus? can you please give me a nice peer reviewed salsa on that one. I've studied the seseo problem a bit but i guess i passed that by.
The lisp has a lot of subtlety to it that would typically be followed by a simplification to seseo, not thetheo. By that I mean, why would they go from a standard seseo in the old world and then develop a more complex, nuanced thetheo later on?
The Tejanos were all pretty much direct spaniards. Florida had a few also
Explains why texas is simaltaneously one of the most racist states and also one of the most sparsely hispanic inhabited states
No they aren't. You're incorrect.
>Hambrientinos: Pretentious wanna-be Italians
No he's not. I don't see how this is even a conversation. Hispanic is a generic term for descendants of people from Hispania, ie, Spain. I don't understand the point you're making here.
We use Hispanic in Arizona to describe castizos still because of their name or mediterannean features.
Too lazy to look it up. But from what I recall, most Spaniards that went to the New World were Andalusians, which is the Iberian accent most similar to what you find in Latin America. Even today, Southern Spaniards don't really use the lisp.
They went back without being asked. Damndest thing.
That's a good point. And yeah those dirty moors don't use the lisp. Maybe it's even a Franco thing then? Since he consolidated all the languages and dialects and crushed most of them.
Most of the earlier waves of colonizers on the Spanish colonies were from southern Spain or came from the port of Seville, where they don't have what you call the "lisp" and pronounce the C and Z the same way Hispanic Americans do.
It could also be that Native Americans didn't know how to pronounce it and ended up with that pronunciation, I have seen british people living here for decades and still can't pronounce shit.
You are an autistic fuck.
most of it was claimed land that barely had any occupants at all.
the Spanish were so inactive with their territory claims that even FUCKING RUSSIA invaded their territory a built some forts in California, and the Spanish barely even fucking knew or just didn't care, lel.
It's called a filthy mut
When's your fucking funeral?
I had Spanish ancestors who settled in Florida when it was still a colony of Spain, but that's one line in an otherwise very Anglo family tree.
A Spanish person is not Hispanic.
imposing your language on a bunch of Aztecs is bound to result in simplifications. los oiste hablar?? mexican spanish is so dirty dude, eyyy wey chingadooooo no mamessssss.
Oh well.
Consider that America is 73% European but 56% not Iberian European. So there's obviously quite a few.
no you dumb NIGGER
Dude yes, 100% a Spaniard is Hispanic. Literally, you are saying a tautology even by SAYING Spaniard / Hispanic because Espanol is just Hispanol without the H. It's a tautology. It's like saying an Angle isn't English. It doesn't make sense.
It's like saying Hellens aren't Hellenic
>The term "Hispanic" was first used in the United States to define the growing number of the American population with Spanish ancestry. The term does not include immigrants from Spanish speaking countries however.
>The U.S. Census Bureau defines the ethnonym Hispanic or Latino to refer to "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race"
>Generically, this limits the definition of Hispanic or Latino to people from the Caribbean, Central and South America, or other Hispanic (Spanish or Portuguese) culture or origin, regardless of race.
It is used to describe mainly the Mestizo populations without using the term.
¿Qué tal la vida en Portland? Yo también soy expatriado pero vivo en NoCal.
There a few hanging around in New Mexico, I think.
In 2010 the census redefined the Hispanic category as "Hispanic, Latino or Spanish"
Hence Spaniards fall under the umbrella of Hispanic according to the Census Bureau
Howaito Hispanics are only 10% of the population, 63% are non-Hispanic white
it fucking sucks massive nigger dick. i get treated like a mestizo. sorry I can't respond in Spanish, my American step father wanted his sons to be fully assimilated (he isn't a cuck tho)
wtf sorry about all the weird quotes . drunk and on mobile desu
They are located around the south west and in Florida. Spain didn't hold on to her other colonies long enough to make a difference outside of the above mentioned.
si trump no venza, tu padre asimilara a la cultura, mexicana no el reves wew lad
Could you please post a picture of this people?
of american white hispanics?
>for a long time US immigration policy favored northern european protestants (nordicism) so many spanish and Italians were discouraged from moving here.
Italian is the 4 most common ancestry in the USA, I think that's not the real reason
We are, Hispania is the name that the Romans gave to whole Iberia which would include modern Portugal.
The name Spain derives from hiSPANIA.
However, "Americans" and their cultural lazyness (and world wide dominance) shortened the usual compound term refered to people from Mexico to Argentina that was "Hispanic-American" to just "Hispanic", because saying "Hispanic-American" apparently was too exhausting. By doing this they changed their meaning, as the word "Hispanic", for 2000 years, only refered to Spanish people from Spain.
Kinda the same happened with the word Latin/Latino and the compound word Latin-American which had a different meaning than Latin/latino (Latin speaking people from Europe eg: italians, spaniards, portuguese, frenchs, etc.)
It's also probably because "Americans" literally appropriated the word "American" for themselves and referring to people as X-Americans must have confused them and even hurt their pride.
At this stage we just sigh and accept it, it's a worthless effort.
I guess they just assimilated and you don't notice them. Martin sheen real name is Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez Phelan.
Cruz is a spanish surname, means Cross. Rubio is spanish for blonde. There's prolly tons of people who are descendants from some spaniard.
hmm you may be right. still, it makes sense that Spaniards would choose the colonies over the usa
not sure what you meant by this. my biological father's side of the family has always been rude to me over losing my native tongue (the bastard beat my mother and caused her to miscarry my sister, so I don't want much to do with them) I hope you mean that if trump loses, at least he didn't make me turn out like a fucking spic
>captcha select all buildings with pillars
>tfw child of rome
>and also one of the most sparsely hispanic inhabited states
Want to know how i know you dont live in texas
One drop rule, nigger.