Why does it suck so much to be a rational moderate in the 21st Century?
>Hate SJWs and political over-correctness
>Hate censorship and race baiting/white guilt tripping for political gain
>Hate Clinton, her arrogance and her corruption
>Hate racist minorities that are one-dimensional thinkers and have thin-skin
>Hate the ignorant fucks that 100% back her anyway
I would love nothing more than to see the MSM, progressives, elite establishment, ivy league students, and hypocritical moral busy bodies squirm from Donald J. Trump getting elected.
>Hate stormfags and actual neo-nazis
>Disagree with people like David Duke and the KKK that want to use violence to kill minorities and get a hard-on from looking down at the less fortunate
>Hate people that want to 100% control the social decisions of others AKA "stop liking what I don't like"
>Hate that I share a political candidate with unironic hitler worshipping scum like this
>Really don't want to see these people happy and celebrating on November 8th because they mistakenly think Trump is a secret nazi and "their guy"
This entire election I've been behind Trump because I agree with his policies and if I think about it seriously, I know he's just a good guy that loves his country.
I truly believe Trump just wants to make it great for everyone that's willing to contribute to society and come here legally. Hillary on the other hand is a selfish bitch that lies, cheats, and only cares about herself at the cost of others.
I'm between voting for Trump as planned or not voting at all and seeing where this country goes on Tuesday. Now, I've slowly been drifting towards not voting period. Convince me to stick with one.