Why should I vote on Tuesday?

Why does it suck so much to be a rational moderate in the 21st Century?

>Hate SJWs and political over-correctness
>Hate censorship and race baiting/white guilt tripping for political gain
>Hate Clinton, her arrogance and her corruption
>Hate racist minorities that are one-dimensional thinkers and have thin-skin
>Hate the ignorant fucks that 100% back her anyway

I would love nothing more than to see the MSM, progressives, elite establishment, ivy league students, and hypocritical moral busy bodies squirm from Donald J. Trump getting elected.


>Hate stormfags and actual neo-nazis
>Disagree with people like David Duke and the KKK that want to use violence to kill minorities and get a hard-on from looking down at the less fortunate
>Hate people that want to 100% control the social decisions of others AKA "stop liking what I don't like"
>Hate that I share a political candidate with unironic hitler worshipping scum like this
>Really don't want to see these people happy and celebrating on November 8th because they mistakenly think Trump is a secret nazi and "their guy"

This entire election I've been behind Trump because I agree with his policies and if I think about it seriously, I know he's just a good guy that loves his country.

I truly believe Trump just wants to make it great for everyone that's willing to contribute to society and come here legally. Hillary on the other hand is a selfish bitch that lies, cheats, and only cares about herself at the cost of others.

I'm between voting for Trump as planned or not voting at all and seeing where this country goes on Tuesday. Now, I've slowly been drifting towards not voting period. Convince me to stick with one.

Other urls found in this thread:


Establishment divide and conquer strategies at work.

I'm from PA by the way so my vote matters.

why are the retired shilling for hillary

Regarding all those things you hate,
you might want to take a closer look at the actual policies Hilary and the DNC supports.

Vote third-party.

If you vote third party, you make the bigger parties think, "man, if only I'd been more appealing to those third party guys, I'd have won." This gives your opinions power.

If you don't vote at all, politicians will simply look at you and imagine you as being lazy, or too busy to get to the polls, or whatever. Your thoughts and opinions will be given no weight whatsoever in their election autopsies.

Worried about Medicare/social security

>>Hate stormfags and actual neo-nazis
>>Disagree with people like David Duke and the KKK that want to use violence to kill minorities and get a hard-on from looking down at the less fortunate
Extremely few of these people actually exist, you're scared of the ghost of an organization that hasn't been relevant in over 60 years that ironically dresses up as ghosts.

>Hate people that want to 100% control the social decisions of others AKA "stop liking what I don't like"
This is 90% of everybody on both sides. If you hate this, you hate most people in general.

PA also, why the fuck not? Your fears of fascism with trump are unlikely and uneducated. Your fears of Hillary's corruption are logical and proven. So vote for the less of two evils.

Well then fucking vote. Do you really want to see hillary as president? this dyke has killed our own troops, and has been in more scandals than Anthony wiener's wiener

Not voting is like a half of a vote for both. Same for third party. Pol represents a small fraction of the people behind Trump. Don't let them keep you from voting

Your answer should be in your pic OP, let the post guide you.

We're not the base of Trump support, we're just nazis who like Trump.
If Trump loses, be ready to see only democrat presidents and majorities for the rest of your life. Amnesty means Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah go blue forever.

"Moderates" don't exist.

I'm a tranny and my views are almost yours exactly OP.

Tfw when other trannies call you traitor or uncle tom for saying
>that you're voting trump,
>that gender is based on sex
>there's no third gender/genderqueer
>rape culture/patriarchy is a lie and you know from living as a guy and girl that being a guy is way harder
>that islam is a plague on humanity and antithetical to everything liberals believe in
>that white guilt / male guilt is ruining western civilization


I have and I disagree with nearly everything except for abortion, where I'm pro-choice like they are. While I think having a corrupt politician is a disaster, I'm not sure if even Trumps election would stop the tide of liberalism/corruption already deeply entrenched in the system. Once the MSM have sold out, the masses are fully under control of the state.

Also, let's just say that even if Hillary wins, I'm part of the demographic that would "benefit" from her sort of future. But I don't think that's right or for the best of this nation at all. Whites founded this country and made it what it was from the early days. They should not become a minority in their own home.

Gary Johnson has something wrong with his brain, I'm sorry. I would rather trash my vote than give it to him.

This board is full of storm fags in large enough numbers. Either way it's the ideology I'm against, organized or not. No different from ISIS.

I'm not afraid of Trump being a fascist, I'm afraid of the encouragement it would give to some of his other supporters that are. Trump is fine but people mistake his message.

You're talking to one, not everyone thinks in absolutes.

Guess what? Some KKK members support Hillary as well. If you're going to judge someone based on their fringe supporters, you should consider all of the extreme supporters and not just a small number of them.

It's far more rewarding imo to ruin the days of hundreds of thousands of radical feminists than it is to ruin the days of hundreds of neo-nazis.

You will always hear about how your vote is useless.

Truth be told, it's will make all the difference in the whole world. Don't let people blue pill you.


Do you care more about who will do best for your country as president or do you concern yourself more with the emotionally charged responses that will ensue?

This shouldn't even be up for debate.

>David Duke
>want to use violence to kill minorities

>Duke reformed the organization, promoting nonviolence and legality, and, for the first time in the Klan's history, women were accepted as equal members and Catholics were encouraged to apply for membership. Duke would repeatedly insist that the Klan was "not anti-black" but rather "pro-white" and "pro-Christian." Duke told The Daily Telegraph he left the Klan in 1980 because he disliked its associations with violence and could not stop the members of other Klan chapters from doing "stupid or violent things."

Are you not white? Why the fuck do you care about other people's problems so much? This is what we talk about when we say cuck

Moderates arent rational. They are subhuman scum

How exactly are they getting these stats?

Trust me, you have a voting trend and lean one way or the other whether you know it or not. Sorry to burst your contrarian bubble.

I hope you are unhappy and never find love

t. Sad California Republican

I can't, in good conscience, vote for Trump or Hillary in this election. Both parties put forward the worst possible candidates. In the one hand Hillary and the Clinton family in general would be considered an organized crime family if they were in any business other that politics and on the other Trump is and always has been a spoiled rich retard who is just famous for being famous. If he gets elected the next step will be a electing a porn star president.

If I were forced to vote at gunpoint I would pick Trump only because I think he would be facing 4 years of complete congressional cockblock from democrats and republicans while he whined about how rigged the system is then the Democrats might put forward a sane candidate.

You're gonna see what way the country goes anyway, why not just vote Trump as well?

Yeah, and I realize that's on the line and want to stop it. But I also don't want to help Nazis get what they want. It's infuriating. This country needs balance, if the democrats become the sole dominating party this country is no longer a democracy. They can't be allowed to cheat the system by having open boarders and lying to minorities to win them over as new age slaves.

I never got the whole tranny thing but I feel you. They're hypocrites that demand "tolerance" despite doing the opposite.

I somehow doubt a single klansman is #withher

You're right. That's a surprisingly solid response from a leaf. If I'm voting on logic which I should..all signs point to Trump.

I'm unfortunately mixed but got lucky with how I look.

I used to be a liberal, so my trend says I should be voting Clinton, but I'm not.

I'm actually surprised to find out here that more students prefer Trump over Clinton. Or am I reading this wrong?

god you sound like such a fucking faggot. you go on about how you hate all this shit about clinton and what she actually stand's for, but then whinge about some of trumps supporters (that he has no control over) saying mean things? how is this even a question?

PA as well, I'll be in line at 7 am with my friends with our MAGA hats and red shirts


>This board is full of storm fags in large enough numbers. Either way it's the ideology I'm against, organized or not. No different from ISIS.
You can be against it all you want, that's not who you're doing damage to by not voting Trump.

>I somehow doubt a single klansman is #withher
Other than the one who is her mentor?

OK makes more sense.

>the worst possible candidates

- has wonderful, large family
- sleeps 3-4 hrs a day, works the rest
- doesn't smoke or drink
- recognizes America's economic decline and decay, has serious plan to reverse it
- recognizes our insane failure to defend our borders, will stop America being recklessly flooded with foreigners

I mean I could go on. It's all smear against Trump, mostly taken radically out of context. It works because so many people are so easily swayed by media, which is why owning and controlling media is a priority to make people act irrationally and against their own best interests.

Hillary wants to chip away at our rights and freedoms. If for not other reason, vote Trump. Hillary's supreme court will be a bunch of SJW social engineering faggots. Not even Hillary or the faggot Democrats will be able to control them.

Man, just because some of us represent stormfags or neo-nazis, the Alt-Right isn't really that.

regardless if you're a nigger, spic, gook, Honorary Indian, cracker, or whatever, if you will listen to the truth and learn that we don't hate people's skin color, just their actions.

Plus, it was the jews that shipped and defended the right of shipping black slaves to America. They also paid the plantation owners to not teach the slaves proper manners, not teach them to read and write, among other things which lead to why the black community is so cancerous.

Most of the shit we say is just satire really. I'm an indian and I like to make poo jokes
haha the other day my mom told me that I was potty trained when I was 5 but not shitty trained, so we had a tarp where I would poo on

that was a joke but still, there are reasons why we support Nazism in some ways.
>The holocaust is fake
>Hitler only wanted to revolt against the OWO
>Polish people lied about how bad it was when hitler occupied Poland
>Communism was the greatest threat to mankind, fascism was temporary and barely existent.
>Everything said about Hitler wanting the world to be "Pure Aryan" is from a kike's imagination

No need to hope friend, I've already accepted that's how my tale will end long ago. That's why I can sit back and enjoy everything going to shit no matter what happens on the 8th. Duty still says I should vote for the best future regardless

Just like Clinton and SJWs, a Trump victory still empowers large amounts of the wrong people. Nazis should not grow in influence in the US, even if they're a minority right now. Same with SJWs. A Trump win still has that baggage even if the man himself means well.

Can't argue with that honestly, I'm probably just going to get over it and vote him in. Damn it, why did Duke have to give him a public endorsement and stain Trump's good name?

Why do you hate neo nazis and David Duke tho?

>You're right. That's a surprisingly solid response from a leaf.
Is it? I'm also a young grill so the statements must be further more startling. Don't give yourself a heart attack.

Now go vote to your heart's desire you damn nazi

>why did Duke have to give him a public endorsement and stain Trump's good name?
Because Duke is an attention whore who wanted to promote his senate run

still vote, your vote still matters in California. Even if California is 99.9% likely to go blue, it still matters in the numbers game so the popular vote for Trump is YUGE!

>divides and splits the nation into multiple groups that fight amongst each other

>is bringing everyone together to join hand in hand, no matter the race, the gender, their political ideology

and instead of finding it inspiring that people are putting aside their differences into standing as one nation to work together to stand behind something they believe in for once, you throw a tantrum that a group you dislike is with you together and want one group of people ostracised into little labels.

Are you sure you're a rational moderate?

Duke is 10x the man trump is.

Gee I don't know, why do most people hate Al Qaeda and ISIS? Same fucking reason, is it really that hard to understand why lynching women for not obeying sharia law and throwing acid on them, or lynching a black person, and burning them naked on a cross in tar and feathers might not be seen as a welcomed diplomatic approach by some? I'm against radicals and extremism which seeks to eliminate anyone that's not just like them. Such people cannot be reasoned with or empathize with others outside their group.

Political correctness have all the power.
David Duke and the KKK have no power.

If you're actually concerned about the ~5,000 worldwide members of the KKK as opposed to the 10,000,000+ SJW horde then you're a fucking idiot.

>It's only gonna get worse once she's in
>she will never be criticized because she owns the media
>the millennials are being turned hard left
>the boomers are starting to die off

Don't fuck this up.

>If you're actually concerned about the ~5,000 worldwide members of the KKK as opposed to the 10,000,000+ SJW horde then you're a fucking idiot.

They and others even on this board swear up and down that the average person thinks the same way they do. People's minds can be swayed and changed due to bad experiences, Nazi Germany happened for a reason. It can happen here too. Certain minority groups are pushing whites too hard for things that aren't this generations fault. Same reason why Sup Forums thinks all non-whites can't be trusted and must be degenerate. U.S. blacks for example have ruined their public image. I wouldn't be surprised if this leads to increased KKK support.

David Duke is the very personification of controlled opposition.

He never left the Democratic party. Just his past membership of being KKK allows anything he associates himself with to be smeared. And thats what (((they))) use him for.

Thats why he backs Trump. Thats why he claims he's "Alt-Right" and that's why he's now posting Pepes. To try and look like he's on the side of everything that opposes Clinton to make them look bad.

Putting all policy arguments aside for a moment.

I'm a Trump supporter, I'm sickened by the cultural decay of the country, the propaganda/censorship, and the all-encompassing obsession we now seem to have with identity politicking.

We've sown the seeds of a society where the slippery slope is real, where giving an inch seemingly always results in them taking a mile. We've shut so many people out from mainstream culture; which chooses to deride and mock them for innocuous things, that we've given life to new reactionary elements in our country and revived those of old. And it certainly doesn't help that the previous administration has done all it can to prove the paranoid right whenever possible, testing the limits of what they can get away with.

But I don't pretend Trump winning is going to put to bed all of the weird neo-progressive bullshit overnight, and I know somewhere someone is bound to be happy about his victory for the wrong reasons, just as there is some small handful of UFO fundamentalists voting for Hillary simply on the off-chance she'll follow through with her earlier promise to publicize federal knowledge of extraterrestrial encounters (or however she phrased it).

I'm tired of the America I've come to know these past years, tired of an ineffective government, tired of our utterly incompetent foreign policy, of our bloated bureaucracy, our numerous domestic failures, and most of tired of having to fight so hard for sane choices to be made.

It's so tempting to stop caring, to take my favourable circumstances in life and just run, to not give a shit about the country around me and leave picking up the pieces to the next generation. I'm sure Trump; 70 y/o billionaire that he is, has felt something similar at some point during this last year, knowing that he doesn't need to have a care in the world. Yet I think we both remain focused because of some deep love for this country, for the ideals upon which it was founded and by which it still purportedly operates. I think Trump genuinely loves the people of this country, those who work hard put forth the effort which the American Dream asks from us.

He's mocked for the words he uses to express his ideas, visions of American grandeur through self-investment. Of companies, politicians, and institutions alike beholden to the people of this nation. His vision of the world is founded on respect for different nations, valuing independent nation-state actors over the whims of transnational corporations (like his own). A world brought together by cooperation rather than consolidation. It's a vision I yearn for, which is why I cast my vote.

Then stop giving those certain minority groups power by voting for pandering fucks like HRC.

I'm a closet white nationalist, and I have dozens of kike/black/spic friends. I don't want to grind them all into fucking chili.

I want our country to stay a majority white country because changing that would change the culture.
Stop importing a million a year, cut down on welfare, that's all I fucking ask.

I don't hate minorities, I love my own people.
But, i'm sure your butthole is already clenched, because white people can't have any interests as a people cuzzzz rayciss.


Your post gives me hope user.

Also reminds of what Dave Chappelle recently said about CNN interviewing Trump:

"Something about this was backward. A gay white man and a white woman asking a multi-billionaire how he knows the system is rigged and insisting it’s not. Does that sound right to you? It didn’t seem right to me. And here’s how you know Trump is the most gangsta candidate ever. They asked him how he knows the system is rigged and he said, ‘Because I take advantage of it."

It's ridiculous that the oppressed are now the oppressors they seek to destroy in the name of "good."

>Nazi Germany can happen in America

Hmm you really are some special kind of retarded, aren't you?

No one here is really a white supremacist, even though they may meme a big game. Nearly everyone here is a nationalist.

Nationalism doesn't even imply supremacy. There's a word for that, it's called supremacy, funnily enough, as in White Supremacy.

Nationalism is simply the idea that ethnocentrism is the best way for social cohesion and a stability in any society. And every shithole multicultural western nation stands testament to that truth.

Whites will always vote to make the country Whiter. Mexicans will always vote to make the country more Mexican. Blacks will always vote to make the country Blacker. Because no matter how "diverse", no matter how "tolerant" a nation is, people, on a macro scale, are always going to prioritise their ethnogroup. And seeing as there are actually no real benefits to multiculturalism (as it is done in western nations anyhow, an argument could be made for "brain drain" style controlled immigration), having multiple phantom ethnostates vying for power within a country does nothing but destabilise it and cause a rift in communities.

So you must understand that White Nationalism doesn't mean Whites should control the world. It's that they should control White countries and prioritise White people. And we nationalists are happy when any nation of any ethnicity does the same for the people that live there, because it's the best way to some semblance of world peace.

>But, i'm sure your butthole is already clenched, because white people can't have any interests as a people cuzzzz rayciss.

But I agree with you and think your views are perfectly fine. I only have an issue with people that want to use violence. Nothing wrong with loving your own.

That's funny, because as a mixed person I sure as hell wouldn't advocate for more of me in the world. I think America should maintain a white majority and let in minorities in reasonable numbers that don't change the culture and contribute to society.

Then STOP letting this happen.
Illegals go home, stop paying minorities to have 20 kids each. That's enough.

Don't even fuckin worry about it man. I already voted Trump but I'm considering just blowing my brains out as soon as the election passes.

Seems to me like the assholes currently on the throne might not let Trump in. And even if he does get in, people are still too complacent to see any real change affected in America.

I don't know. I guess I'm just mighty tired fo all the stupid goddamn bullshit we've been seeing. Being a reasonable human being is a death sentence these days.

Ya know Duke is against violence right?



The only reason I have for you to go out and vote is because the more people vote, the less shitty elections get. Granted this is nowhere near perfect, it at least has made some good strides since 1776

>Why does it suck so much to be a rational moderate in the 21st Century?
It sucks to be a rational moderate in any century, because you're defining yourself by positions on subjects, not a coherent political theory backed by reason and evidence.
It's why you're so easy to manipulate.
If you don't know what you think, then it's easy to tell you what to think.

I'd like to believe him, but a former KKK member suddenly seeing the light is like Jihadi John suddenly becoming a peace activist. Kind of hard to buy his spiel if he used to be the LEADER of a radical group. Would you trust a former terrorist that's suddenly peaceful?

I'm guessing you're similar to me. I'm a white who dropped out of college, is 27, has never had a girlfriend and probably will never have one (nor a family for that matter), have no ambitions, and will likely make less than six figures for the entirety of my life.

For people like us, OP, it honestly doesn't matter who wins; neither candidate will have a noticeable effect on us.

I'm voting for Hilary just because Trump will have more of a negative effect on others than Hilary, but I could see myself voting for Trump just for fun (and because the shit liberals and SJWs have been saying recently has bothered the fuck out of me).

Vote, don't vote, it honestly doesn't matter for you. I would say that you should take a look at the propositions and ballot measures for your state and county, though. Those might effect you.

Vote for Trump. Any white nationalist who expects him to actually harm minorities in this country is going to be very sorely disappointed. Worst he will do is build a wall and deport Illegals, he probably won't even do the latter fully.

you aren't a moderate, you're a conservative that thinks he has to pretend he isn't one because your peer group thinks conservatives are evil racists.

What makes you think Dukeshills support Trump?

you're a fine gentleman
regards, finnish mongol

>Make over 50k
The 49% can get fucked. Fucking poorfags.

PA here, voting for hilldog!

>David duke

His son Eric literally said David duke deserves a bullet

Well said. I feel ya, user. That is basically exactly where I'm coming from, too. Why are people supporting either Trump or Clinton? They are both bad candidates. Trump is useful as a tool to hit the establishment with, but he's way too authoritarian and simple-minded to be an actually good candidate. I don't comprehend why anybody would support him other than tactically. And Clinton looks like Nixon #2, at best, and maybe worse. Absolutely fucking terrible candidates.

Personally, I think we need a party in this country that combines the strong pro-civil liberties and non-interventionist stances of libertarians and the economic, pro-business stances of fiscal conservatives. When I say fiscal conservatives, I mean sane It's a Wonderful Life-type conservatives who support having some form of decent social safety net, not Wall Street types. And into this mix I would throw in the alt-right's willingness to ignore liberal taboos on speech and thought and its support for tougher and more sensible immigration policies, but I would ignore all the Nazi day of the rope-type crap. We would support maintaining a strong military, but not one that's excessively large, and we would shun foreign adventurism and entanglements.

I think such a party could get strong support form both the "left" and the "right" (words in quotes because the left-right concept is a dumb model of the real political landscape).

>clinton average age 49
>trump average age 40

HA, there goes the "le republicans are old" meme.

>Hate that I share a political candidate with unironic hitler worshipping scum like this

There are also the horrible Hillary supporters who do things like:

Smash the windows of Trump campaign offices and houses with Trump signs

Fire people in the workplace for openly supporting Trump

Fuck with people's cars with Trump stickers

Remove and destroy Trump signs that they see

There's even the Clinton campaign connected people who were paid to incite violence at Trump rallies

Of course there are bad people on both sides, (and I don't defend either side here), but Trump's message has repeatedly been about unifying, while Clinton's message has been about branding half the country as deplorable racist homophobic nazis.

I'm with you mate.

Well, if you're going to vote based on who endorsed the candidate rather than the candidate themselves, be aware that Hillary is endorsed by ISIS-financiers Saudi Arabia and Qatar and North Korea.

In which way is he authoritarian?

The problem with your idea for a party is that it will get no funding whatsoever. It's been tried before. All the major corporations support the opposite of what you want - the neocons who are socially dictatorial, economically feudalist and aggressive when it comes to foreign policy. Any attempt to dissent will have them throw their massive resources to smear you as a racist Nazi literally Hitler, which is now a widely-accepted technique to shoot down any opposition before it gains traction (along with false rape accusations, see French elections etc)

No nazis and sjws are the only people that think this way faggot.

Reasons I'm not voting include him picking pence as his running mate. Just shows how easy it is for the religious right to manipulate him. No thanks I'll keep my secular state and defend it to my death.

Hillary will start WW3 with her braindead no-fly zone idea.

Latin USA won't be secular m8

These things are retarded. It's not who's visiting these sites. It's who's visiting these sites with malware on their computers

Fuck yeah man, I'm sick of the Nazis crimping up my style. I'm as anti-SJW, I'm as much of a fucking racial realist as you will find, I loathe liberal dogma, I'm against Clinton, but honestly anyone who seriously supports NatSoc/monarchism/authoritarianism/genocide is retarded and I do not even consider them to be Americans.

Spooks gonna spook.

Welcome to the actual redpill.

Why are you leaning towards not voting?

Based off
> I would love nothing more than to see the MSM, progressives, elite establishment, ivy league students, and hypocritical moral busy bodies squirm from Donald J. Trump getting elected.
> This entire election I've been behind Trump because I agree with his policies and if I think about it seriously, I know he's just a good guy that loves his country.
> I truly believe Trump just wants to make it great for everyone that's willing to contribute to society and come here legally. Hillary on the other hand is a selfish bitch that lies, cheats, and only cares about herself at the cost of others.

I see no reasoning you've put forth not to vote for him, other than "Stickin it to the nazis!" If that's your reason well KKK and Nazis are literally never going to return to power and have been in decline for decades, they're a boogeyman made to do exactly what's happening now, dissuade voters such as yourself from voting republican.

Seriously, who do you think is more threatening from a legislative / personal freedom angle in 2016? Nazis. Or SJWs? Because in the last 6 years i really haven't seen a Fourth Reich goosestepping by my window, but i have seen shitloads of SJW fuckery.

>if you hate MSM then vote Trump.

Vote for who you think is right. It cab be a logical choice or muh feeelings. Doesn't matter cunt. Don't vote because of other voters views, that's actually moronic and i want to glass you, you fucking flog cunt.

Hillary Clinton is a status quo candidate above all else

If you think America is better than it was 10 years ago, vote Clinton.

>In which way is he authoritarian?

Pro-NSA, pro-torture, pro-stop and frisk, pro-strong executive power, considers whistleblowers traitors, is willing to use collective punishment as a military technique, etc.

> ...problems with the idea...

Absolutely, I agree with you. Also, of course, there's the enormous demographic problem. More and more, there's a "white male" party and an "everybody else" party, and of course white males are outnumbered.

Trump showed to some extent that you can run with less funding than anybody ever thought possible and be viable. He needed the Republicans, of course, but maybe now that the GOP is staggering is a good time to destroy it for good and take over its infrastructure.

The power of the racism attack is another significant problem. The fact is, for example, I actually am a racist by the SJW definition, because I have dared to even question the dogma that intelligence does not depend on genetics. And most people don't have an idea of racism being on a spectrum, they seem to think that either you're not racist at all or you're Hitler. But I don't want to kill anybody, I don't want race war, I just call things like I see them, and the evidence seems to indicate to me that the races might not be equal intellectually.

But openly saying such a thing in politics triggers the entire social-liberal-collectivist coalition against you: women, all the minorities, brainwashed college kids, etc.

I don't know what the answers are, but I do think the challenge can be surmounted. We need clear thinkers, as many as possible.

Good thread, bro.

You share the sentiments of most Americans. The moderates are the majority, but when each side plays it like the fate of the universe it puts the pressure on the average moderate to pick an extreme.

One of the problems with funding we would face is that it's hard to get people to shell out for a campaign that they would see as yet another lame 3%-4% third-party win. And I do think it would be pointless to spend money trying to set up a serious physical campaign infrastructure without first having a groundswell of support. The key is not the party. The key is the support - once the support is there the party infrastructure can be created.

The party I'm imagining, to some extent, is the party of the Internet. One of the key weaknesses of the power structure is that the modern economy requires the Internet to function, and the more free the Internet is the better the economy does. But it is precisely a free Internet that is the beginning of the end of the old power structure. Yet the power structure can't seriously fuck with the Internet since it would crash the very economy they themselves depend on.

We must have more leaks, more real investigative journalism. We must create new technologies that can be used to spy on the powerful. They're spying on us, we will spy on them. Even if the government does not want to be transparent, we will make it transparent.

Where do you stand on economic and social issues?

just look at their policies, friend.

Do you support banning abortion and discriminating against lgbt people? vote trump

Do you want a massive, regressive tax cut in conjunction with gutting out the social safety net system and large increase in military spending? vote trump

Do you care about climate change at all? if so, trump will reverse all of obama's executive actions on it and potentially ruin the global paris accord agreements.

With hillary, the gop will control the house so her major proposals are going nowhere.