this won't make your local news, but I got pics.
My entire neighborhood just btfo BLM and ran them back to the ghetto
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I see civil war on the horizon if law and order isn't restored, gentlemen -- this is the reality..
post more
They outnumbered BLM 10-1 and the nogs fled, they couldn't intimidate my neighbors
Sweet justice, i wish you took a video. Do you think any of your neighbors filmed it?
your people haven't given up hope, Sup Forums, they want to live.. remember that.
I'm looking for a video, local news was there
They will stop getting shot when they stop pointing guns at police.
I hate you race baiters.
Where the fuck do you live, mate?
Why is BLM there?
You gotta go back, leaf
Chicago, it's an all white neighborhood but BLM got ballsy and walked in -- it didn't take long for a welcome party to show up to meet them though.
Jesus. Every time a nigger is shot the sheboons don't even sound human when they start crying. Literally animal cries
wtf I love Chicago now
>all white men
Awaken my brothers
The time has come
Who is that mysterious mustached man?
i hope you crackas dun think dis b da last time you b seein us niggas up dare!! u muthafuckas r pussy ass bitches so u can expeck us woke niggas ransackin ya hood sometime soon BLM fo life
Robert g brown on facebook has the video. Grew up in the area. Who are you user?
Never thought I would be proud of something that happened in Chicago. You give me hope for the future.
Niggers are a useless race
If civil war breaks out have no sympathy for niggers
An all white neighborhood? In Chicago? Are you sure that's where you live?
I thought only niggers lived in Chicago
We haven't even started fucking with you yet.
Some of us are still having reservations about fucking over the good people in your race but faggots like you will make it so worth it.
We have military grade firepower. Learn your place boy.
bix nood senpai
Lots of poles in chi town
that pictures poison
bixsh newd xD
Blm needs to burn black neighborhoods not wander into white neighborhoods.
No quarter is a given user
we lives in small, closely knit enclaves made up of firemen and police families
How many times has that happened before?
You guys are idiots
You're an idiot
Dont come at me with that picture shit.
We want video nigger
pray for us, famm..
Just a fireman's kid, user.
Vid or gtfo commie
Fascism is back and the left can't stand it.
We spent the last few years just dealing with blm. Glad to see we're waking up
ah, so you're irish
what's a GD
Dude you fucking hick you just replied to the most obvious b8post every to grace this generation oh my fucking god I can't wait for this election to be over
Gangster Disciples, they're coming to kill our kids, apparantly.
better start building walls around those enclaves op
its only a matter of time until those niggers get their whole tribe on your town
fight for it!
we don't sell houses to them, it's kind of an unspoken understanding..
If bix nood protest comes to my neighborhood, is it legal for me to brandish AK?
Find a vantage point and grab a hunting rifle
this has serious potential
And the election hasn't even happened yet.. Chicago is gonna be a damn war zone..
Yes. Just make sure you have friends with you and that you kill anybody you shoot.
Remember the Michigan riots? You know, black cop shoots niggers, niggers start rioting against whitey.
The fucking BLM has bussed in 80% of protester from different cities.
See BLM nigger? Curbstomp him. The scum only dares to go where there is no resistance.
>No outlet.
fucking hell
Good job OP. Remember, this is Soros intimidation wing.
We joke about the possibility of race war in the US but honestly, BLM has been trying to stoke it. They won't be happy until they have it.
Did you find a goddamn video yet
Based true value
yeah they really are asking for it, fuck king nigger for allowing such a shitty group to exist
the answer is yes
This is sad. Not only that, but shows so much hate and divide in America. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump's racist rhetoric was involved.
Fuck yeah. Far south Chicago neighborhoods are based as fuck because most cops live at the very edge if the city limits.
soros is like donald silver not white.
Gangsta Disciples?
I like this pic, it speaks on a very simplistic yet personal level, rousing a sense of being played. Even dumb nogs would get woke to this
dude, a group of nogs were beating up an off-duty fireman, a cop tried to intervene and one of them pulled a gun on him on video and got shot by the cop in self-defense, you don't know shit, leaf.
Sounds like you're sticking up for the niggers.
get out nigger leaf
guys what is his end game?
>New image macro
"it's mac tonight!"
Try and find that, maybe they put it on facebook?
Smugly watching the niggers be removed from the peaceful, white town.
Looks like he's thinking "Yep, I knew niggers coming here was gonna be entertaining to watch."
Nice. Good for you OP and those who stood up against this fucking bullshit.
Fucking human garbage, im ashamed to be white. These are the exact people that are voting for trump! Think about it.
Your country will never heal if you elect another old white male.
I'm certain it will all spiral out of control according to his speculations. Is he /ourguy/?
>law and order are racism terms says Hilary!
did we not drop enough phosphorous, Ahmad?
Go away Muhhahmid
no browns allows
Mt Greenwood keeps themselves to themselves.
yes but trouble will eventually come looking for us, that thug shouldn't have been on this side of the cemetery to begin with.
>impyling muslims arent stupid for real
Holy fuck why is the camera on your phone so shitty? Are you that poor? And don't u know you are supposed to hold it horizontal not vertical when you film or take pictures?
Sounds like a great neighborhood. Stay strong, OP!
I'd be surprise if a single resident will be voting for Killary on tuesday.
Kill yourself.
why do they want a race war so badly? they'd get exterminated
If that is true the whole black community needs to be roped up hanging from tree's
They fucked up bringing their monkey business to the burbs. Whites are like a powder keg ready to blow
nigger awareness bump.
Around niggers, pull triggers.
This is intense
The media kikes have convinced them they would win because of muh athleticism and bbc.
They neglect to mention the population, intelligence, training, organization, etc. gaps that would allow whites to eradicate them in under a week.
Even if you flipped it around and it was 5 blacks for every 1 white I can still say with certainty that whites would win.