What image comes to mind, when you think Democrat?

What image comes to mind, when you think Democrat?

An ass.





some skinny weak guy with no testosterone, or the pic you posted, or a black guy in the media


just noticed how for no reason she mentions he used to do drugs

A very sad, Andrew Jackson Who had to watch his party become a den of vipers and thieves.




Oy vey

This and pic related

Some obese bitch with an attitude

Here are two democrats.

Unlike the traditional republican Sup Forums-going Trump voter they have active lives and a close circle of friends.


I think of based Andrew Jackson.

It's so sad that even Sup Forums goes with the narrative that liberal = democratic.


Oh I'm sure she is great friends with Tyrone and Jamal




carl the cuck


wanting to exterminate real life gollum is hateful...



Wtf? Is there a context to this?








Oh, snap. That's my neighbor. He's pathetic, aye?

This. The greatest human being to ever live.

that guy in the middle was my neighbor. Real talk.

Yeah, now that you mention it, he kinda looks like Canada. Small world.


its from an old german porn studio called avantgarde extreme
