
Someone explain it to me like I'm 8.

Is this good for Trump

Is this good for Brexit

Could this lead to Frexit?

Other urls found in this thread:



Time to break out ol' choppy

Oh no goyim, what are you doing?



Well at least if Hillary wins we can look forward to this in 2 years. If it means a few thoustand leftist women get raped by minorities, illegals, or refugees then good. Whenever I read stories about refugees raping or abusing people, I always say in my head "well if it's a leftist, then good, she deserved it"

>French rising up in mass revolt.


I hope so!

Any Jeans or Javairs to confirm this?
What's going on?

In the history books they'll refer to this form of political backlash as Trumpism. We will have Trumpist politicians and Trumpist policies.

In France? Most likely anarcho-communist college students protesting that there are no jobs and demanding open borders.

>protest about elites
>media barely covering it

Nothing is happening

Everything is fine goyim

Completely false but would be nice maybe.

They are protesting because they don't think that there is enough immigration

>frenchcucks protesting
like everyday and nothing changed that day

French Revolution pt. 2

>Oct 25th

This isn't news, this is olds!

inb4 muslim brotherhood takes over

France's current government (French Socialists) is not even going to allow a referendum on EU membership; They are just cucking the people against their will on every issue and the people are starting to have a...revolution or something.

Im certain this has never ever happened in France before. :^)

It's actually a photo of Hillary's most recent rally.


lol 2/10 b8

Can't wait to flee this shithole and surrender my citizenship tbf

oh yeah buddy good old france

Watcha do'in, Rabbi

even if it results in the death of millions. it'll be worth it.


I hope you're right

>Could this lead to Frexit?
I fucking hope so. The EU can't dissolve fast enough.

I would like to hear from any frog about the situation over there. Being a Virginian, I have a certain adoration for classical French architecture and culture and I do hope they're doing alright.

Bastille Day Part Deux

Keep thinking small you abbo suffrage sympathizer.
Such low energy

They must be sharpening Ye Olde Noggin' Falleroffer

Trump is a civil nationalist.
He'd be aligned with the mainstream, here.
Got citizenship ? You're french/american :^)

And remember, there is no "french/american race". But don't mind us celebrating the replacement/extinction of the french/american race ;^)

That's what they want you to do. Or to die silently. We've been carefully demoralized.

Yup, I'm sure the freedom movement will work just as well in France as it has in America. I mean, what could go wrong?

Great, they'll overthrow the ruling elite only to install another ruling elite because the French think you can have socialism and freedom simultaneously.


do it faggots

You think there'll be mass slaughter ? A worldwide genocide ?
Will i be able to be part on a death squad ?

I completely lost hope, is there something you know that'd bring hope back ?
Will we exterminate the subhumans, user ?

It's bullshit btw. Fake as fuck.

>no jobs and demanding open borders.

Things is, most of my family and acquaintances are cucks spouting said demoralising rhetoric.
It's one thing having propaganda on tv, but hearing it from the mouths of your loved ones ?
Yeah, i guess it's not called "démoralisation" for nothing.

/r/equesting copypasta/screen cap list of -----'exit' examples.

etc etc

It was fucking hilarious.

Time to start beheading

this happens every month in France because the government isn't socialist enough

Sounds like bullshit. They couldn't keep a protest of millions quiet. I'd love it if they really did break out the guillotines though.

Don't think too hard about it. The cucks, virtue signalers and others traitors sure aren't.

I face a similar dilemma with my own family on the whole Trump issue.
What's frightening is that it is word for word the same as what they hear from mass media. I'm worried about them.

Bernie supporters had no jobs and demanded open borders

757 here

I must admit this is pretty impressive.

do you support the suppression of goyims?

The French constantly protest for no reason

see and

A few months ago there were millions of French people all over France protesting against gay marriage, not a sound out of the media

Did you see that Hillary rally in Chicago after the Cubs won? 5 million people with Her, I read

right now cultists rule all over the globe in different countries

you can hardly miss if you go straight for their execution

I swear I remember the last time France got together to protest the ruling elite.







Dont give a shit about goyim, just leave us alone and let us deal with our own shit.

It's just information you haven't heard yet

>Israel wants people to just leave them alone

Do you love Sarah Palin as much as she loves you, Israel?

Whats with those strange buildings user? It doesnt look like America!

Meant for

my nigga.

>"French citizens"
>turns out they're all chanting in Arabic

French district of New Orleans, just don't look into it too much, goy





I'm currently being attacked for my somewhat disturbing opinions and bad temper on the french thread

Ye whats wrong with that?

Ive been to NO. Doesnt ring a single bell.

You meddling kikes are pulling the strings of every western government, yet you "just want to be left alone."

Fuck off. The sooner some rogue missile destroys Israel, the better.

>Someone explain it to me like I'm 8.
Alright son, a site with a title like "Neon Nettle - Alternative News, Unfiltered Truth, Conspiracy Fact & Awake Media Source." is called clickbait.

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Yeah, I'm sure the ruling elite is really shaking in their boots.
What are they gonna do, punch them out of office?



Can I get more links to stuff happening in France please.

probably protesting for more free gibs
that's the only thing french fags protest for

not their corrupt elite betraying them selling their country to third worlders

So, I want this to be true, bit in not finding SHIT. Anyone got a secondary source?

Video link ?

Every time we do a militery operation in gaza the western goverments gets butthurt over it and tells us to stop, so yeah fuck off and let us do our own thing.

Baked off that dank 24/7

I don't give a fuck about Gaza. I care their your kike friends are ruining the governments, banks, and media outlets of every major media outlet. We're bring overrun by degenerates and shitskins because of the morals espoused by your institutions.

archive.is links are being posted on Sup Forums and reddit to gather I.P.'s for intelligence agencies.

That is just embarrassing. And they say having a 50% approval rating is bad...

I searched that image.

There are like 100s of stories with the same title on hundreds of different websites from different times this year.

OP is some gook trying to get shekles from adclicks on his bot sites.


The next few years are going to be fun as fuck.

Why don't they ever have guns?

reddit get out now

>the western goverments gets butthurt over it and tells us to stop

Bullshit you control the western Government you lying Jew.

Looks like their police are protesting the mudslime invasion too.

Police discontent was fueled by an incident in a town near Paris earlier this month, where a gang petrol-bombed four police officers in a patrol car.
Unions say a surge in criminal gang activity and militant attacks has put extra strains on police.
Thousands of police and soldiers have been deployed to guard airports, train stations and other sites in response to Islamist attacks that have killed more than 230 people in France in the past two years.


Its you kikes, what the fuck do you want from israel?

Deal with your kike fucking kill them for all i care.


Wtf does this mean?

I know you're using jewgle translate to write. You could at least put a little effort to write your comment in English.

Retard, it's not really their identity politics that are fucking everything up,
it's you for falling for the bait. Why do you think they run around spewing all
this incredibly divisive garbage? It's because while they get everyone all upset
and distracted, they're off committing the real crimes without so
much as a peep of dissent.

>goyim it's just a coincidence that the kikes are the ones at the head of all the media institutions and banks, they're just trying to distract you

I'll just repost this adequate pasta from a French guy:

>I'm getting more and more surprised about how vague reports on France are. I mean, it's a country with 83% of internet coverage, record growth, record number of emails, calls and texts, record presence on social networks, some of the biggest news channels and websites of Europe and the world, and TF1 channel news being the most viewed of Europe before even the BBC… and the rest of the world still somehow has a completely distorted view of France.

>I just don't get it. Reports are always so fucking wrong I barely know where to begin. And it's always been that way, for as long as I can recall, except I now view those old events under an entirely different (((light))). It seems France is always depicted as a chaotic country, the smallest reason is always used to pretend France is in full civil war, the most ridiculous strike or protest always gets epic proportions when viewed from afar with every single fact hugely exaggerated. Except the (((bad))) ones, like the protests against gay mariage in late 2012/early 2013, some the biggest protests in France in centuries, even bigger than those after the attacks last year, and which were hardly reported outside of France.

>Everytime this happens, I'm reminded of the Arab spring, of Ukraine, of all this fabricated chaos through social network attacks.

I can confirm there is NO CHAOS in France right now. A couple petitions against "refugees" in Paris, the hosting center set on fire... the usual, but no chaos. This really looks like another "revolution", or more adequately, a test run to see how much we can tolerate. It's hard to bullshit the French, unlike sandniggers, we won't just believe stuff because we see it on social networks, we'll check, call relatives, and expose the lies.

As another French once said, this is a boiling frog situation. We won't react until it's too late, but clearly, we haven't begun.

Paris has barely woken up yet, all is calm.