Sup Forums on suicide watch

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>mexican warlocks


>tfw facing a South Korean shaman and Mexican warlock in 2v2 arena

fucking warlocks

Don't reply to shill shit especially about 3rd world Mexicans ffs

also the Monkey King from China already predicted Trump will win so

he looks more like a hobbit than a warlock desu

>Mexican warlock

fuck its over lads drumpfs finished

>mexican pansexuals

Kek's meme magic predicts Trump will win

Praise Kek


Is that Nate silvers butt buddy?

We're gonna make it.

China's monkey king has declared for Trump

Of course a warlock would want a wiccan to win

Nerf Warlocks Bungie.

Shut the fuck up and make me a healthstone, Paco.



Chinese Monkey King > Mexican Warlock

I missed it. Who is this chinese monkey king?

Warlocks dont accept mexicans into their order

>be me
>a taco warlock with bigger nose then bibi
>work with the forces of evil and shit
>shill for clinton

Top Kek. And also, checked.


Not to be confused with the US monkey king

I predict he'll be building a wall soon

Kek is more powerful than any pretender.


>Mexican warlock

Holy shit, so if she wins does that mean warlocks actually have power?

>its an actual monkey
holy shit

>Mexican intellectuals

KEK holy fuck my sides

el kekko wills it vato loco

He's been predicting mexico winning the soccer world cup since forever. He predicted Vicente fernandez dying before Juan Gabriel.
He's full of shit


this fucking faggot warlock gives predictions on all sorts of 50/50 shit

This faggot lost his wizard powers long ago, nobody takes him seriously

as I said in the last thread about this, if beaner magic worked mexico wouldn't be a disgusting shit hole.

I'll bet this fag can't even cast Meteo




can't match up to the monkey king from china

>mexican warlocks



>Works with demons
>Supports Hillary
It all adds up

omg whats ur battle tag? lets play ;3