Honest Opinion on Hillary

Hello Sup Forums Politics!

What do you think of Hillary Clinton? Are you guys with her?

Other urls found in this thread:


btw im a girl


wanna make something of it?


She's a complete monster.
Literally among the most evil people in history.

shut up cunt

lololololololol no

cry more bitch faggot

Cute af


no one cares nerd

She is a fell homonculus cobbled together from old lizard skins and given life by an Illuminati mystic.

Post tits with time stamp. You know the rules.


Her official record should be enough to make her unelectable. (Same goes for Trump's mouth)

I'm with her getting the electric chair.



dont worry i get the reference


The world will be a better place when she is executed for treason

I don't support child sex traffic rings, soory

I hate her.
The first woman president should be someone with how isn't a monster.

You bet

Sup Forumstard tears are going be extra delicious Tuesday

Do I look so fabulous?

get out you fucking wallstreet lizard

spotted the newfag, >>>/reddit/ is that way



been here longer than you twerp

No real political motivators other than money. She sold her soul out to special interests long ago.

Even now she probably has about as much political fire within her as the average child, she just couldnt care less, all that matters is Big Daddy pays her her allowance.

Shes also just a mouth piece, a single part, albeit a big part, of a much bigger Political Establishment. Killing her wouldn't stop any movement they bring, just postpone it at best, until they can get another piece. Shes only kept around because she has dirt on all the other pieces. If her money dried up you bet shed throw a hissy fit.


that is a rude thing to say

